The Void Emperor

Chapter 26

The shock which Ryuu and Xingyue received was a bit too overwhelming for them so it took some time for them to "come back to life" from it.

The first one to wake up was Ryuu because of his strong Spirit Power which successfully contained Long Haoran in place for a split second. You have to know, what happened there was something which, by common sense, would not seem impossible because n.o.body would even try to think that someone who didn"t even step on the path of the cultivation could make someone on the peak of it helpless even for an instant. Of course, it has to be noted that Long Haoran didn"t go all-out, he wanted only to train them and temper their bodies as well as make them aware of their surroundings even in their sleep, but it turned out the way it did because of Ryuu"s mighty Soul Spirit.

Ryuu looked around himself as he slowly stood up when the sharp pain a.s.saulted his head. With the help of his master, Ryuu somehow managed to stabilize the pain in his head and left the room after checking the condition of his sister.

When Ryuu came downstairs and entered the living room, he saw Long Haoran preparing a meal in the kitchen.

Asura Ryuu: "Father, can I help you with that?"
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Ryuu behaved normally as if he didn"t know that the thing a while ago was his father"s responsibility.

Long Haoran turned around and with a smile, he said: "Hehe, if you really want to, then here, come help me peel this thing.", while extending the knife in his hand to Ryuu and pointing to something which resembled onion, but it was vastly different which is normal considering that even plants and rocks in this world can cultivate by absorbing the Spirit Energy.

Ryuu came closer and wanted to take the knife out of his father"s hands but as soon as he touched he knife an ominous killing aura a.s.saulted him again - the same one as a while ago.

As a natural reaction, Ryuu released his Soul Spirit and his body became coated in water-like scales in an instant while his eyes turned to the deep blue dragon eyes.

It looked like Ryuu forgot that he was this hostile to his own father because Ryuu"s mind was occupied by one thought - to save his life.

The terrifying killing intent which a.s.saulted him wanted to break through to even his Spirit Sea and completely destroy his soul.

At this moment, Long Haoran slowly raised the knife and moved it closer to the point where Ryuu"s heart was.

In Ryuu"s perspective, the knife was like a palatial sharp sword hanging in the sky above him threatening to fall any moment and cut him in two halves. As it approached, Ryuu began sweating more and more, but this time he didn"t get knocked unconscious by the killing intent.

"Why am I fine now when the killing intent is as strong as before, could it be that I adapted to this feeling?", Ryuu thought. He didn"t need to think anymore because he felt a familiar feeling which he knew very well by now - a feeling when a Soul Spirit awakens.

In the depths of his heart, a strong and unyielding dragon roar spread through every corner of his soul while in his Spirit Sea a pitch-black dragon flew out of the water and entered the black hole faster than lightning. As soon as the dragon touched the black hole, behind Ryuu emerged pitch-black dragon-shaped Spirit Emblem while his eyes turned crimson red and his water-like scales retreated inside his body, immediately being replaced by the pitch-black scales with no visible outline. One couldn"t even count how many scales there were or see their shape because everything except Ryuu"s eyes was black - no visible lines or visible shapes, just perpetual darkness covering his body.

Long Haoran"s arm holding a knife paused and could move neither forward nor backward because even his own killing intent disappeared much less the strength in his body. The Ryuu before him right now was like a G.o.d of Killing, the scales began releasing dark smoke which swirled around Ryuu, not leaving the radius of meter and a half, while his crimson eyes pierced straight into Long Haoran"s soul disregarding any defenses.

Long Haoran felt as if the entire sky was full of sharp swords which could pierce him at any given moment while his entire body lost its strength and he almost fell on his knees while staring into those eyes. The most fearsome thing is that there seemed to be a vortex in Ryuu"s eyes ensuring that anyone who only once glanced at them could not move his eyes away any longer.

Ryuu only now realized that the killing aura from before was from his father and when he saw how miserable his father looked right now, he tried recalling his Soul Spirit but it didn"t respond to his will. Even before Ryuu could panic, again the same feeling appeared as like a second ago, but this time instead of the dreadful pitch-black dragon, the emblem"s shape, as well as the scales, remained the same except the color changing to pure white while Ryuu"s eyes remained crimson red.

One moment, Ryuu looked like the G.o.d of Darkness being coated in darkness with piercing crimson eyes while now he looked like the G.o.d of Light radiating holy aura with domineering crimson eyes which had the same effect as the ones when he was in "black form".

At this time in Ryuu"s Spirit Sea, two exactly the same dragons, one black one white, circled around each other in the center of a black hole and both of them flew out at the same time, returning to the sea.

Little Dragon, of course, saw the entire process outside, as well as inside Ryuu"s spirit sea, and couldn"t help but praise Ryuu"s courage when he decided to break his second Soul Spirit apart.

True, when all of the dragons were merged the very quality of the Soul Spirit was the same as her which now degraded because they were separated, but if every of these nine reached the peak, they would transform to the same quality as before which would mean that Ryuu would be having ten Soul Spirits of the highest quality there ever was.

Little Dragon: "This brat, even his awakenings are this amazing - two Soul Spirits at once and his Spirit Sea wasn"t even fazed a little bit, truly a monster..."

While Ryuu didn"t know what occurred in his Spirit Sea, he finally returned to the normal state, but now his hair didn"t have seven colors anymore, there were only five - black and white disappeared while his eyes returned to the usual green-black.

Asura Ryuu: "Sorry father, it was an instinct, I hope you don"t mind."

