The Void Emperor

Chapter 14

As Ryuu absent-mindedly stared at the black humanoid cover permeated in green cracks, those same cracks fell off one by one like egg"s sh.e.l.l shattering and paving a way for a new life to emerge out of it.

What greeted him was the beautiful darkish, mirror-like skin and a girl around his size with beautiful appearance.

But wait.

Beautiful is not enough to describe it (Here I cry because I don"t know to draw and can"t make it visual).

That is not beautiful, that creature can only be described as G.o.dly.

A pair of glittering dragon horns on the head, colorful hair fluttering in the wind as each strand merges with nature, grouped in ten groups of different colors. A befitting image of a G.o.ddess, with hair length slightly above her calves, a pair of five-clawed dragon claws coated in mirror-like black fluid matter forming a shape of dragon scales replacing what should be a pair of arms. A dragon tail fully covered in sharp razor-edged scales about 1.2 meters long, ten-colored crown slowly revolving above her head depicting the true deity-like appearance.

But that"s nowhere near the end of the girl"s beauty.

A completely naked figure stood in front of Ryuu - to be precise there"s a thin layer of scales here and there covering the important parts but most of the girl"s figure was laid bare for him to see.

It"s hard to believe that is the body of a six-year-old girl.

Actually, it isn"t.

She might look small but that"s only to match Ryuu"s size, her body is of a fully grown woman in her twenties shrank to the size of a six-year-old child.

Asura Ryuu: "A L-loli? A dragon LOLI? Holy s.h.i.t this is amazing!", he thought.

Although his mind was wandering, his attention was nowhere near her beautiful and curvy body.

The reason for that being her beautiful slim and oval-shaped face and a pair of attractive eyes.

Her left eye was completely lime green while the right was b.l.o.o.d.y red. Within them could be seen the vast starry sky making her look breath-taking. On the sides of her head, pointy elven-like ears so small, almost unnoticeable covered in faint scales, thin nose, cherry lips, and dark shiny skin like a jade carving left him utterly speechless.

The most eye-catching occurrence about the dragon girl was ten wings stretching out behind her back while each one had different-colored scales matching her hair.

A deity before him had long eyelashes and her aura had a faint demonic charm, most of it is covered by strong but non-oppressive presence. Instead, the feeling she gave off standing there before Ryuu was the one of staring at Mother of Nature as she completely blended with surroundings, winds surging around her body while flight-type spirit beasts formed a circle on sky-high trees near them with head bowed low as if greeting their king.

Not only flight-type beasts paid respect though, the whole radius of hundred kilometers around them any beast that felt her aura prostrated before heaven and earth in the direction where the two of them stood.

???: "As an apology, I can only do this..."

As her charming voice ended, her dark slender hand stretched out with all the fingers except the index finger folded as strong pitch-black sphere flew out of her finger and landed between Ryuu"s brows submerging into his head.

The black sphere had a dignifying aura which made every beast laying prostrate stand-up and let out heaven-shaking roars, expressing admiration and respect for their king.

Asura Ryuu: "That was?"

???: "That is something that can grant you any wish disregarding the laws of this world during this day, so better think of something before you run out of time, it"s very precious so make good use of it."

???: "I know it may not sound like something worthy of apology for wasting six years of your life but it"s something very precious and I only had two."

At that moment, as if Ryuu realized something, his brows furrowed and eyes closed a bit.

Asura Ryuu: "Had? Does it mean this is the last one?"

The girl nodded in confirmation turning her head to the side slightly avoiding making eye contact with him.

How could this escape Ryuu"s sharp eyesight, even if he didn"t look since they are close to each other he could sense it with his Spirit Power.

Asura Ryuu: "Why did you give me something so precious, you don"t need to go so far for a simple apology."

???: "For you, it might seem like a simple apology, but for me, it means a lot more than that. Doubting the person I chose is not something I can forgive myself for, so if I didn"t do something to make up for it I couldn"t rest easy."

