The Void Emperor

Chapter 19

Long Xingyue: "Father, when will we begin with your so-called "Suffering"?"

Long Haoran: "Hoo... you seem pretty eager to train, don"t you... daughter?"

Long Xingyue: "Hmph! Of course! How can I let my younger brother be better than me? I want to be as strong as him!"

Listening to daughter"s rambling and nagging, Long Haoran grinned from ear to ear. Ryuu who was sitting by the table while they had a sweet dinner would laugh from time to time.

Asura Ryuu: "Father, this is good. What"s the name of this meal?"

As if taken by surprise, Long Haoran looked at Ryuu with interest.

Long Haoran: "You like this?", he asked.

As if waiting for the question Ryuu nodded strongly. It was simply too fast to even react to, that"s how fast Ryuu"s nod was. When Long Haoran carefully looked at Ryuu, he could see excited eyes with a slightly shaking hands quickly devouring everything in front of them. Cold sweat began coming out from his pores, but of course, with a good enough reason for that:

"This kid is so excited about this meal, how can I tell him that it"s a rare piece of meat that even I was reluctant to take out ... Now that I think about it, how did it happen that I prepared this?"

While Long Haoran"s gaze grew distant as he fell deep in thought, Long Xingyue"s eyes were glued to Ryuu not wanting to even blink if she could. "Kyaa~! He"s so adorable when he eats... so cuteeee!!!"

Ryuu noticed sister"s hot gaze which made him feel like a research sample. "Am I that interesting? Or do I have something on my face so she"s holding herself back from laughing?"

Of course, Ryuu"s mentality remained the same as before but the influence of a young age can"t be overwritten by a mere 25 years or so and he had to know what"s bugging him out of curiosity.

Asura Ryuu: "Sis, do I have something on my face?"

Long Xingyue: "Eh? Ah? N-n-no, no. Nothing. It"s nothing."

Not expecting to be called out so suddenly, Long Xingyue"s tongue almost tied in a knot out of panic while her cheeks turned crimson, even her ears weren"t spared. She quickly lowered her head just so she could avoid Ryuu"s sharp gaze which made her even more ashamed. "H-h-h-h-he noticed me staring at him, what do I do now?! Oh no, what if dad noticed as well?".

She quietly glanced to the side and let out a sigh of relief because her dad was still deep in thought that he looked like an unmoving statue.

"It"s good father didn"t see me or he would scold me again. So what if Ryuu is my brother, he is so cute and cool, how can I not fall in love with him? Hmph! Stupid dad, you never understand your daughter."

Long Xingyue: "Brother!", she blurted out suddenly, startling Ryuu so much that he even stopped madly eating the food.

Asura Ryuu: "Eh?"

Long Haoran: "Mm??"

Her voice didn"t only startle Ryuu, it also startled Long Haoran and broke his train of thought. Now that both Ryuu and Long Haoran were looking at her with curiosity, Long Xingyue found herself in an awkward position but shortly after, she regained her wit and burning pa.s.sion.

Long Xingyue: "Brother, promise me that you"ll never grow up!"

"Eh? What?", Ryuu thought. "What"s this about now?!... Well whatever, guess I"ll go along with it."

"Um! I promise! I"ll always be your little brother and I will never give up. I give you my word!", Ryuu said with a serious tone which startled Long Haoran. He looked at the two of them, one with a fierce expression staring at the other with a serious expression and he became even more confused. "Did I do something?", Long Haoran thought.

Long Haoran: "Umm, daughter ... where"d that come from? Did I do anything to upset you?"

Long Xingyue glanced at her dad and then turned away her head, acting angry. Ryuu found that act funny but restrained from laughing because the situation was kind of awkward right now.

Long Xingyue: "Hmph! Stupid dad, I"m not going to talk with you anymore!! Brother, come with me!"

Asura Ryuu: "Eh?"

"What"s going on here?", Ryuu thought while his eyes were alternating between his sister and father. "How did it become like this? Is there something between them because of why she hates father?"

Asura Ryuu: "Come with you? Where?"

Long Xingyue: "It"s very important so I can"t tell you here. Anyway, just come with me!", she said while glancing at her father and crossing her arms in front, making a high-and-mighty stance. Right after that, she stood up from the chair and, while pulling Ryuu by the hand, ran out of the house together with Ryuu.

Long Haoran: *Sigh*, "Does she still hate me because of her mother? Or is it something else now ..."

His eyes grew distant again as memories surged. The screams of his wife, her sorrow and anger. The resentment he felt at that moment. It all came back at once, choking his heart with emotions. Without realizing it, an extremely fierce and overbearing aura seeped out of his body while the table and everything else almost crumbled under the pressure. When Long Haoran got a hold of himself again, he saw a messed-up room with overturned furniture and something was even broken.

Long Haoran: "....."

Long Haoran: *Sigh*, "I did it again..."

Long Haoran: "Just when will I be able to save you, dear?"

The question was not the only thing that fell because his shirt was already wet from tears that streamed down his eyes like a broken dam. All of Long Haoran"s anger and resentment turned into sorrow and sadness.

Long Haoran: "Daughter, for once you did a good thing because you ran away from home... If you saw your useless father like this, what would you think? What would Ryuu think?", Long Haoran thought while staring at the sky.

Long Haoran: "Dear wife, I"ll definitely save you. After all, we have another kid to care for and it"s troublesome doing it alone so I might as well need your help.", Long Haoran thought while smiling, but everyone would know that smile is only an outer appearance which was hiding a very terrifying monster beneath it when it comes to somebody dear to him.

