The Void Emperor

Chapter 31

Asura Ryuu: "Little master, now that I have my cores in the black hole, how can I start cultivating, what should I be doing to absorb the energy rapidly?"

Little Dragon: "You shouldn"t absorb it rapidly, rather you should go slowly to build up a steady foundation while tempering your body and Spirit Power at the same time."

Ryuu contemplated a bit about the problem and decided that rather than concentrating everything in a single core, he would spread it to the entire dragon and use the whole dragon as an actual core while filling it to the brim. What that actually meant is that instead of having only ten cores that were protected by each dragon, he would merge them completely and fill them up with Spirit Energy. In other words, the path Ryuu chose was having billions of cores instead of ten and filling the dragons up with cores.

"Now then it came to this part finally...", Ryuu thought.

Every finger on Ryuu"s hands became colored in a different color, each responding to the color of a dragon and it looked like it had stars within itself - the same as with the body of the dragon. Ryuu gestured and dragons came closer and closer to the center of the black hole, almost touching but he picked such a route that they wouldn"t touch. Of course, it wasn"t purely his intuition, he calculated the way to make each dragon revolve so they wouldn"t collide and yet their auras would merge only at the little point in the middle. What Ryuu wanted to do like this is to re-create the nine-colored emblem he broke apart, but at the same time add another dragon, making it ten-colored emblem and keeping each of the dragons separated so that they wouldn"t recombine as before.

The dragons communicated with each other, but n.o.body in this world except the nine of them knew what they were thinking, they completely trusted this boy even if they didn"t admit it and only for one reason: their elder sister did the same and she never misjudged someone. But, as people say, there is a reason for everything.

Little Dragon: "Ryuu, what are you actually planning? What you did right now has infinitely increased the complexity and difficulty of cultivation, let alone that you have ten such things to cultivate to the end if you want to advance."

Asura Ryuu: "I thought about it as well, that"s why I decided to do what I did."

Little Dragon: "Oh? Then show me how you will solve that problem."

Asura Ryuu: "Well, something like this."

Ryuu snapped his fingers inside his Spirit Sea, it surged and suddenly half of it was gone, only the pitch-black line connecting the middle of the sea with the black hole appeared in its place.

Asura Ryuu: "So, what do you think?"

Little Dragon: "I don"t get it, what did you do?"

Asura Ryuu: "Go outside and I"ll show you."


Ryuu opened his eyes and stood up, fully naked. His body already got used to the water from this waterfall and he saw his sister at the third waterfall - 300m high one and she gave off somewhat peculiar feeling.

Little Dragon: "Don"t be surprised, you were meditating for the whole week and she ain"t bad at all so you"re falling behind very very much."

Asura Ryuu: "Did she breakthrough?"
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Little Dragon: "Hoo, so you felt it, didn"t you?"

Asura Ryuu: "Yeah, I can feel the Spirit Energy around me and in everything else."

Little Dragon: "So, what did you wanna show me?"

Asura Ryuu: "Ah, this. Watch carefully."

Ryuu moved his 600-points-strong Spirit Power and it pa.s.sed through the pitch-black line being compressed as by the s.p.a.ce law while it traveled through the line, then it pa.s.sed through the black hole and...

A "pocket-sized" black hole appeared above Ryuu"s hand in the real world while there were ten dragons bathing in it, each long twenty centimeters or so while the diameter of a micro black hole was around thirty centimeters. The dragons were diving out of the black hole as if they would out of the sea and they glowed even when they dived back in even though their color was inverted and all.

The black hole here was the pathway between the two s.p.a.ces - Ryuu"s Spirit Sea and the real world.

The dragons suddenly stopped and flew out of the black hole, prolonging to the length of two meters and coiling around Ryuu"s body. Then the dragons disappeared and separate parts of their respective scales popped up from Ryuu"s body but it was ten different sections, not one dragon with ten colors.

Little Dragon found it pretty interesting but didn"t understand how that could solve Ryuu"s problem, at least not until Ryuu released all of his Spirit Emblems and the scales lit up and began madly devouring the surrounding Spirit Energy. It was so fast that it took away almost all of the Spirit Energy in the surrounding area in a mere minute through which Little Dragon stared blankly and even Long Xingyue awoke and joined her "staring session" when she saw G.o.d-like Ryuu again.

His scales were glowing and there was a single black-green pair of wings sticking out behind his back which were covered in the scales unique only to the Little Dragon. Ryuu broke through the tenth level in an instant and entered the new realm. His Spirit Energy absorption speed rose again because of the breakthrough but it took a thousand times more Spirit Energy to condense a single drop of Spirit Energy and in the end, Ryuu succeeded in making only two drops of it for each dragon, twenty in total for a mere ten minutes. But those two drops were like a blade of gra.s.s in the 1000-kilometer-long gra.s.s field - nothing.

Ryuu would have to fill up each of the dragons to the end in order to reach the Emperor level and breakthrough to the G.o.d realm, but that"s a long way to go.

