The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 125

Time: [Unknown]

Location: [Unknown]

POV: Kyle"s

""WARNING SYSTEM OVERLOAD! TIMELINE LINK DESTROYED! 3 ENt.i.tIES DETECTED!"" The system kept sounding, my surroundings were all white while it feels like I am falling, ""TIMELINE LOCKON FAILED! TRANSFERING TO RANDOM TIMELINE!"" The system sounded again, I looked at my left arm which was completely disintegrated, burn marks cover my entire body. ""WARNING! TRANSFER FAILED!"" I groaned do the loud noise the warning sounds make. ""SAFETY OF WANDERER COMPROMISED! FORCING TIMELINE INFUSION!""The system sounded again, ""TIMELINE FUSION COMPLETED! DETECTED HUMAN DNA, UNLOCKING SECRET ARCHIVES!"" The system warnings kept sounding, ""ONE TIMELINE FOUND! BEGINNING IMMEDIATE TRANSFER!""


The surroundings suddenly become dark as I lose consciousness again. ""SYSTEM REACTIVATED! DAMAGE AT 89%! REPAIRING SYSTEM ACCORDING TO NEW SECRET ARCHIVE!"" The system sounded and I finally woke up. A ma.s.sive headache a.s.saults me before suddenly, "THE PAIN!" I shouted in my head, ""AAAAAAHHHHH!"" I screamed and screamed as my body kept sending signals of the damages, ""WARNING! UNABLE TO REPAIR WANDERER"S DAMAGE, DAMAGE TYPE IS UNKNOWN!"" The system sounded as it wanted to use TUs to start repairing the body, luckily it was able to halt the pain signals.

I tried to move with lots of pain, my left arm was completely gone, while my left leg until the knee was nowhere to be seen, "Where are Zero and Nova?" I said to myself as I opened my right eye with difficulty, ""NO!"" I screamed as I could barely see anything, it seems I was almost blinded by the light, ""Where am I, is there anyone!"" I shouted when suddenly another system sounded. ""WARNING! INTRUDER DETECTED! ACTIVATING PRIMARY DEFENCE MECHANISMS! ACTIVATION FAILED! ACTIVATING SECONDARY DEFENCE MECHANISMS! ACTIVATION FAILED! ACTIVATING LAST RESORT DEFENSE AI! ACTIVATION SUCCESSFUL!"" sounded of what seems like an intercom.

I waited and waited for someone or something to kill me when I suddenly saw a silhouette in front of me, a needle punctured my shoulder, ""a.n.a.lysing blood structure,

-Primary a.n.a.lysis complete,


-Secondary a.n.a.lysis,

pure blooded Human,

-Tertiary a.n.a.lysis,

void of Cultivation.

Following standard protocol, current personnel, 0, granting the rank of Head Scientist of the Lab!"" The robot backed off again and a weird light scanned my body, ""WARNING! HEAD SCIENTIST IN CRITICAL DANGER! STARTING REHABILITATION PROTOCOL 1!"" The intercom sounded again, the silhouette deployed a brancard and put me on top of it, carrying me to somewhere I couldn"t notice.

""a.n.a.lysing damage Structures... 100% complete""

""a.n.a.lysing best course of action... 100% complete.""

""a.n.a.lysing base resources... Error, only 72% complete.""

""a.n.a.lysing base production capacity... Error 32% complete.""

""Running error logs...""

The system kept sounding in my head when I suddenly feel something connecting to my brain, ""brain connection established, starting basic protocol!"" The system sounded one more time before I was pulled into some sort of landscape made out of a white grid, ""Where am I?"" I asked myself, a.n.a.lysing the surroundings. ""Unkown User identified, not known in Human archive... please state your name."" sounded through the landscape, ""Marshall,"" I said plainly, ""Creating new profile...

Marshall, White Male, aged 25, pureblooded, no cultivation technique. Damage to the body at 67%, Organ failure present, estimated time until death... 2 hours and 12 minutes.