Long Haoran: "Filthy sc.u.m! Just you wait... when I send Ryuu and Xingyue to the academy, I"ll be coming after you all! Long Haoran remembers his enemies well..."


Asura Ryuu: "Sis, what"s this all about? Why did we run away from home like that?"

Long Xingyue: "Hmph! Who would like to stay with that good-for-nothing father? Let"s go I want to show you something."

Ryuu became slightly interested and intrigued after he heard that, which made him ask: "Where are we going?"

Long Xingyue: "You will see when we come there. For now, just follow me and don"t tell anyone about that place."

Asura Ryuu: "What"s so important that she wouldn"t even tell her father about it? I"m curious."

Little Dragon: "Oy, Ryuu. Doesn"t this seem a bit strange?", a gentle voice resounded in Ryuu"s consciousness.

Asura Ryuu: "What do you mean, little master?", Ryuu asked with a slight interest in his voice.

Little Dragon: "It seems strange, your sisters" physique and your father. Both of them are very special, unlike other people near here so that must mean there"s something fishy going on with their situation."

Asura Ryuu: "What about my father?"

Little Dragon: "Hm? You didn"t notice it?"

Asura Ryuu: "What? That aura from a moment ago was father"s?"

Little Dragon: "Yeah, that"s your father"s aura, belive it or not."

Asura Ryuu: "Hmm? Is that so..."

Little Dragon: "..."

Little Dragon: "Why do you sound so unsurprised? Did you know it already?"

Asura Ryuu: "Well, I wouldn"t say I knew already, but I was kind of expecting it from the moment you told me about Xingyue"s unique condition."

Little Dragon: "Hee, so you are indeed sharp. As expected from my man, hahaha."

Asura Ryuu: "Hmph! Since when did I become your man, why are you dreaming?"

Little Dragon: "Hehe, don"t worry. I will take good care of you and n.o.body would be able to harm you. With me there are only benefits and never misfortune, aren"t you lucky?"

Asura Ryuu: "Heh, I"m so lucky that I feel like I could die with no regrets right now."

Little Dragon: "Hmph, you little..."

Little Dragon: "Anyway, I"m interested as well as to where your sister would lead you exactly. Don"t be surprised if you get a.s.saulted, hahaha."

Asura Ryuu: "Hmph, as if you would allow her to even try it, am I not your man?"

Little Dragon: "Hee, you know your way with words, as always ..."

Little Dragon"s voice became silent for some time while Ryuu was observing the path his sister was leading him on while remembering it. Suddenly, a voice which seemed as if filled with loneliness and worry appeared in his mind again;

Little Dragon: "Hey Ryuu ..."

Asura Ryuu: "Hmm? What is it, little master? Why do you sound so down?"

Little Dragon: "If you had to choose between me and your sister who would you choose?"

Asura Ryuu: "..."

This short moment of silence was like a year to the little dragon.

Asura Ryuu: *Haaaah.....*

Asura Ryuu: "Why would you even ask that question if you know the answer?"

Little Dragon: "W-well... I don"t know. Even though we both belong to each other, this is a first for me so I"m a bit insecure about it..."

Asura Ryuu: "You know all too well that there is not a single living thing which can replace you and even if someone forced me to choose, I would choose both because both of you are my only family, you know?"

Little Dragon: "But you can see that your sister is in love with you. You wouldn"t break her heart, would you."

Ryuu noticed the hidden trap that this question carried within. It was obvious that it"s not an intentional trap, but if triggered it can be deadly. "So, If I answered that I"d break her heart it would make little master even more insecure because she would think that the same might happen to her sometimes, is it? Darn, I hate how complicated love has to be..."

Asura Ryuu: "I don"t know what you want me to answer, but I am certainly sure that you and I can never be separated even by force, so by that fact alone, I am only your from the six years ago for all the eternity. And don"t be so down anymore, my other Soul Spirit is resonating with you, it can be dangerous if it runs wild, you know?"

Little Dragon: "Eh? It can go wild? Is it because of me, it cant be like that, right?"

Asura Ryuu: "So she can get scared too, hmm?", he thought.

Asura Ryuu: "It can, but the condition it requires are extreme emotions, so don"t worry about it anymore, my fool."

Little Dragon felt touched now even more than ever up until this moment for all the million years she was alive.

Little Dragon: "Hmph! Who would worry about you! Even if your sister falls in love with you, she can only be second and I must be first, got it?"

Asura Ryuu: "Understood, master!" Ryuu said with a serious voice which made little dragon laugh crazily.

Little Dragon: "Hahaha, it"s so funny. Don"t try to imitate a grown-up with that cute voice, It will kill me one day, hahaha!"

A smile formed on Ryuu"s lips as he heard little dragon"s laughter. "My master is the best when she is happy, after all."

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Long Xingyue: "Brother, why are you smiling?"

Asura Ryuu: "Hm? Ah, nothing. I just remembered something funny."

Long Xingyue: "Ehh! What is it, tell me?"

Asura Ryuu: "Mmm, nothing important. Anyway, when are we coming there?"

Ryuu"s strategy of countering question with question worked really well on a young girl as his sister.

Long Xingyue: "Ah, we"re there soon. I can"t wait to show you! You will definitely like it!!"

Asura Ryuu: "Hmm ... Will I?"

Long Xingyue: "Yep! I"m super super sure that you will like that place!"

Asura Ryuu: "Hahaha, let"s hurry up then."

Long Xingyue"s cheerful and energetic "Um!" fluttered in the wind as their little forms disappeared in the forest.

But unknown to them ... a fearful shadow slowly but steadily crept after them.