But it is important to mention that Ryuu didn"t actually benefit by doing this but quite the opposite - he would have a qualitative challenge - it wasn"t important about which manual he used, Ryuu"s unique traits would not come to the full usage with any of them. The only place where he could find something like that is in the land of G.o.ds, but that"s a far cry from Ryuu at this point.

For example, let"s say it like this: If a usual Spiritist wanted to absorb the Spirit Energy, they would form a central spherical core somewhere in their body and compress everything in it as far as they could, and what Ryuu needs to do to have the same effect is to forge dozens of cores like that with the help of his ten Soul Spirits and then use the cores size of a dewdrop to fill each of the dragons with as much cores as possible. The benefit would show a bit in beginning up until level 30, where one forms a core. After that, Ryuu"s speed of advancement would exponentially drop but his Spirit Energy would be so dense that he could even create a microscopic black hole if he compressed it to the size of an atom. In other words, Ryuu would need to compress something that has the same energy as the Sun from his previous world and store it in his own Spiritual Sea which is a feat for itself.

Little Dragon: "..."

Little Dragon: *Sigh*

Little Dragon: "I don"t even know what to tell you anymore. True you will get a super boost in cultivation in early stages, but what after that?"

Asura Ryuu: "Well, for the part where it comes hard to compete with Spirit Energy intensity, I have solutions as well; First, I would have to enhance my body even further and second - my Spirit Power. I"ll need to use these to replace the Spirit Energy defect."

Little Dragon: "That sounds reasonable but there"s a bit of a problem if you haven"t noticed..."

Asura Ryuu: "Yeah, that"s quite the problem we have..."

Little Dragon: "Oh? So you knew?"

Asura Ryuu: "Didn"t you yourself tell me that my bones and veins are forged from your body which means that they are stepping into peak level and my Spirit Power quality and purity is reaching that realm as well... Which means it will be extremely hard to enhance it even further, right?"

Little Dragon: "Smart."

Asura Ryuu: "Heh."

Little Dragon: "You are the strangest of all the humans I"ve ever seen, that"s for sure."

Asura Ryuu: "Is that a compliment or?"

Little Dragon: "Pheh, don"t boast, as if you could so easily get a compliment from this Lord."

Asura Ryuu: "Ayy, here we go with the majestical speech again, *sigh*."

Little Dragon: "What? You are not happy with having someone like me for a lifelong partner?"

Asura Ryuu: "No - no. I"m more than happy but I have to tease you sometimes or it"s gonna be boring always admiring your majesty, heh heh."

Little Dragon: "Hmph, you little runt. Let"s see you pa.s.s those conditions which your father gave you two, I"m so gonna laugh when you fail, just you wait!"

Ryuu looked at the floating Little Dragon and as always, couldn"t help himself but admire her beauty. This ten-winged black-green girl with green eyes, elven ears and two majestic horns took his breath away, even though it was supposed to be strange, Ryuu didn"t find her appearance disgusting at all - he only found a breathtaking look of a lonely girl which desperately needed someone to spend the time with.

Little Dragon didn"t know what Ryuu was thinking and how he saw her, even sometimes this ancient being had her own moments of insecurity before the one she loves with her whole heart, but she usually spent that time in his Spirit Sea as to not give herself away. She noticed Ryuu staring at her with affectionate gaze and smiled a little while turning around and observing the changes happening to Long Xingyue under the third waterfall: "When did I become so forgiving to let myself share my man with another woman... What exactly changed in me?", she thought.

Little Dragon: "Well, it"s not important. She needs the time to grow up so there"s no real threat here yet.", these thoughts swam in her mind.

Ryuu only noticed his sister when Little Dragon turned around in her direction: "Ah, how shameful. I forgot to check how she"s doing..."

Ryuu stepped forward and approached the 300-meter high waterfall and looked at Long Xingyue"s peaceful figure. Even though it was night, there was plenty of light to shine on them given off by various plants surrounding the area around waterfalls.

Asura Ryuu: "It looks like she"s doing fine for now."

Ryuu turned around and wanted to go under the second waterfall but a sudden shine of light attracted his attention. He noticed that it was actually a little ball which reflected dim light, so dim that Ryuu almost didn"t notice it. He didn"t even feel it with his Spirit Power, let alone the Spirit Energy which he barely learned to use.

Ryuu extended his hand, making a grasping motion and a little dragon-shaped thread made of Spirit Power shot out from his palm, wrapped around the pearl and brought it back. The pearl was darkish-black and inside of it were crimson runes which were so thin that you could barely notice that they were runes. Ryuu"s interest in runes rose each time he saw another type of them. The first time he saw them was in their house, then at the lake and then here, in this enclosed area which Long Haoran made.

Ryuu observed the spherical object and after confirming that there"s no danger, he slowly inserted his Spirit Power inside it which triggered the rune array and all of the little runes on the pearl disappeared and entered his head which looked very funny and strange. The pearl became useless without those runes and Ryuu actually returned under the first waterfall so he could think peacefully about what he learned from these runes.