The Void Emperor

Chapter 34

After pa.s.sing the first trial, Ryuu and Xingyue got the reward for it - Body Cultivation Techniques.

Ryuu didn"t know the rank of the techniques nor their creators because it wasn"t stated in the pearl, but Ryuu had some kind of feeling that the trials he and Xingyue are pa.s.sing through right now are not made by Long Haoran but someone else, and not only the trials - rewards as well.

Asura Ryuu: "It"s too complicated for one man alone to do it, and there"s even an array disc below... it must be some kind of inheritance! After all, that"s how it was usually in the Martial Arts novels back on Earth..."

Of course, Ryuu didn"t find the disc by himself because that was impossible at the current level. His Spirit Power was around a thousand and two hundred when he "awoke" from the Illusion realm and came to this world, after that he didn"t have the chance to measure it again because the Spirit Stone broke.

But even if he couldn"t measure it, that doesn"t mean his Spirit Power didn"t improve and rise - when all of his Soul Spirits awoke, Ryuu"s Spirit Power rose to around 1800 and after that, when he found and merged with The Origin Art, his Spirit Power immediately rose for additional thousand which meant at that point he had 2800 Spirit Power.

After that, Ryuu continued to improve the connection between his Spirit Sea and the Black Hole in it and successfully established "wireless" connection - in other words, the black line which extended from the Spirit Sea to the Black Hole was replaced by a mysterious feeling that neither Ryuu nor Little Dragon knew what it was. But it didn"t come without its costs because his Spirit Power then fell a bit and was exactly a quarter of his current realm - 2500. After breaking through the second realm and stepping into third - Spirit Core Formation Realm, Ryuu"s Spirit Power rose to 3000 and froze at that number. For now, neither his Spirit Power nor his Spirit Energy could improve further and the later one made Ryuu slightly disappointed.

However, not everything was so grey because they found a suitable Body Cultivation Technique which complemented Long Xingyue"s Starry Body - Mystic Body Art.

This technique is, as its name says, mystic and mysterious and that"s why neither Ryuu nor Xingyue actually understood it fully, but Little Dragon told Ryuu that it is suitable for Long Xingyue hence why he made her cultivate it.


Long Xingyue sat in a meditation pose while circulating the Mystic Body Art technique and felt her body burn at times, while at others she felt as if there was wind or lightning in her blood vessels, especially veins. Sometimes there was wind, sometimes lightning, fire, coldness and so on.

She found out that according to which elements she absorbed from the air and converted to Spirit Energy, the same sensation would appear in her body.

Long Xingyue opened her eyes, glancing at the rising sun in the distance. The time she opened her eyes was exactly at that moment because she lost the feeling of the stars in the sky and the connection with them became dimmer so she decided that it"s time to bring body cultivation to the end.

When she opened her eyes, apart from the faint green sun rising in the distance, another thing entered her eyes - Ryuu"s handsome figure.

For a kid only seven years old, his body was in top shape and there were even muscles on his arms, legs, and six-packs showing, but only faintly. Why could little kid have such a body when that makes no sense? As mentioned before, Ryuu"s body isn"t actually a body of the little kid - it"s more like a twenty-years-old boy suddenly shrank in size of a seven-year-old child while his figure remained completely the same, only smaller.

That"s precisely why Ryuu had muscles and long hair at such a young age.

But Long Xingyue"s eyes weren"t attracted to his body - they were glued to the scene of a green reflection of the sun in Ryuu"s green-black eyes which made them look like there was a sun inside of them and not its reflection. The greenish-black hair flowing along with the wind around the same length as her own almost took her breath away. Regardless of how many times she"d seen this scene, it always leaves her breathless.

As if feeling her gaze, Ryuu turned his head to the side and saw that his elder sister stopped meditating and was staring at him, which was as usual and he understood her completely - it happens to him as well when he sees his master or her Sea G.o.ddess form.

Long Xingyue came back to reality and the glow in her eyes became stronger and filled with excitement: "Brother, the Mystic Body Art is really good, I felt as if there were wind, lightning, and rain in my body! It was awesome and exciting, why don"t you try as well?"

