The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 133, as it has been 70% re-made, this is in order to understand this chapter. Unless this chapter [Slaughter] is already a few days old} <>

{Re-read Chapter 133, as it has been 70% re-made, this is in order to understand this chapter. Unless this chapter [Slaughter] is already a few days old} <>

Time: [Unknown]

Location: City of Vengeance

POV: Kyle"s

I changed my staff into a scythe and scanned all the soldiers here, a.n.a.lysing their brain patterns I picked out those with evil and wicked personalities. I launched myself into the ranks as time seemed to slow down for me, my brain was processing at 500% the speed, while my eyes were unaffected, shooting out bolt after bolt I penetrate the heads of many wicked soldiers, while my scythe just slices them into two pieces. I was enjoying this slaughter when suddenly something heavy punched me right in the stomach, my armour screeched under the pressure as my red liquid rushes to the area to reinforce it, it was then that I spotted my enemy, the woman from before!

I was furious as I looked at her, her cultivation seemed to increase, going from Demi-G.o.d stage 1 all the way to stage 9 finally stopping just before the gates of the G.o.d realm. A bit of blood trickled from the corner of my mouth. ""Interesting!"" I shouted as I rushed up to her, kicking myself from the ground I jump over her with ease, but I truly underestimated the strength Qi has at the Void boundary, a large repulsion force came towards me from her, pushing me at high velocity into the atmosphere.

""YOU PUNY ANT DARE TOUCH ME!"" she shouted as a bright blue hue surrounded her body. My eyes just widened as I really miscalculated the entire strength ratio. Soon she appeared above me in a flash and smashed me into right back down causing my body to be launched into a cliff face destroying half of the mountain, "Warning! Host"s body armour is failing! Cybernetics under heavy stress! Not enough power to supply all cybernetics! Suggests again to find a power supply!" The system sounded as steam was released from my cybernetic joints while my armour pulsated like crazy trying to repair the damages. My face cybernetic was cracked, but soon the nano-mites started to repair it.

Her arm smashed out again but just as she was about to hit me I grabbed her sword with both my hands, my arms were screeching and breaking under the pressure. ""DIE FOR ME!"" She shouted as the blue hue expanded to the sword. ""Warning! Electric shutdown!"" the system sounded, ""HYDRAULIC LOCK!"" I shouted as my joints were forcefully locked. This caused me to still stop the sword from approaching my chest. I a.n.a.lysed her movements, and that"s the moment I realized. The a.n.a.lysation of the enemy"s strength was based on thousand years old data, so while the Qi signature looks the same, the strength exerted is a hundred times greater after constant refinement! I knew that these implants, although powerful in the past, was now just second-grade without the power unit.

I was still thinking when without me catching her movement, she kicked one of my legs, my eyes bulged out as I saw them buckle outwards, the kneecaps destroyed as me legs fold the wrong way. I mocked my luck and stupidity. She launched herself backwards dragging me along as I was stuck to the sword. I looked at her face which showed wrath and anger, while I looked plain, no emotion and enjoying the pa.s.sing scenery, "I am sorry Rudolf, Zero, Nova, Rommel, Shadow, Werner Von Braun, Manfred Von Richthofen, ..." I apologized for my stupidity to them in my mind, She landed hard on the ground, causing my already destroyed legs to become worse.

And without even catching a breath she pulled back her sword while flinging her other fist right into the chest, "WARNING! SYSTEM OVERLOAD! MULTIPLE RUPTURES!" The system sounded, but I just looked down, my chest was caved in while my cybernetic heart and lungs still operated, my arms could no longer move while my legs were twisted in opposite directions. "System, activate Dead-line protocol..." I said with my last bit of power.

My heart stopped beating and my lungs stopped expanding, my body was completely inactive. Only one part was still silently functioning, waiting, hoping. She scanned me for any signs of life, seeing none she just stomped my body angrily a few times before finally heading back towards the city.

It will only be a Hundred years later that the demon of Vengeance City will appear again...


Time: [Unknown]

Location: City of Light

POV: [Unknown]

"What am I doing? What am I? Where am I?" These questions constantly haunt me as I pa.s.s through the City of Light. Everyone bows before me, I am surrounded by hundreds of Paladins, Priests, Angels and Demi-G.o.d Level beings. Yet. I do not even know why. The stand-in Pope died protecting me causing many questions to be unanswered, There are only fragments of my past that I know, there are two words that keep popping up: ""Organisation and Marshall"", but what do they mean?!? I tried asking many, yet cannot answer one of them, they proposed it could be something like a Cult, Clan or Religion. But somewhere deep down I know it is none of those suggested.

""Your Holiness! The King of Dawn asks for your presence, he says it is urgent."" My most trusted Paladin came to me and said. ""Tell him that G.o.d will allow him to be graced with my presence in 2 days time,"" I replied with a heartwarming smile which melted the hearts of many female priests.