The Valley of the Moon

Chapter 85

"I"ve got credit in this valley, I"ll let you know," he replied. "An" I sure strained it some this afternoon. Now guess."

"A saddle-horse?"

He roared with laughter, startling the colt, which tried to bolt and lifted him half off the ground by his grip on its frightened nose and neck.

"Oh, I mean real guessin"," he urged, when the animal had dropped back to earth and stood regarding him with trembling suspicion.

"Two saddle-horses?"

"Aw, you ain"t got imagination. I"ll tell you. You know Thiercroft. I bought his big wagon from "m for sixty dollars. I bought a wagon from the Kenwood blacksmith--so-so, but it"ll do--for forty-five dollars. An"

I bought Ping"s wagon--a peach--for sixty-five dollars. I could a-got it for fifty if he hadn"t seen I wanted it bad."

"But the money?" Saxon questioned faintly. "You hadn"t a hundred dollars left."

"Didn"t I tell you I had credit? Well, I have. I stood "m off for them wagons. I ain"t spent a cent of cash money to-day except for a couple of long-distance switches. Then I bought three sets of work-harness--they"re chain harness an" second-hand--for twenty dollars a set. I bought "m from the fellow that"s doin" the haulin" for the quarry. He don"t need "m any more. An" I rented four wagons from "m, an" four span of horses, too, at half a dollar a day for each horse, an" half a dollar a day for each wagon--that"s six dollars a day rent I gotta pay "m. The three sets of spare harness is for my six horses.

Then... lemme see... yep, I rented two barns in Glen Ellen, an" I ordered fifty tons of hay an" a carload of bran an" barley from the store in Glenwood--you see, I gotta feed all them fourteen horses, an"

shoe "m, an" everything.

"Oh, sure Pete, I"ve went some. I hired seven men to go drivin" for me at two dollars a day, an"--ouch! Jehosaphat! What you doin"!"

"No," Saxon said gravely, having pinched him, "you"re not dreaming."

She felt his pulse and forehead. "Not a sign of fever." She sniffed his breath. "And you"ve not been drinking. Go on, tell me the rest of this... whatever it is."

"Ain"t you satisfied?"

"No. I want more. I want all."

"All right. But I just want you to know, first, that the boss I used to work for in Oakland ain"t got nothin" on me. I "m some man of affairs, if anybody should ride up on a vegetable wagon an" ask you. Now, I "m goin" to tell you, though I can"t see why the Glen Ellen folks didn"t beat me to it. I guess they was asleep. n.o.body"d a-overlooked a thing like it in the city. You see, it was like this: you know that fancy brickyard they"re gettin" ready to start for makin" extra special fire brick for inside walls? Well, here was I worryin" about the six horses comin" back on my hands, earnin" me nothin" an" eatin" me into the poorhouse. I had to get "m work somehow, an" I remembered the brickyard.

I drove the colt down an" talked with that j.a.p chemist who"s been doin"

the experimentin". Gee! They was foremen lookin" over the ground an"

everything gettin" ready to hum. I looked over the lay an" studied it.

Then I drove up to where they"re openin" the clay pit--you know, that fine, white chalky stuff we saw "em borin" out just outside the hundred an" forty acres with the three knolls. It"s a down-hill haul, a mile, an" two horses can do it easy. In fact, their hardest job"ll be haulin"

the empty wagons up to the pit. Then I tied the colt an" went to figurin".

"The j.a.p professor"d told me the manager an" the other big guns of the company was comin" up on the mornin" train. I wasn"t shoutin" things out to anybody, but I just made myself into a committee of welcome; an", when the train pulled in, there I was, extendin" the glad hand of the burg--likewise the glad hand of a guy you used to know in Oakland once, a third-rate dub prizefighter by the name of--lemme see--yep, I got it right--Big Bill Roberts was the name he used to sport, but now he"s known as William Roberts, E. S. Q.

"Well, as I was sayin", I gave "m the glad hand, an" trailed along with "em to the brickyard, an" from the talk I could see things was doin".

Then I watched my chance an" sprung my proposition. I was scared stiff all the time for maybe the teamin" was already arranged. But I knew it wasn"t when they asked for my figures. I had "m by heart, an" I rattled "m off, and the top-guy took "m down in his note-book.

""We"re goin" into this big, an" at once," he says, lookin" at me sharp.

"What kind of an outfit you got, Mr. Roberts?""

"Me!--with only Hazel an" Hattie, an" them too small for heavy teamin".

""I can slap fourteen horses an" seven wagons onto the job at the jump,"

says I. "An" if you want more, I"ll get "m, that"s all."

""Give us fifteen minutes to consider, Mr. Roberts," he says.

