The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 18

""Stand up men, we have a long road ahead of us. Our Organisations bastion is still under construction and as it stands, unable to provide us with the utilities and s.p.a.ce needed."" I said to the men kneeling. ""Sir a few important guests will be arriving shortly. I hope you will be able to meet them at the gate."" Rudolf requested.""That will be in order, while I will be entertaining our guests I will want you to round up all senior staff and management, besides that I want you to give me a full report on the progress of the base and current supply status."" I tasked Rudolf before heading towards the car.

""WAIT! SIR!"" Rudolf shouted and then continued ""We have prepared and refitted your Pz. Kpfw V!"" I blinked a few times before I feel the ground vibrating beneath me. In less than 30 seconds did the tank, the tank that started it all come uphill from the camp. There was no one in the commander seat."I wonder what has changed." I took a better look and than noticed that metal skirts have been added around the turret and sides of the tank, just like the later Pz. Kpfw IVs had. It also has gotten a skull painted on each side skirt with: ""IN THE MARSHALL WE TRUST!"" written on the sides as well. The tank stopped right in front of me. Where then the crew jumped out and fell to their knees as well: ""THE TANK CREW IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL, SIR!"" They shouted in unison. "Calculating abilities, WARNING! Disloyalty found! The reason, the crew wants to keep Pz. Kpfw V Ausf. X for own use and detest the commander Kyle Weiss, act with caution" the system sounded in my head. I narrowed my eyes, Rudolf was next to me all smiles as he nodded his watching the display of these crewmen. ""Are you satisfied with their skills sir?"" Rudolf asked. I slowly moved my mouth to his ear while saying this with completely no regret:""Rudolf. These men are spies from the SS, I have confirmed them from doc.u.ments from the Castle, how do we deal with traitors?"" "YOU DARE THINK OF STEALING MY PANTHER?!? YOUR PANTHER MY a.s.s!" I screamed inside my head. But at the same time all blood left Rudolf"s face, he moved his mouth to my ear and stammered:""I I I I am sorry K K Kyle, I D D Didn"t know."" Tears almost started to flow from his face just thinking that he put his friend"s life in danger.""MARSHALL"S GUARDS!"" Rudolf shouted, immediately 50 men wearing the recognizable black trench coat and Skull gas mask ran towards their Marshall, surrounding him in a layer of guards. The Hauptmann said: ""Commander Rudolf you have called for us, what is wrong?"" ""Arrest these crewmen, they are SS spies, and almost have endangered our Marshall!"" Rudolf shouted in anger. The killing Aurora of the guard"s jest grew a 100 fold hearing this, they have been indoctrinated to think that the Marshall is a sacred being, sent here to help the world, and they as Personal guards are there to protect him at ALL COSTS! ""ARREST THEM!"" the Hauptmann shouted to his men, and immediately did the men charge at them, the crew didn"t even have time to process what has happened when they were pushed against the ground before screaming:""WE DID NOTHING, WE ARE INNOCENT! COMMANDER TELL THEM!"" The all looked their commander with hope in their eyes, this commander doted on them, stating they will be the Marshalls left and right-hand men. But now only killing intent radiated from Rudolf like never before, not a shred of sympathy was seen on his face as he looked at them.""Send them to the prison, tomorrow we will make a verdict for EVERY SOLDIER to see!"" Rudolf shouted.

The Hauptmann of the golden black skulls stepped forward:"" Marshall, we are your personal bodyguards, no matter what we will stay Loyal until the very end, even against all odds, we will be your body armour, your gun and if necessary your murder tool. We are the GOLDEN BLACK SKULLS!""

""I thank you, Hauptmann, I will need your services a lot, you shall be a pillar in this organisation, strong enough to hold it up by yourself,"" I said to him while giving him a pad on the shoulder. The Hauptmann beamed from happiness. ""I am sorry Kyle, but we do not have any replacement for these men,"" Rudolf said with a dejected look.

""Rudolf, get me, Gunther, Wolfram, Mackensen and Angela please,"" I asked Rudolf. ""I will Kyle, I shall be back in 5 minutes!"" He replied before quickly running off.

In those 5 minutes, I talked with the Hauptmann about the various statistics of the Golden Skulls Unit. I also checked the system, they were all Elite, having their Strength, Endurance, Perception, Agility all at maximum values. Also, loyalty was at: "Fight until death level"

""Kyle, here are the men you requested, Wolfram is currently on crutches as he wounded in the legs during the escape,"" Rudolf said respectively. ""Gunther, Mackensen, Wolfram and Angela, you will be my crew on the Panther V Ausf. X do you accept?"" I ask them. "" We are willing"", Mackensen said while stepping forward. ""As Long as I can kill these d.a.m.n SS men Always bro,"" Gunther said casually. ""I owe you my life, whatever you request I will follow,"" Angela said quietly. ""I have to protect my idiot brother anyways,"" Wolfram said almost laughing. I looked at them and thought to myself "These are good friends to have, Rudolf, Mackensen, Gunther, Wolfram, Angela. I hope that no matter what happens they will be safe and return that I can protect them as well. I vow this to them"

""Okay, Gunther, you will be the gunner, go familiarize yourself with a 105mm high accurate gun instead of a Kar98k. Angela, you will be the driver, go see if you can get every drop of power out of this beast. Wolfram, you will be the loader, with your arm strength no sh.e.l.l be too heavy. Mackensen, you will be in the radio position, it also has a hatch outwards, so we can share ideas while driving."" I said to them.