Asura Ryuu: "Mm, it"s behind us now so don"t get too worked up about it. Would you mind explaining everything a bit first? I don"t understand anything that happened recently."

The girl faintly sighed lowering her head while her ten wings flapped gently and gracefully, almost instantly appearing in front of Ryuu. Then her already extended finger lightly touched his forehead and ma.s.sive surge of the information entered his head almost making him scream out of pain.

Just a moment later everything ended and her gentle hand slid down from Ryuu"s forehead to his cheek as she held his head gently and then hugged him tightly.

At that moment Ryuu"s mind was filled with two things: "Soft" and "Bouncy".

As if she felt what was on Ryuu"s mind, the girl eased her embrace and looked straight at his purple eyes.

As she stared at those eyes, her heart began speeding up and thumping louder than ever, which reflected on Ryuu as well almost as if their hearts were merged as one.

As the scene went on -




Just a blink later their lips met as long eyelashes closed and a gentle breeze made the girl"s hair float.

However, as if reminding them of the audience all of the flight-type beasts ascended in the air circling around them in the air and, together with the beasts in a 100-kilometer radius let out heaven shaking roar, so strong that earth visibly shook as every living being from an ordinary plant, insect, stalk of gra.s.s, all the way up to spirit beast and heavenly plants cheered with excitement and mad energy surged instantly elevating the soul energy level in that area.

At this point in time, Ryuu already had the same scales as the girl in his embrace as he felt joy and happiness from the bottom of his soul. In his heart, something was moving around like a fish swimming in water as if cheerfully dancing according to Ryuu"s emotions.

As their lips parted and both of them opened their eyes, a girl stood rooted in place staring at Ryuu"s new appearance.

His hair turned ten-colored, similar to her hair and wings, but he only had two pitch-black wings behind his back while green veins permeated the scales on them, his arms already being the same as her five-clawed claws, but the difference is that every claw on Ryuu had a different color and two spirit marks manifested behind him.

One being a coiling black dragon, while another being nine-colored five-clawed dragon.

As the girl saw the nine-colored spirit mark her vertical pupils widened considerably as she stutteringly muttered some words;

???: "This is ... how is that possible?!"

She asked absent-mindedly while staring at Ryuu who was lost in the feeling from a moment ago.

In the next moment, she had a look of understanding on her face as her expression became dignified while her head was already rooted at the black hole in the colorful sky.

???: "I wasn"t the only one it seems..."

As the girl said that she gently caressed colorful scales on Ryuu"s body which brought him back to reality.

???: "Ryuu, I"m sure you are unaware of how unique you are, so you should keep a low profile from now on. Your soul spirits are awakened from the moment you were born. No human, even among the G.o.ds had this kind of occurrence so if you stand out too much the whole world will be after you. No, not the whole world, all the worlds in this plane would be after you."

Asura Ryuu: "My soul spirits eh? You being one of them, I can somewhat understand, but what about the nine-colored dragon? Why is it not also humanoid form like you?"

???: "Should I tell him about that realm? Isn"t this way too soon?" she thought.

???: "Forget it I own him at least that much."

???: "That soul spirit is not from this world, it"s from G.o.d realm. Although I"m not sure why you have it, I have a general understanding but that"s not important for you now. You need to know only one thing: Never use it lightly because this plane could collapse if your power is strong enough."

And surely, it made Ryuu completely stunned.

Asura Ryuu: "It"s that strong?!"

???: "Um. Dual spirits are not that rare, there were even triple spirits, but your dual spirits are special among special so, you should use only my spirit mark, leave nine-colored one for last-case scenario."

Ryuu fell deep in thought while observing his body with his spirit sense, while he was in deep thought, his eyes slowly closed and he entered the state of meditation.

Seeing the little fellow before her so serious, the girls smiled an lied down next to Ryuu staring at the sky as some of the Spirit Beasts slowly approached and rubbed their head against her surrounding Ryuu and her in a tight circle.

