The Void Emperor

Chapter 21

Long Haoran: "Mo Lan, what are we going to do if someone finds out about us?"

The woman called Mo Lan looked at Long Haoran with a complex look on her face and not knowing what to answer, she could only sigh.

Mo Lan: "Haaa..."

A beautiful woman with white hair, black eyes and crimson symbol on her forehead sighed while staring at Long Haoran, who had a troubled expression written all over his face.

There was a baby in her hands, happily sleeping while sucking on her own thumb which was a replacement for the food. It seemed funny but at the same time also cute. Long Haoran looked at his baby and his eyes were filled with affection;

Long Haoran: "Xingyue, you will grow up to be a good girl one day, maybe you will even surpa.s.s your mother in the future."

As he was saying what he had on mind, a smile crept across his face and his heart became filled with melancholy, happiness, and satisfaction.

Mo Lan: "Dear, you worry too much sometimes. I know that you love both of us but you have to relax a little. You can"t be this tense every day or it will be bad for your health."

Long Haoran: *Haah*, "Maybe you"re right, I am tense every day, but ..."

Long Haoran looked at Mo Lan and stared deeply at her black eyes as if trying to embed her appearance in his head for some reason. After a while, his eyes drifted to the crimson symbol on Mo Lan"s forehead while confusion spread within himself.

As if noticing confusion in her husband, Mo Lan gently asked;

Mo Lan: "What"s wrong, dear?"

Long Haoran: "Mo Lan, what does that symbol on your forehead mean?"

The crimson symbol had a unique shape, resembling something like a rhombic figure with the top point stretched up while two more "spikes" extended from the left and right point going upwards.

If one paid enough attention, they would notice that the symbol on her head was actually a trident without a handle, albeit a bit abstract and uncommon.

Mo Lan: "This is the mark of the Sea G.o.d which our demonkind has been entrusted with. Although it is as I said - for some reason, we can"t awaken our Soul Spirits and we can"t discover anything related to the symbol."

Long Haoran: "Does that mean that every demon has that symbol?"

Mo Lan: "Yes, but the design differs a little. Only our Mo family has the original design which is the same as the ancestor who received the blessing of the Sea G.o.d. Although we can"t hide the mark from our forehead, not many of us go outside anyway so that"s why your kind doesn"t know about this trait of us demons yet."

Long Haoran: "You say your family doesn"t go out, but why are you the only one that went out at that time?"

Mo Lan: "..."

Mo Lan looked at the baby in her arms and smiled.

Mo Lan: "Because I ran away from that solitude and that sad place ..."

At this point in time, her head was raised and she was gently and pa.s.sionately looking at Long Haoran.

Mo Lan: "And, thanks to that, I found you two.", as Mo Lan said that, a smile bright enough to outshine the sun appeared on her face while she caressed the baby"s head slowly and gently sliding along the shiny skin.


Five years after Long Xingyue was born, in the room which currently got occupied by Long Xingyue, Long Haoran, and Mo Lan, the happiness emanating from the family was spreading to every corner of the room, but what neither of them knew is that a catastrophe was going to befall them very soon.

And, as if arranged by fate, a strong tremor came from outside the house while the shockwave shattered the windows, there were even some cracks crawling up from the base of the house.

Happiness on Long Haoran"s face transformed to fear, despair and helplessness in an instant as if it was there, to begin with.

Long Haoran: "It can"t be them, can it? I hope .... not."

While Long Haoran was observing their surroundings in search of the enemy, even bigger despair crept on his face~

Long Haoran: "Three, no four thousand of them and there are even four emperors ..."

Long Haoran shifted his eyes to the side where Mo Lan was calming Long Xingyue down while the seed of anger and unyieldingness flared up in the depths of his soul, while he vanished from the spot and appeared around a kilometer above the house staring with a piercing gaze into a distant horizon where the thousands of Spirit Masters were marching in their direction. What caught his attention were not those mere thousands, rather he focused on the four "emperors" who were in the air as if standing on it or rather as if the air currents were carrying them along as they were levitating and slowly trailing behind the marching armies.

The transparent barrier that was surrounding the house and perimeter had become visible long ago and there was a large part missing. That part was shattered just now which caused the tremor as well when the barrier fell apart. The sheer force did blast the ground apart and even their house suffered some of the residual waves as the first meter above the ground had countless cracks in it.

Long Haoran"s thoughts were more worried about something else right now though - "The base of the house shattered, which means those emperors combined have enough power to fight a demon king alone ..."

Long Haoran: "Things are not going well for us here, it seems..."

At this moment, Mo Lan appeared next to Long Haoran with Long Xingyue in her arms. The first thing Mo Lan did was to check Long Haoran"s eyes, which were now as desolate as the desert.

Her emotions were a mess while Long Haoarn had to seal his own in order to think rationally. He knew that in a moment like this, his emotions would only bring forth the downfall of himself and his wife and daughter, therefore even if he couldn"t be a caring husband at the last moment he chose to be rational and to make the best decision possible.

Long Haoran: "Maybe it is just a misunderstanding, I"ll go check with them."

Mo Lan"s hand was faster than him though, as she grabbed his hand with such a force that not even someone possessing the great strength of the emperor like himself could break away.

"Do you really think there will be a misunderstanding if someone barges into your house with four emperors and four thousand Spirit Masters?", Mo Lan"s harsh and commanding voice tore through his ears even though she didn"t shout, rather it was as if that was her normal speech, only ...