They all nimbly climbed on the metal beast, ""Whoooo, I like this baby already,"" Gunther said will looking at the gun up close. ""Okay, Angela, start it up,"" I ordered her. "tssss, Tctctctctc, broooom" the ma.s.sive 1000 Hp engine came to life! ""Try to get the hang of it and drive down to the gate,"" I said.

And with that, the beats started to slowly accelerate. From 0 to 50 km/h in less than 10 seconds. "This is how it was supposed to be 1 and a half year ago!" I complained inside my heart. I was continuing on developing my plan when I suddenly feel the portable radio vibrate. ""Kyle, this is Rudolf, the people you are meeting are high ranked military officers who are not pleased with how Hitler handles the country. They want to ask us for some details before deciding to join, I sadly do not have any information on who will be in this group. I only know that 2 generals will be there. It is also after only 1 and a half year worth of work that we were finally able to convince them to come to take a look. Proceed with caution!"" Rudolf said to me.

The ground vibrated as the Panther pa.s.sed through the camp, but everywhere we pa.s.s the soldiers stop working and solute in a military manner. "Just you wait for Hitler, Stalin, Churchill! There will be a 3rd party in this war!" I said to myself.

It took us only 5 minutes to go from the external HQ to the meeting place just outside the base.

The group of Wehrmacht officers looked with mouths agape as the saw the Panther drive towards them, only 2 men were clearly a.n.a.lysing this metal monster, clearly not showing any fear. I stepped out only to be followed by the golden skulls Hauptmann and August von Mackensen.

""I am Kyle Wiess, Head of the Organisation, I am deeply honoured to meet such prestigious men such as you. I have feared that Adolf Hitler will take Germany onto a path of no return, even my organisation cannot stop this, but we can help achieve a result capable of restoring German glory, but also retain her prestigious image as well."" I said while extending my hand to one of the 2 generals. ""h.e.l.lo Kyle, my name is Wilhelm Adam I am General of the Bavarian Wehrmacht, and ever since the Munich Putsch did I never see Hitler as a figure that should lead Germany. I have heard your organisation is not German-based or in favour of Germany, and although I was a bit hesitant, seeing your superior technology I only ask you to save Bavaria from the flames of war."" Wilhelm Adam said smiling. I continued to shake hands until my hands kept shaking the other officer when the man said his name.

"Heinz Guderian...Heinz Guderian...HEINZ GUDERIAN!" I screamed inside my head, also named the second Rommel, and father of the Blitzkrieg! I Took a bit longer to talk to him, ""I am very interested in that Pz. Kpfw over there, if you have any more of those I can study I will pledge allegiance immediately.""Heinz Guderian said. ""Of course, you can study it, but we currently are at the starting phase of production. You will be one of the first to get one Heinz Guderian"" I replied. "Heinz Guderian was never one of loyalty and orders, but he did create miraculous plans if I can include him in the general staff I will have an out-of-the-box thinker." I thought to myself.

The introductions continued as we walked into the base, we showed our power through heavy artillery, Panther tank manoeuvres, Soldier very harsh training routine which even caused some officers to almost faint. The only other officer I was surprised to see was Walter Model, he was the creator of combined arms doctrine. After more than 1 hour of socializing and showing our power and future did we start to talk business, Adam represented the group of officers after debating: ""We are interested in joining your organisation Sir Kyle, But do understand most do it because of our discontent with Adolf Hitler, we hope you can save Germany"s lands from most of the destruction, or at least or hometowns and families."" Adam said. ""Do not worry, if you sign the contract you will continue your daily operations in the Wehrmacht, we will protect your town and family from destruction, we do hope that if during a war we request you to abandon the army you will follow these orders,"" I stated with a very serious face. All officers nodded in Unison. ""Great! As sign that you are part of our organisation you will each gain a golden ring with a ruby, sapphire, diamond or opal dragon rolled upon it, each gem represents a rank, with Diamond being the Highest and ruby the lowest, the more you contribute and show your loyalty the higher your ranking, the higher the ranking the more supplies will be made available to you and how higher the priority your family"s safety."" I said.

We shake hands again and said goodbye, 2 officers were waiting outside to tell these Wehrmacht officers details on how to contact us if they have valuable information and what their current tasks are. "It is sad we didn"t see more high ranking officers or more known officers, but than again we are just starting up, having Heinz Guderian in is already a cause for celebration!" I thought to myself as I lowered myself onto the commander seat.

""Angela head towards the HQ, time for our plans to be put into place!"" I ordered." It is time for small things to be handled by my subordinates now and time for me to think about the bigger picture." I pondered.

Questions from the Author:

1. Do people want links to images of equipment I talk about?

2. Do people want an image of how I think our MC looks like, or just leave it to your imagination?

3. Do people at back the terminology at the end of chapters?

4. Anything that you want more details on such as the base or how people are?