The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 45

""Sir, We have Completed 36% of the base, Most Basic utilities are Online and the main Transportation Hub is Online. Main Command Centre is operational. We are sorry for the heap of Mess Marshall, but we are still constructing."" Nova Reported. ""At ease Nova,"" I replied. ""You, Private! Get us the train that is going to the Hangars of The Battle Zeppelins."" Nova commanded. ""Yes Commander!"" He replied. ""Sir, we currently have already Installed all transport and armoured trains. We are Building the rail to also go outside, But that is until we have finished the Construction of Mother Base. "" Nova said. ""Just take me to the Hangar, we are showing the world Swiss Power. Nothing can go wrong at the Show and Parade!"" I said.

"This is It, our reveal to the World, our Might!" I thought to myself. ""Sir It will take 8 Minutes by train to get there, as the hangars are on the Cliff face close to the Village, the Doors are Also Made of Thick steel and Concrete, but the Hangar doors, are Made not only of steel but is covered with the natural Rock formation. Hiding the Hangars when not opened."" Nova said. "That is why I could not spot them." I observed.

We Boarded the train, which was filled with construction materials and goods, but the front wagon also had a special room for pa.s.sengers. We sat down and waited silently 8 Minutes for the train to arrive at the Hangars. ""Marshall!"" The old Captain of the Hindenburg greeted me. ""You have completed your training. The Zeppelin and her crew are now at your command Captain. Make it worth it."" I said to him while patting him on the shoulder. On his Badge were only 2 Stars, but 5 Airplane emblems. Showing his skills in aviation. ""Yes Marshall! her 200 Crew and 1200 Soldiers are ready to be deployed at a moments notice, we are stocked and ready for Flight, Maximum Mission duration is 1 Month without any resupply, 6 months if food is resupplied, only after 12 months does the fuel need to be replaced. Which Is a weird chub that Hugo left Behind, 100 of them to be exact!"" The captain responded.

""Captain, the Parade in 2 days, Will show our power, this will be a live exercise with the Airforce, you cannot make any mistakes!"" I told him. ""Yes, Marshall I shall Not disappoint you!"" The captain replied. ""Now if you would please follow me to Hangar 3."" The captain beckoned us tow over.

We started to walk, we pa.s.sed Hangar 1 and 2, who were both empty. Then we finally arrived in front of the door with a huge number "3" written on top of it. ""Marshall, I want you to behold! His Marshall"s Ship(HMS), the HMS Dreadnought!"" The captain shouted. The doors opened and in front of them, a ma.s.sive 724 Meter long Zeppelin stood, 4 ma.s.sive turrets mounted on the top of the Zeppelin, 2 400mm Barrels each! A huge conning tower on top, the Zeppelin was littered with Guns, on top. On the bottom, there were Bomb doors. While just below the conning tower and the 4 Turrets there was an Internal airstrip. Ma.s.sive armour plating goes around the gun structures. t.i.tanium plates the exterior of the zeppelin. She is really combated worthy!

""ALL HANDS ON DECK, THE MARSHALL AND CAPTAIN ARE BOARDING!"" An Oberst shouted to the crew. There was an entrance at the bottom, a ramp. We walked up, and we entered the Bomb area. ""Sir if you would follow me."" The captain said. We started to walk through what felt like a maze, tons of ammunition, equipment, etc was internally stored in special vaults.

We walked for what felt like 30 minutes and finally arrived in the conning tower on the captain"s deck.

""Sir, make yourself comfortable, the Parade is in 2 days. In the meanwhile, if you need to you can go to the command room In the Middle of the conning tower.

""Sir, we confirmed that the Union is going to test the new Swiss weapon. We have not confirmed how and when, but be prepared they will be there."" Zero reported over a secure Radio. "The Union is Getting more aggressive, maybe I have to do Phase 3 and 4 at the same time, it might stress our resources but I think we can manage." I mulled over the report, thinking of a solution. I started to call the head of engineering Adelger.

""Marshall!"" Adelger saluted on the other side. ""I want a report on the R&D of the weapons I requested. And the R&D lab in the Mother Base will be done in the following weeks, get ready for transfer."" I ordered him, ""yes Marshall!"" Adelger answered.

I started to head for my cabin, which is one floor below the Command Centre."The union is getting too active lately and more aggressive. I wonder why, but we must seek allies. I am no longer sure that even after fortifying the Alps, including in Austria and in France/ Italy. That we can withstand it. I must make preparations for a long war with the Union. For that, I will need to start stockpiling Materials, get foreign recruits, more factories to produce war goods. And that is just the basics, I need to discuss this with Rudolf." I started to get worried about the Union."Also, they OWN the commonwealth, how can they lack anything? Something BIG must be consuming all resources of the commonwealth, but what?" I started to feel something I haven"t felt for a very long time. Fear, fear of the unknown. "But no matter what, These Battle Zeppelins are a testament to our power, I would like to see them destroy them first." I thought to myself. ""START THE HMS DREADNOUGHTS CORE!"" The captain ordered so loud even I could hear it faintly. "It seems they starting some routine checks.


-Conning tower:

the conning tower is a raised platform on a ship or submarine, often armoured, from which an officer can Conn the vessel, i.e., give directions to the helmsman. It is usually located as high on the ship as practical, to give the conning team good visibility of the entirety of the ship itself and of ocean conditions and other vessels.


When the United Kingdom declared war on n.a.z.i Germany at the outset of World War II it controlled to varying degrees numerous crown colonies, protectorates and the Indian Empire. It also maintained unique political ties to four semi-independent Dominions—Australia, Canada, South Africa, and New Zealand[1]—as part of the Commonwealth.[2] In 1939 the British Commonwealth was a global superpower, with direct or de facto political and economic control of 25% of the world"s population, and 30% of its land ma.s.s.

-R&D = Research &(and) Development

(I used Wikipedia extracts, so if you want to read more go here: