The Valley of the Moon

Chapter 19

"Oh! I forgot! I want to show you something." From her purse she drew a slender ring of plain gold and pa.s.sed it around. "My mother"s wedding ring. I"ve worn it around my neck always, like a locket. I cried for it so in the orphan asylum that the matron gave it back for me to wear. And now, just to think, after next Tuesday I"ll be wearing it on my finger.

Look, Billy, see the engraving on the inside."

"C to D, 1879," he read.

"Carlton to Daisy--Carlton was my father"s first name. And now, Billy, you"ve got to get it engraved for you and me."

Mary was all eagerness and delight.

"Oh, it"s fine," she cried. "W to S, 1907."

Billy considered a moment.

"No, that wouldn"t be right, because I"m not giving it to Saxon."

"I"ll tell you what," Saxon said. "W and S."

"Nope." Billy shook his head. "S and W, because you come first with me."

"If I come first with you, you come first with us. Billy, dear, I insist on W and S."

"You see," Mary said to Bert. "Having her own way and leading him by the nose already."

Saxon acknowledged the sting.

"Anyway you want, Billy," she surrendered. His arms tightened about her.

"We"ll talk it over first, I guess."


Sarah was conservative. Worse, she had crystallized at the end of her love-time with the coming of her first child. After that she was as set in her ways as plaster in a mold. Her mold was the prejudices and notions of her girlhood and the house she lived in. So habitual was she that any change in the customary round a.s.sumed the proportions of a revolution. Tom had gone through many of these revolutions, three of them when he moved house. Then his stamina broke, and he never moved house again.

So it was that Saxon had held back the announcement of her approaching marriage until it was unavoidable. She expected a scene, and she got it.

"A prizefighter, a hoodlum, a plug-ugly," Sarah sneered, after she had exhausted herself of all calamitous forecasts of her own future and the future of her children in the absence of Saxon"s weekly four dollars and a half. "I don"t know what your mother"d thought if she lived to see the day when you took up with a tough like Bill Roberts. Bill! Why, your mother was too refined to a.s.sociate with a man that was called Bill. And all I can say is you can say good-bye to silk stockings and your three pair of shoes. It won"t be long before you"ll think yourself lucky to go sloppin" around in Congress gaiters and cotton stockin"s two pair for a quarter."

"Oh, I"m not afraid of Billy not being able to keep me in all kinds of shoes," Saxon retorted with a proud toss of her head.

"You don"t know what you"re talkin" about." Sarah paused to laugh in mirthless discordance. "Watch for the babies to come. They come faster than wages raise these days."

"But we"re not going to have any babies... that is, at first. Not until after the furniture is all paid for anyway."

"Wise in your generation, eh? In my days girls were more modest than to know anything about disgraceful subjects."

"As babies?" Saxon queried, with a touch of gentle malice.

"Yes, as babies."

"The first I knew that babies were disgraceful. Why, Sarah, you, with your five, how disgraceful you have been. Billy and I have decided not to be half as disgraceful. We"re only going to have two--a boy and a girl."

Tom chuckled, but held the peace by hiding his face in his coffee cup.

Sarah, though checked by this flank attack, was herself an old hand in the art. So temporary was the setback that she scarcely paused ere hurling her a.s.sault from a new angle.

"An" marryin" so quick, all of a sudden, eh? If that ain"t suspicious, nothin" is. I don"t know what young women"s comin" to. They ain"t decent, I tell you. They ain"t decent. That"s what comes of Sunday dancin" an" all the rest. Young women nowadays are like a lot of animals. Such fast an" looseness I never saw...."

Saxon was white with anger, but while Sarah wandered on in her diatribe, Tom managed to wink privily and prodigiously at his sister and to implore her to help in keeping the peace.

"It"s all right, kid sister," he comforted Saxon when they were alone.

"There"s no use talkin" to Sarah. Bill Roberts is a good boy. I know a lot about him. It does you proud to get him for a husband. You"re bound to be happy with him..." His voice sank, and his face seemed suddenly to be very old and tired as he went on anxiously. "Take warning from Sarah.

Don"t nag. Whatever you do, don"t nag. Don"t give him a perpetual-motion line of chin. Kind of let him talk once in a while. Men have some horse sense, though Sarah don"t know it. Why, Sarah actually loves me, though she don"t make a noise like it. The thing for you is to love your husband, and, by thunder, to make a noise of lovin" him, too. And then you can kid him into doing "most anything you want. Let him have his way once in a while, and he"ll let you have yourn. But you just go on lovin"

him, and leanin" on his judgement--he"s no fool--and you"ll be all hunky-dory. I"m scared from goin" wrong, what of Sarah. But I"d sooner be loved into not going wrong."

"Oh, I"ll do it, Tom," Saxon nodded, smiling through the tears his sympathy had brought into her eyes. "And on top of it I"m going to do something else, I"m going to make Billy love me and just keep on loving me. And then I won"t have to kid him into doing some of the things I want. He"ll do them because he loves me, you see."

"You got the right idea, Saxon. Stick with it, an" you"ll win out."

Later, when she had put on her hat to start for the laundry, she found Tom waiting for her at the corner.

"An", Saxon," he said, hastily and haltingly, "you won"t take anything I"ve said... you know... --about Sarah... as bein" in any way disloyal to her? She"s a good woman, an" faithful. An" her life ain"t so easy by a long shot. I"d bite out my tongue before I"d say anything against her.

I guess all folks have their troubles. It"s h.e.l.l to be poor, ain"t it?"

"You"ve been awful good to me, Tom. I can never forget it. And I know Sarah means right. She does do her best."

"I won"t be able to give you a wedding present," her brother ventured apologetically. "Sarah won"t hear of it. Says we didn"t get none from my folks when we got married. But I got something for you just the same. A surprise. You"d never guess it."

Saxon waited.

"When you told me you was goin" to get married, I just happened to think of it, an" I wrote to brother George, askin" him for it for you. An" by thunder he sent it by express. I didn"t tell you because I didn"t know but maybe he"d sold it. He did sell the silver spurs. He needed the money, I guess. But the other, I had it sent to the shop so as not to bother Sarah, an" I sneaked it in last night an" hid it in the woodshed."

"Oh, it is something of my father"s! What is it? Oh, what is it?"

"His army sword."

"The one he wore on his roan war horse! Oh, Tom, you couldn"t give me a better present. Let"s go back now. I want to see it. We can slip in the back way. Sarah"s washing in the kitchen, and she won"t begin hanging out for an hour."

"I spoke to Sarah about lettin" you take the old chest of drawers that was your mother"s," Tom whispered, as they stole along the narrow alley between the houses. "Only she got on her high horse. Said that Daisy was as much my mother as yourn, even if we did have different fathers, and that the chest had always belonged in Daisy"s family and not Captain Kit"s, an" that it was mine, an" what was mine she had some say-so about."

"It"s all right," Saxon rea.s.sured him. "She sold it to me last night.

She was waiting up for me when I got home with fire in her eye."

"Yep, she was on the warpath all day after I mentioned it. How much did you give her for it?"

"Six dollars."

"Robbery--it ain"t worth it," Tom groaned. "It"s all cracked at one end and as old as the hills."

"I"d have given ten dollars for it. I"d have given "most anything for it, Tom. It was mother"s, you know. I remember it in her room when she was still alive."