The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 120

Time: 10th of April

Location: Second HQ

POV: Kyle

We all stood in front of the gate, my men at the ready, the train has already departed, the exit has been completely collapsed naturally. I walked towards the control room again, but this time my face was very solemn, agent November the last remaining agent at my side kept 1-meter distance always ready to defend me. I gave agent Zulu the order to take control of the Secret Police in the time Zero is in the Hospital bed, ""Marshall, General Mackensen is sending out an emergency request for forces, ""Send him this,"" I took out a note, rewrote some words and handed it to the radio operator. "He is the only one together with the ventilation controller in the control room?" I noticed the loneliness on their faces.

I took out the only key I wear and put into a secret port in the side of the wall, the wall at the back started lowering as I turned the key showing a ma.s.sive control panel and a map of the world in grid form. I walked towards it, ""Gentlemen, let us witness an end to this war, in a way I did not want, but seems necessary...

""Targets have been put in, warning, damage to global stability is going to be 32%, population loss is estimated at 150 Million, damage cost inestimable, avoid action for world preservation!"" The intercom sounded again, A ma.s.sive booming noise came from the main gate, when the intercom sounded again, ""WARNING MAIN GATE INTEGRITY AT 12% PREPARE FOR BREACH!""

The room shook as the main gate was blown open a second later, ""WARNING MAIN GATE HAS BEEN BREACHED!"" It sounded again, I gnashed my teeth, ""You forced me to do this!"" My hand hovered above the b.u.t.ton, "So this is what the cold war felt like?" I mocked myself, I started to pull my hand away, but then smashed the b.u.t.ton hard. ""WARNING! MISSLES SILOS ONE TO TWO HUNDRED OPENING! TARGETS ARE WASHINGTON! LONDON! PARIS! MADRID! TOKYO!..."" it keep on stating the names of cities or locations, the most sinister thing is that also allied nations are targeted, ""We are crippled, so our allies must be as well!"" I sneered.

The missile silos open revealing more advanced rockets thanks to advance funding of Werner von Braun"s research, Werner Von Braun heard the alarm, ""Today my creation shall be used, whether it will be for Evil or Good I cannot tell. May G.o.d have mercy upon our souls."" He looked at his circuit board representing the Silos.

I was watching the procedure occur, in the midsts of ma.s.sive machinegun fire, ""Let"s go, Agent November, for this battle shall be our last."" I said as I wielded my MG42 in one arm and my trusty Katana in the other, we both started to sprint towards the battlefield.


Time: 2 to 3rd of April

Location: Motherbase

POV: The Cultivator"s leader

2nd of April:

""Sir we have found the location the Wanderer is in thanks to the artefact."" My second in command reported, ""Good, did our soldiers prepare?"" I asked, ""Yes the 6 elites will join us on this mission!"" He continued as he kneeled on one knee respectfully. ""Than I order the a.s.sault,"" I said casually.

""Yes master!"" The second in command and disappeared, before reappearing in front of the 6 elites, ""You 6 have been personally picked by the master to lead the attack, this place is very backwater, breaching the base should only take a few hours. Now go!"" He ordered.

I watched as my men advanced, ""HALT! THIS IS TERRAIN ONLY FOR AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL!"" sounded over the speakers, I just smirked, "Pesky ants, just die quick." I gathered my Qi in my hand before transforming it into fire element, ""All purifying flame of Buddha!"" I shouted as I released the ball of flames, going faster than a bullet it reached the bunker engulfing it in flames. The other 11 bunkers fell in less than a few seconds.

It was already quite dark, but that didn"t hinder us as we advanced without a care towards their main gate, one of the cultivators started to run towards the main door, ""HALT! OR ELSE WE WILL FIRE!"" The shouted but immediately afterwards the 8 anti-tank guns unleashed their fire, all making contact with the cultivator, it only halted him for a split second as he continued charging, ""WHAT THE h.e.l.l!"" he shouted as they saw him continue charging, ""FIRE EVERYTHING! TELL THE HIG...""" Before he could continue a dagger was stabbed through his heart as he was lifted upwards, ""Silence, pesky fly..,"" The woman said annoyed, ""THEY HAVE BREACH..."" Just as the man next shouted he was also stabbed, one man after another fell due to the blade, suddenly a deafening screeching was heard as the metal doors were blown inwards.

I smiled, ""Finally, this is how it should be!"" I exclaimed as I also entered the fray, it took a few minutes to kill all the people who ran away, but it ended quick. We started to leisurely walk through the valley, destroying any strongholds in our way. ""Oh, what is that?"" the woman asked as she pointed at the advancing column of tanks, "d.a.m.n they already developed those things!" They are further than I thought, I must destroy this place after I kill the wanderer..." I a.n.a.lysed.

""Lemme kill them!"" She exclaimed excitedly as she started to run towards them, she turned invisible as she advanced, ""Commander incoming hostile!"" The gunner exclaimed as he looked through the gun"s sight. ""Where!"" the commander asked confused, ""RIGHT IN FRONT!"" The gunner shouted, ""f.u.c.k! Fire!"" the commander shouted, all tanks aimed their barrels at her and fired, some missed while some made contact. Unlike the tanker cultivator, she had a lower defence, and she was one of the weakest members in her squad in direct confrontation, 4 of the 50 penetrated fully.

""f.u.c.k! How did they see here?!?"" I was furious, I gathered my Qi again into the holy purifying spell, ""The Pheonix"s rebirth!"" I shouted as a ma.s.sive collum of flames arose beneath the tanks, melting them and burning the crew inside.

We started to kill everything inside, but the resistance was hard when reaching the city we destroyed 3 trains full of humans out of revenge.

3rd of April:

we rested a bit and re-gathered our Qi reserves before advancing, we fully came to understand how tedious humans were, even in the face of total destruction they keep charging, even if it was one more sh.e.l.l they would try to shoot, "I hope this is a special thing, not standard," I shuddered at the thought.

Suddenly a large army of black, gold a red skulled men came charging at us, ""BOOM!"" a ma.s.sive explosion occurred next to us, unknown to us it was the sh.e.l.l from the railway artillery, ""f.u.c.k! What was that?!?"" the tank cultivator exclaimed.

The army charged shooting in an orderly fashion, with tanks supporting them with covering fire, ""f.u.c.k this."" I was mad at that it is taking longer than expected, I took out a disk and poured my Qi in it, quickly making it shine brighter and brighter, the enemy noticed and focused their fire on me, I just made a Qi shield, due to my cultivation being the highest and actually able to get Qi to leave my body in an orderly fashion.

After lighting it up dar enough I swung it towards the enemy, ""RUN!"" the commander ordered, but it was too late, the disk expanded a hundredfold after which it cut through everything, only a few lucky ones escaped the onslaught and a few who were laying down, ""Finish them."" I ordered.

After cleaning up the battlefield we advanced towards the entrance when suddenly we were barraged by the heaviest fire until now, as 10 SS strongholds were unleashinh h.e.l.l, ""d.a.m.n what did they make this base out off, how can ants have such artefacts?!?"" I was fully annoyed, ""Shadow attack!"" I ordered my contracted beast as he dissapeared into the ground