The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 130

Time: [Unknown]

Location: City of Hope

POV: [Unknown]

I was lurking in the shadows of the ma.s.sive Cathedral as a priest walks in hurriedly, ""Quick! We need to go to the City of Light! The new Pope has been found! We cannot lack behind and fall out of favour with the Pope!"" The priest said frantically to his followers as he gathered high-quality Magic crystals and artefacts.

I jumped down on the red carpet, both daggers firm in my hands, ""h.e.l.lo Mr Priest, can I maybe help you?"" I asked sarcastically.

""GUARDS!"" The priest shouted as he ran towards the exit, ""You will not escape today my friend..."" I whispered as I reappeared right behind him. ""Die."" I stabbed my daggers into his body, but no matter how hard I stabbed he just didn"t die, holy light descended from above as it wrapped the priest in a protective layer. One hundred heavily armoured paladins come rushing in, these, however, have the air of professionals around them.

I looked around seeing the encirclement, ""Shadow of Death..."" I whispered softly, loud chatter broke out as a large black hand formed behind me grabbing towards the priest, completely ignoring the paladins, ""LIGHT OF THE POPE!"" Sounded as the priest pulled out his artefact, the hand was stopped and disintegrated as the light touched it. The paladins at the same time launched attacks against their opponent, ""G.o.d between heavens and h.e.l.l..."" I whispered again, immediately I turned Ethereal their attacks landed on the ground as I flitted between them, soon I disappeared into a wall.

""I must wait..."" I said to myself softly as I retreated fully into the shadows.


Time: [Unknown]

Location: City of Vengeance

POV: Kyle"s

I waited until the 2 who were talking left the Inn, after which I followed them, pulling out my crossbow hiding it beneath my cloak, I aimed at the man who listened and fired at his head, but just as the bolt was about to hit it was stopped by some sort of field, they didn"t notice the bolt that was just centimetres away from them.

I just watched them leave, my crossbow at the ready for the enemy to show up, ""That isn"t so nice to do young man..."" Someone said right behind me as I felt a fist hitting me super hard in the back, my armour not being activated couldn"t stop it, my bones, however, didn"t cross, luckily due to the Cybernetic enhancement of the bones.

""Interesting, you see, I don"t like your kind..."" The man said again, I looked around to see who it was, an old man with a large white beard, his eyes seem as fast as the galaxy, but I didn"t hesitate to a.n.a.lyse him, ""Warning, G.o.d level ent.i.ty detected!"" The system sounded, after which the cybernetic processor said the same, ""Warning Bio-Synthesis level 3.2.1 detected, "Demi-G.o.d" Level cultivator detected!""

I looked warily at him, ""That fist was just to test your strength young man, if I really wanted to I could have just attacked your soul directly."" The man said with his hands behind his back, ""What do you want?"" I asked with a raspy voice, ""Ah, I have so many things I want, but what I yearn most for is the forbidden knowledge!"" He said with a tinge of excitement, ""Forbidden...Knowledge?"" I asked doubtfully, ""Yes, don"t worry, I know you are Human, I don"t have a grudge however, I am very ancient existence in this timeline, noticing the spatial fluctuations never seen before I got curious, and that"s when I finally found the location with the Forbidden Knowledge, sadly it got destroyed and you walked out of it..."" He said profoundly.

""So what is it that you want?"" I asked annoyed, ""Now, now, now, no need to be like that, I want to learn and you want to find probably the people from the other spatial fluctuations."" He said delightfully, ""How am I sure you are not lying?"" I looked at him straight in the eye, the man almost coughed blood, ""This is the very first time someone actually doubted my word!"" He said indignantly, I just snorted, ""Listen here. Pal. You don"t know what I had to do, I am but a human, yet killed more than 200 million innocent people, yet more are to die at my hands. I doubt everything right now, the chance that Zero and Nova entered this timeline is one over the number of timelines to the power of 2.""

The old man sighed, ""I will bring you to one of them, in return you give me the forbidden knowledge."" The man said pleading, ""Sure, but you need to tell me the weaknesses of cultivators, your weaknesses, the history of this timeline, the weaknesses of the controller of this timeline, aka, the Union. While also being my bodyguard for the entire time until I leave."" I made a list of demands that would scare him off as I still did not believe him, while I also want to protect this knowledge.

""I accept!"" The old man said without hesitation, ""Eh?"" I was stumped for a second, "Is he mental or something?" asked myself before looking at his expression to see if he was not joking, I sighed deeply, ""I agree reluctantly, follow me."" I said as activated my armour, not wanting the same to happen to me again.


Time: [Unknown]

Location: City of Light

POV: [Unknown]

""ALL RISE FOR HIS HOLINESS!"" The bishops chanted in unison, I just awoke from this terrible dream, ""WHERE IS THE MARSHALL!"" I suddenly exclaimed, the priests all stopped chanting when they heard my shouting while I try to stand up. ""Holiness, please don"t stand up too quickly, you were wounded after being sent from the heavens, your battle against evil must have been frightening!"" The fall-in Pope which now is a Bishop again worriedly came to my aid as I tried to stand up under the heavy clothing.

I tried to speak to him again when suddenly a shriek came from outside, ""THE HUNTERS ARE HERE!"" one of the Paladins shouted.