""Sure," says I, important as all h.e.l.l--ahem--me!--"but a couple of other things first. I want a two year contract, an" them figures all depends on one thing. Otherwise they don"t go."

""What"s that," he says.

""The dump," says I. "Here we are on the ground, an" I might as well show you."

"An" I did. I showed "m where I"d lose out if they stuck to their plan, on account of the dip down an" pull up to the dump. "All you gotta do,"

I says, "is to build the bunkers fifty feet over, throw the road around the rim of the hill, an" make about seventy or eighty feet of elevated bridge."

"Say, Saxon, that kind of talk got "em. It was straight. Only they"d been thinkin" about bricks, while I was only thinkin" of teamin".

"I guess they was all of half an hour considerin", an" I was almost as miserable waitin" as when I waited for you to say yes after I asked you.

I went over the figures, calculatin" what I could throw off if I had to. You see, I"d given it to "em stiff--regular city prices; an" I was prepared to trim down. Then they come back.

""Prices oughta be lower in the country," says the top-guy.

""Nope," I says. "This is a wine-grape valley. It don"t raise enough hay an" feed for its own animals. It has to be shipped in from the San Joaquin Valley. Why, I can buy hay an" feed cheaper in San Francisco, laid down, than I can here an" haul it myself."

"An" that struck "m hard. It was true, an" they knew it. But--say! If they"d asked about wages for drivers, an" about horse-shoein" prices, I"d a-had to come down; because, you see, they ain"t no teamsters" union in the country, an" no" union, an" rent is low, an" them two items come a whole lot cheaper. Huh! This afternoon I got a word bargain with the blacksmith across from the post office; an" he takes my whole bunch an" throws off twenty-five cents on each shoein", though it"s on the Q. T. But they didn"t think to ask, bein" too full of bricks."

Billy felt in his breast pocket, drew out a legal-looking doc.u.ment, and handed it to Saxon.

"There it is," he said, "the contract, full of all the agreements, prices, an" penalties. I saw Mr. Hale down town an" showed it to "m.

He says it"s O.K. An" say, then I lit out. All over town, Kenwood, Lawndale, everywhere, everybody, everything. The quarry teamin" finishes Friday of this week. An" I take the whole outfit an" start Wednesday of next week haulin" lumber for the buildin"s, an" bricks for the kilns, an" all the rest. An" when they"re ready for the clay I "m the boy that"ll give it to them.

"But I ain"t told you the best yet. I couldn"t get the switch right away from Kenwood to Lawndale, and while I waited I went over my figures again. You couldn"t guess it in a million years. I"d made a mistake in addition somewhere, an" soaked "m ten per cent. more"n I"d expected.

Talk about findin" money! Any time you want them couple of extra men to help out with the vegetables, say the word. Though we"re goin" to have to pinch the next couple of months. An" go ahead an" borrow that four hundred from Gow Yum. An" tell him you"ll pay eight per cent. interest, an" that we won"t want it more "n three or four months."

When Billy got away from Saxon"s arms, he started leading the colt up and down to cool it off. He stopped so abruptly that his back collided with the colt"s nose, and there was a lively minute of rearing and plunging. Saxon waited, for she knew a fresh idea had struck Billy.

"Say," he said, "do you know anything about bank accounts and drawin"



It was on a bright June morning that Billy told Saxon to put on her riding clothes to try out a saddle-horse.

"Not until after ten o"clock," she said. "By that time I"ll have the wagon off on a second trip."

Despite the extent of the business she had developed, her executive ability and system gave her much spare time. She could call on the Hales, which was ever a delight, especially now that the Hastings were back and that Clara was often at her aunt"s. In this congenial atmosphere Saxon burgeoned. She had begun to read--to read with understanding; and she had time for her books, for work on her pretties, and for Billy, whom she accompanied on many expeditions.

Billy was even busier than she, his work being more scattered and diverse. And, as well, he kept his eye on the home barn and horses which Saxon used. In truth he had become a man of affairs, though Mrs.

Mortimer had gone over his accounts, with an eagle eye on the expense column, discovering several minor leaks, and finally, aided by Saxon, bullied him into keeping books. Each night, after supper, he and Saxon posted their books. Afterward, in the big morris chair he had insisted on buying early in the days of his brickyard contract, Saxon would creep into his arms and strum on the ukulele; or they would talk long about what they were doing and planning to do. Now it would be:

"I"m mixin" up in politics, Saxon. It pays. You bet it pays. If by next spring I ain"t got a half a dozen teams workin" on the roads an" pullin"

down the county money, it"s me back to Oakland an" askin" the Boss for a job."

Or, Saxon: "They"re really starting that new hotel between Caliente and Eldridge. And there"s some talk of a big sanitarium back in the hills."