Ryuu smiled and in that scenery, his smile seemed as if it could steal any maiden"s soul, but it only left Long Xingyue in a momentary daze before she recollected herself.

Asura Ryuu: "Hehe, don"t worry Xingyue. I don"t need any of the body cultivation techniques because I have a special kind of body const.i.tution. I only need to train and perfect it even further and make it as strong as I can. Anyway, how is your progress with the Spirit Core? Can I check?"

Long Xingyue looked at Ryuu"s handsome face and nodded instinctively, not even bothering to think about it for a second or two.

Ryuu"s green eyes shone purple and an illusory figure of a purple dragon flashed behind his back, but it was only an illusion brought by his terrifying mental strength. With his Spirit Power of three thousand, Ryuu could feel everything around him in the diameter of three kilometers. If he had a way to measure his Spirit Power, Ryuu would certainly write down an equation in his mind:

1 Point of Spirit Power = 1 meter

But since he couldn"t feel anything related to his Spirit Power except that it reached a bottleneck, he didn"t know this information.

Ryuu had a trait which he brought with himself to this world from the past one: Everything he does is done all the way to the end, sometimes even reaching the extreme boundaries and whenever he observes something, he takes a scientific point of view. That"s why in this world he promised himself to reveal the secrets behind the Laws of the universe which included molecules, atoms, quantum relations, DNA, human brain and so on.


When Long Xingyue saw those purple eyes, she felt as if all of her secrets were revealed before them and it made her heart thump harder and her blood pressure rose, which hastened her circulation of blood and slightly left her dazed for a few seconds. Considering the inheritance she got, her mental power was strong for her age, but it was nowhere near Ryuu"s. She didn"t know how much Spirit Power she had and her father never made her measure it either.

Now, are you wondering why he measured Ryuu"s and didn"t do it to his own daughter? Simple - because he couldn"t see through Ryuu and it intrigued him. But that curiosity cost him a high-quality Spirit Stone which could test Spirit Power, however - he didn"t regret as he got such an amazing son.

Ryuu observed Xingyue"s blood flow and with all of his 3.000-point strong Spirit Power tried to increase the scale at which he could see her body but found out that it only had several times increase of his vision and he couldn"t reach the molecular level yet. "How much more does my Spirit Power have to evolve in order to see something so small, and it"s even under the influence of Purple Dragon Soul Spirit which is based on Spirit Power, without it there"s only 0.5 times increase in my vision. Haaah, this is troubling me a little...", Ryuu thought.

Nevertheless, Ryuu let that alone and focused on Long Xingyue"s Spirit Core Seed. It wasn"t a fully formed Spirit Core yet - let alone that, it didn"t even enter the beginning stages. Xingyue only found the best spot where her Spirit Core would be and that"s where the best flow of Spirit Energy is - in her heart.

Ryuu only nodded his head as it was logical to him that it should be there. While thinking about Spirit Core, Ryuu"s mind was also filled with another thought: "Why was it that Spirit Core in novels was always formed in one of the three dantian areas and not at the heart? Isn"t it only logical to have Spirit Core somewhere where the Spirit Energy circulation is the strongest?"

Regardless of how logical his thoughts were, people in this world didn"t think like that - for them, placing Spirit Core in the heart was equal to suicide considering how hard it was to control Spirit Energy to form a solid core inside the heart.

But the reason why Xingyue could do this was not only one, there were several factors included and those were:

- She had the inheritance from the Sea G.o.d - Deep Blue Dragon. Even if her blood purity index was small, now it didn"t matter because Ryuu"s Soul Spirit made her blood retrace back to the same type as the Deep Blue Dragon. Under the influence of that blood and her unique Starry Body, her entire body was stronger which included the heart, vessels and so on.

- She had stronger Spirit Power so her control over Spirit Energy was stronger than those of the same age and even stronger than some of the so-called "geniuses" of the current era.

Neither Ryuu nor Xingyue knew that their brave attempt changed the entire philosophy of the cultivation and opened up a new path to the future of this planet and civilization.

