The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 136

Time: 1980

Location: Parliament Located in the Motherbase

POV: Werner Von Braun

I looked out the window as the bullet-train moved with great speed from the Science city to the HQ, travelling at 300km/h it only took 20 minutes to arrive at the HQ. ""Sir! The Supreme Commander and President have already taken a seat in the parliament, the scientists are the last ones waiting for your arrival!"" My a.s.sistant whispered in my ear as I walk through the entrance. Red Skulls salute as I pa.s.s through. "The number of red skulls has grown exponentially due to the Confed." I a.n.a.lysed.

Walking through multiple hallways did I finally arrive in the main area of the parliament, more than 1000 MPs were seated, divided into their respective parties and ideologies. But unlike the conventional ones this one also had seats for the Military personnel and scientists. With the scientists representing the technocracy and the military the Authoritarianism. Although smaller in size than normal parties, their opinions are weighed more heavily. Chatter filled the room as many MPs were discussing their following actions.

Rudolf, upon seeing my arrival ordered everyone to sit down and be quiet. ""Now before we start I will have my vice-president list our current situation, position and statistics of our Organisation!"" Rudolf announced. I listened silently as the Vice-president started:

""Gentlemen! We are a perilous situation. Thanks to World Unification brought to us by our Glorious Marshall we were and still are able through a mixed economy industrialize the entire planet, increasing living standards, people"s income, quality of life and overall happiness.

Country overview:

Name: Terran Union (TU)

Government type: Federal presidential const.i.tutional republic (In name only)

Population: 6,453,831,714

Nationality: Terran

Currency: Terran Units

Official Languages: Current: German, English, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish

Future Langauge: Terran, (Latin Based Language, Fusing Spanish, English and German)

Religion: The Tempest Order, 38%, Christianity, 42%, Islam, 12%, Hinduism, 6%, Other, 2%



The Tempest order is the new religion that sprung up in the organisation after the defeat of the Union and the sacrifice of the Marshall, with the Marshall as a deified being, with the main princ.i.p.als being: Loyalty, Respect, Discipline, Trust, Courage and Encouraging thought (If it doesn"t contradict the main religion)


The 2 Most violent religions are currently being subjugated, the 1st being Islam as they are the most difficult and most aggressive to subjugate the 2nd being Christianity, very difficult but less aggressive.


Current religions not being subjugated are: Buddhism, Shintoism and Judaism, either due to their lack of need to be integrated or too small of a size to be bothered with if their religion is considered civilized.


The Defence structure consists of 100,000,000 million men. 20,000,000 Frontline personnel, 40,000,000 direct involvement with the army, 30,000,000 direct industrial involvement and 10,000,000 indirect involvement. 50% is Ground Forces, 30% is Airforce 15% is Navy and 5% is special forces.




Our current defence network consists of 3 strongholds and Our Motherbase. With our Motherbase spanning the Alps housing 150,000,000 people. The 1st Stronghold is located in the Himalayas, housing 50,000,000 people followed by the one located in the Andes in South America, housing over 80,000,000 people and being the largest Stronghold surpa.s.sing the motherbase in size, being solely build to house large populations in the case of an emergency, which is then capable of housing over 350,000,000 people. The last Stronghold is Located in the Eastern Highlands in Australia, being the smallest it only houses 35,000,000 million people.




Current evacuation into the 3 Strongholds is in progress, selecting the most valuable people in our society with also the most devotion and the best morals. Estimated time until completion is 1 Month.




The vice-president finally finished after 1 hour, waking most MPs up from their slumber. Rudolf stood up and turned to the military, ""How are the deployment of our troops?"" Rommel stood up slowly, his hair already turning white, his age was lengthened due to the Serums but that didn"t stop the ageing completely. Not only that he is approaching the hundred years old as well, with the serum estimating to give a lifespan between 150-250 years.

""All personnel have been either redeployed to help with evacuation or be send to one of the strongholds."" He sat down immediately afterwards.

""Werner Von Braun! What are our chances against the Federation?"" Rudolf continued asking, I stood up to answer, ""Our current chances, based on our current data is..."" My sentence was cut short, as the ma.s.sive display turned on and the intercom sounded.

""People of Earth! We come in peace! We have come here to trade! Do you think we are actually serious? You see... It is either Werner Von Braun or the rest of the population ready to be bombarded!"" The man said whilst laughing.

It was so silent you could hear a pin drop, all MPs stared in horror, while I just looked at the screen, flabbergasted, cursing the man on the screen. But in the end, I just sighed deeply and sat down. "Is this how it ends for me? How did they even know my name? Was I too greedy decoding those signals? Where did it all go wrong..." All the scientists looked down, not daring to stare into my eyes. Rudolf stammered, ""Werner Von Braun... Your opinion?"" But no response came, it was utterly silent. Rudolf looked at Rommel for answers, Rommel was instead thinking and not paying attention to Rudolf"s probing gaze.

""I say that... there is only one option..."" Rudolf said this slowly and loudly. Everyone shrunk back in their chairs. ""Let us put it up to a vote! All those in favour of giving Werner Von Braun and all those against it! Now all those in favour raise your hand!""