The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 133

Time: 1958, (20 years after the Battle)

Location: Capitol

POV: Zulu

The alarms started to blare in the Secret Police HQ, the 1000 Agents who were stationed there at all times started to move at in ma.s.s, ""EVERYONE MOVE OUT! USE THAT EQUIPMENT THE MARSHALL MADE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT!"" One of the sub-commanders shouted which I heard over the radio. I put on my mask and using a zip line to get down from the top of the dome.

(If Agent Zulu knew that these suits were paid through about 200 million people even he would be likely disgusted)

""Who is it!"" The minister of Education shouted as he looked at me, ""Don"t mind me, I am just doing my Job."" I Tied up the Civil faction to their chairs while at gunpoint, ""EXPLAIN YOURSELF!"" The minister of Agriculture now exclaimed as his hands were tightly bound, Rudolf also struggled, trying to understand what is going on. From all the people there was one who was absolutely silent of them all, Finance minister Hoffman!

There is a very good reason for this. It has to do with what he discovered back in 1952. A certain portion of funds from the Organisation disappears into smoke, trying to get to the bottom of this, but during this endeavour that took 4 years, he was met with obstacle after obstacle after obstacle. Finally forced to withdraw from the search for the funds when his own life was endangered, it was then that he realised that there was someone or something operating at ma.s.s behind the scenes. From all the ministers he was the only one who opposed the direct approach of their Faction.

""SIT DOWN AND LISTEN!"" I shouted at the two ministers, The projector was already put in place and was projected on the big screen used by the Senate.

But while Agent Zulu was projecting a pre-recorded video of the Marshall the 1000 Agents were moving out in ma.s.s, ""Identified enemy armies moving along main Routes B4, B9, B17 and B29! Estimated enemy strength at 1,500,000 men!"" The a.n.a.lysation expert said to the agents, ""Forcing emergency lock activation to re-route the armies all onto the B23 line!"" The Motherbase operation control agent replied, Ma.s.sive blast doors, much thicker than the Original shut tight in less than a few seconds, the sound of the 2 doors clashing shut being audible from a few kilometres away.

The armies were startled but didn"t think much of it and re-routed to the B23, after grouping up they started their advance again towards the High Command, ""All Agents activating low-level defences at sector A5 of the B23 line, good luck!"" The operator shouted before barricades, machinegun nests, mines and other defences were deployed from rails and areas. The reason why these aren"t manned 24/7 is due to the fact that the war is over but can be manned in less than 10 minutes.

I walked towards Rudolf with pity in my eyes, ""The Marshall had high Hopes for both you and Rommel, yet both fail to deliver, I do not know to feel sorry for the Marshall for having you as his allies or anger for your inability to comprehend reality.""

This video is made exactly for this scenario, and it seems the Marshall was very aware of it, ""Play film number 1!"" I ordered the 3 agents.

The screen lit up, but what was shown wasn"t the Marshall"s office, the Grand Capitol nor any place they have seen before. But if people from our timeline saw this they would draw similarities with the concentration camps of the n.a.z.i Reich.

""A great scientist I knew once said: "We cannot despair of humanity, since we ourselves are human beings."

We are all Human, and Humans make mistakes, and for that, I have to be there to correct them. But sadly the chance of me always being there is low.

Yet the "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man"s need, but not every man"s greed", man"s greed is endless, so is that of the people in my Organisation. Without me there to deliver justice and correct people it is only a matter of time before havoc arrives at my Organisation"s doorstep.

While also "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself", the first step for my organisation to step forward is for the leadership to abandon greed and wealth, but instead, adopt and change around the Organisation"s ideals. Rudolf, I hoped and wished for you to be the 1st to be like that, one had beaten you to it, yet I never lost hope, hope that also you will no longer hunger for power and wealth, but sincerely evolve my Organisation, because in my eyes "The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity." ""

The Marshall moves through a replica of what looks like Auswitchz,

""Humanity will always make the same mistakes, over and over and over again, as long as those mistakes are not harsh enough on the people they will not act because people do not act unless necessary! Hence "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything!" RUDOLF! MY ORGANISATION HAS A REASON FOR EXISTENCE LARGER THAN DESTROYING THE UNION! REMEMBER WHAT I SAID WHICH ONLY YOU KNOW AND KNEW!

"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed!" There are brethren out there far away that need our help! AND YET YOU FOCUS ON YOUR PERSONAL SELF! IF YOU DO THAT YOU ARE NOTHING BUT AS BAD AS THE UNIONISTS!"" The Marshall calmed down and sighed, looking into the sky, his gaze ever reaching.

Through the entire video, the Marshall walked through the camp, bones upon bones of human remains kept increasing the further the Marshall walked, in the end, he stopped at a flower growing on a small patch of soil surrounded by bones, he whispered some words to it, only if you read lips would you understand, and Rudolf could, ""Freedom is the flower humanity gives to all."" The Flower swayed peacefully in the wind while the bone pile kept growing further you moved forwards, ""Rudolf, step over One Hundred Million to save One Hundred Billion!""