Leaving that aside, Ryuu observed the flow of her Spirit Energy and tried to gain some insights for himself, because he didn"t have any cultivation technique and could only absorb Spirit Energy from the air by force. Inside his body, gas-like substance flowed through his veins as if disregarding blood. It seemed as if the two were on separate spatial layers and couldn"t interact with each other unless one tried to merge them forcefully which is extremely dangerous.

After observing for some time, Ryuu noticed a drop of cold sweat form on Long Xingyue"s head and tried to sense her state of mind through his Crimson Dragon Soul Spirit. The only thing he felt was fear and unease from her mind. He figured out that it was due to the violent and aggressive nature of his Spirit Power which was changed like so under the influence of his mental-type Soul Spirit.

Out of consideration for her, Ryuu recalled his Soul Spirit and felt her state of mind return to normal, cheerful self and it brought a faint unnoticeable smile on his face.

Asura Ryuu: "Come on Xingyue, let"s go. We have eight more trials to complete and leave this thing.", Ryuu said with a bright smile that awoke the fiery compet.i.tive spirit in Xingyue.

As the two went to the center of their current area, they saw the array that was described in the pearl when they finished the first trial and stood in the middle of it. There were a certain kind of runes which Ryuu couldn"t understand but nevertheless, he remembered them in his mind. The strong part about Ryuu"s Purple Dragon Soul Spirit was that he could memorize anything at a glance - even aura and fine details couldn"t escape, but that was only possible because of his strong Spirit Power and special kind of memory that he had - he remembered everything as connected arrays of information instead of pictures or similar unlike how a human"s brain usually remembers things. Ryuu even doubted whether it was due to his body being made from the dragon"s but as he couldn"t find any info on it, he gave up on the thought. The unique thing about this kind of memory was that he could remember the exact feeling of everything, including emotions, aura, even the arrangement of some fine details which were usually left aside.

The array flashed and both of them disappeared while a beam of light shot out from the nearby area in this limited s.p.a.ce surrounded by mountains and when the beam disappeared, Ryuu and Xingyue stood in its place.

Asura Ryuu: "A short distance teleportation array, huh?"

Ryuu and Xingyue observed the place they got to and found out that there were some figures floating in the air but they were transparent and they only found out when their Spirit Sense came in contact with them.

Ryuu had a bit of difficulty feeling their exact form because as soon as his Spirit Sense touched a figure it"d fly away at the fastest speed and disappear, which didn"t happen in Xingyue"s case.

Ryuu doubted that it was because of the Little Dragon"s aura which was merged within his Spirit Power and could only sigh.
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At that moment, the same voice as before appeared in their minds: "The second trial - Spiritual area has begun. Mission: Reach the end of the path before you. Time limit: One year."

Ryuu and Xingyue glanced at each other while Ryuu"s thinking voice escaped his slightly agape mouth: "Time limit, path... Could it be that there"ll be Spiritual Pressure along the path of some kind?"

Long Xingyue: "Spiritual Pressure?"

Ryuu looked at her and decided to show her instead of explaining; His eyes flashed with piercing purple color while in their depths a faint green color appeared but it was different from the usual green-black one, this green color was full of life and vitality.

When Xingyue saw those eyes, her mind, body and soul trembled and she forgot to breathe. The impact was strongest on her soul because of the difference between the strength of their Spirit Power, but after the initial feeling of death, a comfortable and refreshing feeling spread in every corner of her body. While she was feeling stunned, Xingyue noticed the faint green dot in Ryuu"s eyes and when she looked at it she had the feeling of looking at a vast valley filled with life energy and vitality which calmed her soul and had a soothing feeling.

This was the effect of Ryuu"s Green Dragon Soul Spirit merged with Purple Dragon Soul Spirit. The former was the Soul Spirit which was based on life energy while the later was mental-type.

Ryuu did this so that he wouldn"t wound Long Xingyue"s soul and mind and his Green Dragon Soul Spirit actually helped cleanse the fatigue from the past several months that acc.u.mulated in Xingyue"s soul.

As his eyes returned to the usual color, he looked at the path in front of them and his brows furrowed as he said: "Something like that, but without the refreshing feeling. That"s Spiritual Pressure."