The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 112

"Do not be sad that all odds are against you; be happy that your real purpose is by you"

Time: 25th of May

Location: East of the Ural Mountain range

POV: Commander Zhukov

We drove for hours upon hours, the men on top of the tanks refuelling while we drive upon flat plains, I looked through my Binoculars in the far distance. But what caught my eye made me almost faint, ""EVERYONE HARD RIGHT!"" I ordered. But then instead adrenaline overcame me and I ordered again, ""STRAIGHT AHEAD!"" My mind has only one thing on its mind, Revenge!

The train of BT-5s rushed towards a ma.s.sive moving object, none other than the Obj 629. The Blizzard quickly removed all visibility of both us and the Obj 629, ""HOW MANY EXPLOSIVES DO WE HAVE LEFT!"" I shouted towards the back through the storm, ""NOT MUCH COMRADE ZHUKOV, MAYBE ENOUGH TO BLOW A TRACK OR MAKE A DENT!"" One of the men on top of tank shouted as he wrapped the blankets closer around himself.

I closed the hatch against the cold, "I will think of something..."


Time: 28th of May

Location: Motherbase

POV: Kyle"s Office

""You succeeded?"" I read through the reports of the war effort while asking, Zero was on one knee kneeling down with his head down, ""The secret police refreshment plan has... succeeded.""

I put down the papers and gazed at Zero, ""Did I sense regret in your voice Zero?"" I asked seriously, ""NO MARSHALL!"" Zero looked up whilst kneeling, I nodded in satisfaction, ""Send in the replacements, I have another mission for you, Besides operation Dragon that is planned for the Summer, I will give you another one."" I picked up a doc.u.ment from the piles of paper and tossed it at Zero, Zero grabbed it firmly and opened it quickly scanning through it, but the further he read the deeper the frown on his face became, ""Sir... what equipment am I granted for this mission?"" Zero asked doubtfully.

I looked up from the doc.u.ments which I resumed writing, ""Zero follow me."" I put the pen down and walked towards the secret room in my office, Zero followed behind me.

""The equipment I am giving you is from R&D city X, this R&D city is only known to the very top of the Organisation, even you do not know of its existence, this was the last R&D city created after which all construction workers were transferred to City 4 so as to never speak of it again..."" I explained to Zero as we walked through the security mechanisms, ""The equipment you are getting is state of the art equipment, "If he knew that this equipment has been bought by the system I wonder what he would think." I thought as I talked,

""First an all-terrain suit against extreme heat and cold while also hiding any temperature, a heavy duty silenced anti-material rifle with what I call an Infrared scope, "Although it works with the upper light spectrum so it is actually night vision, if I could make it work with lower light spectrum you would be able to see heat, but sadly I had my limit with the system." I continued while pointing at the items, ""A special mult.i.tool knife, Granade Launcher, Specialised a.s.sault rifle that is silenced, Standard Mauser C98 Pistol but with poisoned bullets and silenced, a mult.i.tude of gadgets and last but not least a special motorcycle which runs on an electric motor while using reactor/battery design of the HMS Dreadnought, it is silent."" I finished my explanation, "This took all my newly gained TU points, but I must make this mission work if we are to win." I a.n.a.lysed,

""I will not fail you, Marshall, if this plan succeeds then the organisation will definitely be set on a clear path to victory."" Zero saluted, I walked out of the room while Zero undressed and started to change.

""Marshall the Generals have a.s.sembled to discuss the war effort."" My secretary said quickly I just nodded as I adjusted my Marshall"s Uniform, it now adorns multiple medals due to many of my strategies working, "Although they were copied from the Generals of my timeline..." I lamented, I walked out of my office through 2 hallways, on my right was Nova while on my left was Rudolf, I pushed open the doors to the large conference room, the Generals were waiting in front of the door leading towards the war room, ""All Hail the Marshall!"" The generals saluted, I saluted back. ""Let us enter gentlemen,"" I said while leading the group.

The generals started to debate the best course of action while I watched patiently, ""Marshall if move our 8th heavy panzer division from the Southern front to the Western front and push through the Ardennes we could then split the Division into two with one sweeping through to the north cutting them off in the Benelux Region while the other moves south to enclose them at our border."" A general proposed, my eyes shot up as this plan sounds very familiar, "To be expected, Rommel is always a genius." I didn"t say anything I only nodded, which was enough indication for my approval.

The meeting lasted another full 4 hours before multiple battleplans were drawn and accepted, ""With this, you are all dismissed the next meeting is held in 1 week from now at the same time."" I stood up and left as the others saluted me, "Zero this mission decides if all our efforts were worth it from the beginning... do not fail me." I looked at the ceiling of the conference room which was elegantly decorated with marble, "who wasted money on this seriously..." I complained before continuing to walk back to my office to finish the paperwork.