The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 116

Time: 3rd of April

Location: Motherbase Main Entrance

POV: The Gate Defence Commander

""PREPARE THE BARRICADES, ENGAGE TOTAL LOCKDOWN MECHANISMS!"" I ordered the men while listening to the brave soldiers outside shouting their observations, ""JONATHAN RELAY THE ORDER TO THE RAILWAY ARTILLERY TO SEIZE FIRE IN 10 MINUTES!"" I ordered my second in command, I turned around from my office which is located right above the main gate, soldiers were putting up defensive structures, while anti-tank weaponry was being mounted in place. "The Marshall ordered me to prepare for the worst, all gates are being locked down, which means no retreat, no way out except forward." I hardened my gaze as the last report came from the outside before it became eerily silent.

A light banging noise permeated into the air, ""WARNING THE MAIN GATE IS UNDER ATTACK, BLAST DOORS AT 99% STRENGTH!"" Sounded over the intercom.

The blood in my face was drained as I heard the announcement, ""Release the external defence mechanisms!"" I ordered, immediately the operator sprung into action pressing all the big red b.u.t.tons in my office, ""Flamethrowers activated, trapdoors activated, gas release activated, automatic machinegun line activated, explosives detonated..."" The strong of activations continued as all available mechanisms were activated. ""WARNING BLAST DOOR AT 98%!"" Sounded again, "What?!? Even that didn"t halt their advance!" sweat started to form as I realised the severity of our situation, ""SOLDIERS! LISTEN UP! THEY WILL BREACH OUR DEFENCES, BUT THIS DOESN"T MEAN WE WON"T MAKE THEM PAY, REMEMBER WE LIVE AND DIE FOR THE MARSHALL AND HIS PEOPLE! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"" I shouted to the men trying to boost their morale. The minutes pa.s.s slowly, every minute another percentage goes off,

"f.u.c.k it! I"ll use the forbidden mechanism!" I cursed the enemy as I walked towards my desk while pulling out a key, after turning it the same b.u.t.ton used for the Flamethrower mechanism popped back up showing it can be pressed, without hesitation I pressed it. I heard nothing when the Intercom finally sounded, ""Radiation release activated!"" "What is radiation release?!?" I doubted this "ultimately forbidden mechanism", it was forbidden due to the Marshall stating we are unable to leave the Motherbase through this exit the following months.

It was silent for half an hour, and just as we thought the enemy actually died, ""WARNING BLAST DOOR AT 12%!"" "WHAT!" my eyes almost popped out from my socket, which was reasonable as it went from 86% to 12% in one jump! ""MEN PREPARE FO..."" Before I could finish my order a ma.s.sive force caused the doors to bulge towards our direction before the ma.s.sive doors being several meters thick were flung outwards, crushing multiple soldiers instantly.

I grabbed my rifle and put on a gas mask like the others, ""PUNY HUMANS! HOW DARE YOU HURT THE SEN...!"" A woman with a crazed look shouted but before she could finish she was hurled a few meters backwards, everyone looked at the perpetrator, a Red Skull manning the 128mm anti-tank gun looked at the entrance with a serious look before stating, ""We don"t give a s.h.i.t.""

But soon after a few hundred heavily wounded men started to poor from the entrance, but what shocked the people was, THEY WERE THEIR OWN MEN, they had crazed looks on their faces, ""Here, as punishment fight your own people."" An elegant young man with black hair said as he hovered over the ma.s.s of people pouring out of the entrance.


Time: 4th of April

Location: Second High Command HQ

POV: Kyle"s

"What happened to Zero?" I thought with a slight bit of concern as he does have the Intel I need. During the 2nd half of the ride, we had to go full radio silence to no leave any presence, while the long tunnel leading up to the HQ was sealed and closed when we arrived. The Second HQ was smaller in scale, it has only a few civilians, no White or Black Skulls present. Only an army of 25,000 Red Skulls, 75,000 Gold Skulls and a wide range of weaponry to come with it. ""Marshall, the other Sector heads have already a.s.sembled, I am sorry to report that the Blast Doors have been breached and the City one is Preparing for contact with the enemy in 30 Minutes,"" Nova stated as I exited the car. I walked to the conference room where the other sector heads were already seated with solemn looks on their faces.

""Gentlemen, we are facing an unknown adversary, the valley and gate have already fallen into the enemy"s hands. How do you propose to continue from here?"" I asked them. The generals and marshalls were also present. Rudolf was busy managing the new HQ at this moment so he will join later he said.

The Sector heads were all silent not knowing what to do, ""Sir. They have already shown that they are capable of destroying most of this base, but they underestimate the sheer size of the complex, we must fight a war of attrition, the armies have already been mobilised, so let us use guerilla tactics seeing that we know the ins and outs of the complex!"" Rommel proposed, ""I agree, it was the same idea I was formulating, but not so detailed as yours. Relay the orders to the cities, initiate war plan White!"" I ordered the commander of communications.

The sector head of Engineering stepped forwards, ""We have a major issue, due to the sudden closing of the Motherbase we are lacking in many materials in our Production Cities while many Storage Cities are loaded with unused materials, I would suggest opening certain pa.s.sages to restock the production cities.""

I nodded my head as approval of the plan, ""Marshall we are going to take a ma.s.sive financial hit, we must prepare for the aftermath as well, should we open up the gold supplies of city 26 and 48?"" Hoffman, Head of Finance, proposed. ""I allow only the gold reserves of city 26 to be opened, city 48 must be spared for future use.""

The meeting lasted an hour before we settled most problems, after which we all went to do our duties, when I walked towards my office I saw a familiar face, ""Yo Marshall, you have a moment?"" Gunther asked me, I nodded in response while entering my "new" office.

""Kyle, how sure are you of defeating this enemy?"" Gunther asked seriously, I sighed, ""5%"" I answered flatly, "By now from all the reports I have, the people most likely attacking us must be like that woman I fought, impossible to win even with numbers..." I a.n.a.lysed, Gunther sat down on the chair in front with a deep sigh as well, ""Hey Kyle. We came pretty far right? Angela, Wolfram, Mackensen, that fatty Hoffman, Zero. Some dead, some still living, we all believed and still believe in you. I want you to know that your trusty old tank is also here, maybe when they come we can give a good fight before the ned?"" Gunther smiled while mocking himself.

""Don"t worry Gunther, they are after me, and no one else. This base has a secret emergency exit, at the other side of the exit you will arrive at city 96, an off the record city, it will have enough supplies, money, personnel and materials to continue the war effort. I will talk to Rudolf about it as well, but I need you to promise me to never give up!"" I demanded. Gunther smiled sheepishly, ""Kyle, you think we"ll leave you here to fight alone? Remember back in the prison how I and the old man Mackensen saved your a.s.s from that tank?"" Gunther laughed, I pouted, "" Why do I not remember that specific part?"" Gunther continued to laugh, which in the end spread to me as well, the 1st time in years did I laugh as well. ""Gunther, I am happy to have known you, prepare the Tank for combat, I do not think they need long to arrive here, while I"ll devise a plan that even if we die, they"ll come with us!"" I said while laughing.

Gunther was happy to talk again in such a long time, I bode him goodbye as he went back to the Armoury to do maintenance on the vehicles. "It is time to open my old system, let us see what this shop has in store for us!" I said to myself.