Only the mad shouts of the soldiers reverberated as if to answer Mo Lan"s previous statement which was enhanced by Spirit Power causing it to spread over for dozens of kilometers in a radius around her. The reason Long Haoran heard her voice as commanding and ear-tearing was precise because of that.

Though, if somebody was stronger than Mo Lan they wouldn"t be affected by her voice but not a single human could ever be stronger than the demon, or at least that"s what common sense goes by.

The four emperors were already only a dozen tens of meters away from Long Haoran with a respective att.i.tude and slightly bowed.

Neither of them had any maliciousness like the Spirit Masters below because they were Long Haoran"s close friends and they knew fully well whether Mo Lan was what those beneath were claiming or not, but out of their duties, they couldn"t help it and had to follow their orders.

Long Haoran: "It came to this, didn"t it?"

One of them, a burly man with a rather huge build for a human came forth with a scroll and handed it over to Long Haoran while his face was that of displeasure and anger and there was even some sadness.

Long Haoran: "Don"t worry my friend, I knew this day would come sooner or later, but it seems somebody has a rather deep grudge against me if they chose to send my closest friends, huh?"

The other three could just nod their heads while the burly man in front just clenched his teeth and fists, helpless to do anything.

"Commander! Allow us to accompany you and run away from this wretched place!", he shouted in a deep tone.

A slender hand of a woman appeared on his shoulder and Mo Lan was already in front of him, shaking her head in denial.

"Miss...", his saddened voice escaped through the clenched teeth.

Mo Lan: "Don"t do this, you have your own families and wouldn"t want them to suffer, right?"

"But miss... Commander, he ..."

Mo Lan"s hand which was gently on his shoulder suddenly tightened and the contours of his face began twitching out of pain, but nevertheless, he endured.

"We still wish... Arghh. --- to accompany you two."


With a faint sound of a bone breaking, a sharp and domineering light filled Mo Lan"s eyes which turned from black to blazing red and the trident pattern on her forehead began wriggling and burning with a blazing crimson radiance as if it was alive.

"M-miss...", the burly man"s panicked voice resounded with pain in it.

Mo Lan: "Do your job here and go to your homes. This is an order in place of your captain!"

"Y-yes miss!"

Even though the man managed to say it despite the pain, he still had angry expression as if he was not content with a decision he had to abide with.

But before he could even think of protesting, gentle energy poured inside his shoulder and fixed the broken bone in an instant, as if it was a lie.

"As expected, the miss is as impressive as always. How I envy our captain.", he thought.

Mo Lan disappeared and came near the Long Haoran, reading what was written in the scroll.

"The demoness Mo Lan is to be apprehended and delivered to the capital within the time period of one day from the moment this scroll is delivered. Not abiding by the given command will be considered treason and immediate execution will be carried out on the place, followed by the execution of all the family members. In addition, the sinner who had a forbidden relationship with the demons shall leave the empire and bring his evil p.a.w.n with him - Emperor Long Tian."
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As Long Haoran finished inspecting the scroll with his Spirit Power, the scroll flared with golden light and dissipated into nothingness. He then turned to his friends with an unflinching expression, if there was even one, and asked with a calm and collected voice: "What will happen to Mo Lan?"

"Captain, she will be eternally sealed by all Spirit Emperors in the empire, quite possibly she will even outlive the whole humanity, at best. So there is no need to worry, your brother did all he could to convince everyone to this option."

Long Haoran: "Is that so ... Give him my regards and tell him that I will be back someday to take what is mine, let him tell those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds that they can celebrate for now."

"Commander, here"s the unofficial message from the Emperor!", one of the three behind said while the scroll slowly descended into the Long Haoran"s hands.

"Brother, I await for your return when Xingyue grows up so that We* can truly become the emperor with your help and make our dream true... Sorry for being a useless emperor, eternal sealing is as far as I could convince them, it will have to make a do until brother breaks through that rank, We* believe in you! Your dear brother, Long Tian."

Long Tian"s eyes welled up with tears even though his emotions were literally disabled at this time, these peculiar emotions transcended what Spirit Power was capable of, they came from the soul.

Those tears had the very heavy impact on Mo Lan, and in order to remain strong in Long Haoran"s perspective she left the Long Xingyue with Long Haoran and commanded his best friend to escort him and her daughter away from this wretched place, while she proceeded to the capital with the three behind and the only thing left at that place was a house and everything around it burning with a white fire, completely erasing the evidence that something existed here.

What neither of them noticed was the reflection of white fire in the eyes of Long Xingyue who just barely awoke when they separated. The white flame became the symbol of the tragedy that was later spread for many, many years in the empire where it happened, and that certain day became known in the public as "The dawn of justice" - or so that"s how the humans understood this day.

But for certain people, the justice was something they wished to destroy and it was just an excuse for evil deeds which made them loathe it, it"s just that n.o.body knew about it yet, at least for a next decade or so...



Ryuu"s sudden sneeze came without notice and much to his surprise as he was still patiently waiting for Long Xingyue to calm down while they were in the viridian lake and neither did he feel cold nor anything wrong with himself.

Asura Ryuu: "Aii, it couldn"t be that I"ve got a cold ... No way, I ain"t as weak as I was in my previous life, why would I get cold?!"

Why would he sneeze if he wasn"t as vulnerable to viruses as humans are, that completely made no sense...




Or did it?


*We as in "I, the emperor" - with honorifics. Long Tian uses it with an intention to make fun of himself and show how worthless he is as the emperor, considering that it is rather ironic to call himself the emperor while others control him from the shadows. (Here"s a little heads-up for the future story)