Ryuu looked at his father"s embarra.s.sing look and he didn"t know what to think.

But at this moment, what Ryuu didn"t expect occurred.

His father lunged at him and tightly embraced him, even his fierce expression disappeared. It looked like a kid who saw its mother after a long time.

Ryuu heard soft sobbing and could only awkwardly smile and let his father cry it out first, and then ask what and why later.

It didn"t take long for Long Haoran to regain his wits and then he explained to Ryuu why he began crying and told him the story about his wife. Ryuu didn"t tell him that Xingyue told him that as well because he wanted to help out his father by being there for him and besides, he wanted to hear the story from him and then compare it to Xingyue"s.

Ryuu heard some important things which his sister couldn"t know, for example, the information about human clans, about his uncle Long Tian and about his mother Mo Lan.

Apparently, his father got reminded about her again when he first saw the Sea G.o.ddess"s Descent and then he felt the same aura from Ryuu. Then after that, when he stared at the deep crimson eyes it resembled the demon form that Mo Lan had which yet again reminded him of her and finally, his emotions couldn"t hold out any more and then that happened.

Long Haoran looked at Ryuu with a strange look and then decided to ask something which should usually not be asked - he asked Ryuu about his Soul Spirits and that is the Spiritist"s biggest secret. Of course, Ryuu didn"t mind and he told him about the ten Soul Spirits but not before he asked Little Dragon for approval.

Long Haoran: "Ryuu, I know I might be asking a lot of personal questions but, could you tell me your real surname."

Ryuu looked at him and then a period of silence took over, while Ryuu was discussing with his master whether he should tell him or not. In the end, Ryuu could only shake his head while saying: "Sorry, father. I promised someone that I would never tell anyone my real surname and until I know the real reason behind it I would not do it."

Long Haoran looked at Ryuu while sighing and said: "Don"t mind it, I was expecting something like this. But then again, you know, seeing that you got something so heaven-defying as the ten Soul Spirits, it reminded me of a certain legend so I became curious so don"t pay it any mind."

When Ryuu heard about the legend thing, he got curious as well and then asked his father to tell him the legend. At that moment, Xingyue entered the room and began scolding her father for making them lose consciousness and being way too harsh on them that morning.

Long Haoran: "Ah, I"m embarra.s.sed, I didn"t control my aura that time and it turned out like that. I"m really sorry, daughter, don"t be mad at your father."

Long Xingyue: "Humph!!! You"re lucky that Ryuu didn"t get hurt or else I would poke the h.e.l.l out of you with my trident. Humph! How audacious! Don"t ever think of trying to hurt Ryuu again without his consent."

Hearing daughter"s words Long Haoran sighed again and shook his head.

Asura Ryuu: *Ahem* "Father, what was that about the legend, tell me."

Long Xingyue: "Eh? Legend? What legend, I wanna know too, tell us."

Long Haoran: "It"s that one that I"ve always told you when you went to sleep before, Xingyue."

Long Xingyue: "Ah, that one! Tell us again."

Long Haoran: "But you said you didn"t like it, what"s this now?"

But it seemed as if his question was actually him stepping on a landmine;

Long Xingyue: "Tell. Us. Now."

Long Haoran looked strangely at his daughter with a somewhat confused look and then glanced at Ryuu. When he understood what was going on, he smiled and shook his head again before he began narrating the story.


There were once the two rulers who made this world, one of them was called The Dark Heavenly Lord who was the embodiment of destruction - the guardian of nihility, while the other one was its polar opposite, the Sacred Heavenly Lord - the embodiment of creation and guardian of infinity.

The two of them had very good relations with each other and decided to create a world together, that"s how the current world came about.

But the legends say that one day, The Sacred Heavenly Lord decided to leave the world that they made and go for the higher realm - The Divine Heavenly Realm, where all G.o.ds gather, leaving The Dark Heavenly Lord behind alone. The Dark Lord was a female, while the Sacred Lord was male, they were brother and sister.

The legends say that the sister remained to care about the world that they made and became its guardian beast after which, she disappeared to the void, and they promised each other that they would once meet again in the Divine Heavenly Realm once she her final tribulation which was supposed to take place around a million-or-so years later.

n.o.body knows whether they reunited, but the Dark Lord left behind an inheritance on demon continent because she was disappointed by humans, while the demonkind made an academy in grat.i.tude and worship towards her.


When Long Haoran reached this point in the story, Ryuu"s heartbeat was so loud that he could hear it even if he didn"t focus.

Asura Ryuu: "Little master..."

Ryuu focused on his Spirit Sea and saw his master meditating on the surface of the water, seemingly she didn"t hear about the thing that was going on outside.

Long Haoran noticed that Ryuu was s.p.a.cing out and called out to him to which Ryuu replied that he was just amazed by the story and urged Long Haoran to continue.

Both Xingyue and Ryuu listened attentively to the complete legend as it goes and one thing caught Ryuu"s attention - n.o.body ever came to know the names of either of the guardians, they were only remembered in the history as the dark and sacred guardians.

Long Haoran: "Now then, the academy I want you two to go is precisely the one that was made in grat.i.tude towards the dark dragon, but they are not picking anyone so that is why you will have to give it your all."

Asura Ryuu: "Father, can we begin with the training right now?", Ryuu asked decisively to which Xingyue nodded and followed up.

Long Haoran sighed and said: "Alright, alright. Let"s head outside and we will begin."