Requests permission to initiate protocol 1 from Marshall!"" the system ended, ""Can you explain what protocol one is?"" I asked randomly, ""a.n.a.lysing access restrictions... Head of the Scientists, no restrictions! Protocol one is using cybernetic implants to restore bodily functions to the person in question, depending on the profile the person in question will get a certain level of implants, but due to you being pure-blooded you are already granted the best cybernetic implants from the start, hence currently the production facilities are operating to produce the required implants, error... correction... operating at 32% capacity!""

Suddenly a list of items appeared in front of me, ""These are the implants being prepared for the current user, estimated cost at 10,000 GUs!"" The system explained to me, ""What are GUs?"" I asked, ""GUs are Galactic Units, they are an equivalent to 1,000,000,000 Time Units!"" The system responded, My jaw almost dropped, "Isn"t that expensive?!?"" I said in my mind, ""That is 80% of the current resources of the Lab!"" the system responded.

""All available resources must be used to protect Humankind! No price is too big... a.n.a.lysing... current humans present in this timeline... Complete! 4!"" the system sounded again. "Would one of them be Zero or Nova?" I asked myself again. This time the system did not respond. ""Warning, following protocol, does the User reject the current cybernetics?"" The system asked one last time, I looked through them but couldn"t make sense of most of them a few were obvious like the eye Implants, leg and arm replacements or the Bone replacements, but the others I couldn"t figure out...

"Oh f.u.c.k it..." ""Do it."" I said, immediately an image of me appeared in my mind looking at my body from above as many robotic arms start to cut me open while my brain was put to some type of life support... ""System! a.n.a.lyse current Timeline!"" I ordered, ""a.n.a.lysing in the process, currently at 87%, expected time until completion... 1 day!"" my internal system sounded, ""I was watching patiently as my entire body was being dismantled, after a certain moment I could no longer bear to watch and moved away from the image.


While fighting occurred on the background I could only watch in horror as the enemy was getting closer and closer while my body was being rea.s.sembled with the implants, ""WARNING CULTIVATOR DETECTED, BIO-SYNTHESIS AT STAGE 9.9!"" (Void Core, stage 9), ""DEFENCE SYSTEMS INADEQUATE! OVERLAPPING PROTECTION PROTOCOL 7 WITH PROTOCOL 2!"" the system continued as parts of the lab was forcefully destroyed. But it was soon too late, only 2 doors stood between the enemy and my body. ""PROTOCOL ONE COMPROMISED! ACTIVATING EJECTION PROTOCOL!"" The system announced, I heard some weird language from the other side as my body was suddenly strapped in tightly, ""LAUNCHING!"" it sounded again over the intercom while the room was detached and launched with hyper speed into the air, ""WARNING BLOCKADE ON EXIT FOUND! BEGINNING DECELERATION!"" and in less then a few seconds we were stationary again, but in this entire time, it seemed as if my body never experienced any G-Forces, while the robot arms continue their work.

A few seconds pa.s.s when a giant hole was punched in the roof, landing at the far end of the room, the person spoke a foreign language, but the system translated it into English for me, ""Who would have thought that even after 8 billion years a Human would resurface, this base is worthy of its name, however, as most technologically advanced, even after so long it was only found today due to a spike in Spatial disturbances..."" The man advanced towards my body, ""Pfff, a human without cultivation, even though Humans have the best bodies for cultivation... they detest it..."" The man mocked, he has the physic of a human, but his body was covered in fur, while his head has the shape of a lion.

""NOW DIE!"" The man said, ""Returning hosts consciousness!"" The system sounded quickly, my eyes opened wide, a ton of information was displayed on my retina, I lifted my left hand to block his attack, he just harrumphed coldly, ""Weakling!"" His halbert came smashing down, the power a thousand times more than what the man had that trashed my base, ""BANG!"" The Halpert came into contact with my cybernetic left arm, the halbert unable to move a single centimetre, I made a fist with my left hand, crushing the Halbert into smithereens.

""DIE FOR ME!"" I shouted as I launched my fist towards his chest before the cultivator could even react it had already appeared in front of him, hammering the cultivator, the force was too great as his entire chest gave in, causing him to die on the spot. ""Warning brain-overload due to cybernetics!"" The intercom sounded before I again lost consciousness.


Note to my readers, we will head back to our known timeline in the Next Arc, this current Arc is to build up more background :)