The two of them seemed like children of nature as Spirit Beasts and Spirit Plants affectionately took care after them.

The girl turned her head to the side glancing at the scales and wings Ryuu had and satisfied smile surfaced on her face beaming with happiness, but suddenly - her body shook and she instantly appeared in front of Ryuu her hand already touching his head.

Her eyes drifted to the nine-colored emblem that radiated nine-colored light like a sun and the black orb that flew out of Ryuu"s head integrated into the center of it.

???: "Isn"t that the Divine Mark? What"s he doing? I told him it"s precious don"t tell me he is playing around with it?!" she thought.

But as her thoughts reached that point ...






Nine heaven-shaking dragon roars erupted from the mark as an octagonal array appeared on the nine-colored mark, and then ... it broke.

Her heart fiercely contracted and her eyes almost popped out of shock as a terrified expression emerged on her face.

???: "He"s not destroying his second soul? Right? Tell me that I"m wrong, please tell me that I"m wrong!!" her thoughts screamed.

However, contrary to her expectations, the broken spirit mark did not dissipate and disappear but split apart into nine separate emblems each having a different color.


The girl fell to her knees shaking in fear as she stared at ten spirit marks hovering above Ryuu.

All Spirit Beasts, including her, loudly roared as ten-colored lightning clouds surged above them.

Their combined roar had a dignifying meaning ... the meaning of respect.

As the heaven rumbled and the earth shook from that roar, heaven responded in a similar manner.

The whole continent was covered in pitch-black clouds made out of liquid while different colorful lightning flashed and heavenly pressure crashed down on earth, shaking the whole continent.

The only one unaffected was Ryuu.



A lightning strike strong enough to split the mountains in half rushed towards Ryuu, but instead of falling, ten different meter-long dragons ran out of his body and swallowed all the lightning that was about to hit.

As soon as they swallowed the lightning ten dragons, together with other spirit beasts and the Dragonoid girl near the Ryuu roared in direction of the heavens and dark clouds dissipated.

At that moment, several eyes opened.

Ryuu"s ten-colored pair of eyes opened as his pitch-black wings with green stripes now had ten different colors instead of green, but remained pitch-black as before.

???: "T-t-te-ten sou spirits!!!! Madman! Monster! What the h.e.l.l are you??????" The girl roared at the top of her lungs at Ryuu but as her eyes met his, a restless mood filled her heart, and she rushed into his embrace.


Crimson red eyes opened in the dark s.p.a.ce filled with disdain directed to the world.


Golden eyes fiercely opened as the old man with a strong *boom* rushed out of the palace observing the phenomenon in the distance.


Pairs of eyes with vertical pupils and purple color opened looking in the direction where thunder clouds originated from as mighty voice resounded:

"Find out what happened"





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A similar situation repeated itself through the whole continent while the black-scaled Dragonoid girl lied in the embrace of a six-year-old boy fully covered in ten-colored scales while caressing her colorful hair surrounded by a horde of beasts.

Asura Ryuu: "I may be mad or crazy or whatever you say, but in order to have the power to protect that which is important, I"ll do anything necessary. Even if it meant that I would advance ten times slower than others through realms."

???: "Mm, your decisions, I"ll always support, but that"s not the only problem. You won"t find suitable cultivation techniques and martial arts suitable for your ten martial spirits. The most martial spirits one human had were three, and that was a long long time ago. That person has already left for the G.o.d realm and he had to sacrifice one of the Soul Spirits in order to adapt to the cultivation technique. What would you do then?"

Asura Ryuu: "I"ll just create my own!"

As Ryuu resolutely clenched his claws he looked at the sky and the black hole slowly rotating and thought;

Asura Ryuu: "This happiness, I"ll never let anyone ruin it even if I had to turn the Heavens around!"

As his resolute thought spread to the girl in his embrace, her heart filled up to the brim as she let go of all her worries and fell asleep in his embrace.

As her consciousness was fading one thought left her mind: "Everyone, wait for me. I"ll be back soon."