The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 85

Time: 30 Minutes Into Phase Seven

Location: Motherbase

POV: Mackensen

I walk up to the Central Communications Hall slowly, step by step, every step made me question if what I was doing was the right thing. ""SIR!"" ""SIR!"" ""SIR!"" The men in the central communications hall stood up and saluted, ""At ease."" I said in a heavy tone. "Can I make this decision? Do I have the right to do so?" I ask myself over and over again until I finally reached a soundproofed room with a microphone hanging from the ceiling. The men through the gla.s.s on the other side of the wall looked at me, one was not concerned, thinking it was all normal, the other counted down with his Fingers while taking a sip from his coffee. "5..4..3..2..1.....0."

I spoke slowly and clearly, a heavy voice came forward that has a tinge of regret in it. ""Men!"" I said over the mic, but a long pause was between the word and my next sentence, ""I only have one statement to make, it is one I wish I could avoid making, one for the Marshall to say. But Since he is not here I must take his place to make the announcement...."" I said, but I hesitated, still not sure if this is the right path. "No. They forced me, better said, they forced us!" I said to myself, anger raged inside of me, ""MEN! AS OF 01:46 GMT, WE ARE OFFICIALLY AT WAR WITH THE UNION. I REPEAT WE ARE AT WAR!"" I shouted over the Intercom. Utter silence followed, all men just stood there trying to process what has been said over the intercom, the man on the other side of the wall splurted all his coffee over the gla.s.s wall, the man writing notes on the clipboard beside him snapped the pencil. This phenomenon occurred all inside the base. ""SOUND THE ALARM BOYS!"" I shouted before leaving the room, Immediately the men who were stupified of what just happened reacted quickly. Sirens started to sound all around the base. ""GO GO GO!"" Commanders shouted at the men as they run to their local armoury. ""WE ARE AT WAR LADIES! PICK UP THE d.a.m.n PACE!"" The commanders shouted and encouraged, all men were getting ready, ready for a slaughter, a slaughter that will last for an unknown amount of time...


Time: 3 Minutes after the Declaration of War

Location: Montreux, Western Switzerland, French-Swiss border

POV: Commander tasked with defending the town

""GO GO GO GO!"" Commanders shouted as men run towards their designated Bunker. Anti-Air towers were being manned, Tanks were being driven into positions dug into the ground to hide the hull. ""INCOMING!"" I shouted while looking through my binoculars, " How...Why.." I just stood there stupefied by the ma.s.sive amounts of paratrooper planes. That ma.s.s on the Radar was none other than this moving heap of planes, it was that we identified them early that we could prepare. ""FIRE!"" I ordered my men, the Anti-Air cannons immediately opened fire upon the ma.s.s of planes, but it was too late as hundreds of men jumped out of them, ""SHOOT THE PARACHUTES WITH FUZED-HE!"" I continued, my mind started to think of a defensive plan to counter the ma.s.s of enemies coming down from the sky. ""1st and 2nd Reserve Brigades get the 8th Motorised brigade and evacuate the citizens to Sion!"" I ordered the men, ""5th until 8th Reserve Brigades occupy the Church and tallest buildings, use them to spot landing positions, also place machinegun nests on the mid-floors.

I walk back into the Communications Bunker, ""Commander Gilgian, the 2nd Armoured Division is heading to your position from Geneva, the 5th Infantry Division has been mobilised from Fribourg, please hold out for as long as you can, HQ out."" The General in the CC ordered him, "I shall show those d.a.m.n Unionists!" I said to myself, ""Men! It was an Honour working with you, may we die Gloriously or live to fight another battle! IN THE MARSHALL WE TRUST!"" I shouted before heading out to the Observation Platform.

The Paratroopers were falling into the city, some gunshots can be heard as the Unionists encounter White Skulls at defensive positions. ""Sir, a group of 100 Unionists is heading towards the Church, it is where the Citizens are currently being held to then be transported out of the city."" A Feldwebel reported, ""Get Leo and his team to intercept them,"" I ordered calmly, "Let us see what the Black Skulls are made off." I said to myself.

Leo"s team of 25 Black Skulls were Mobilised and Quickly arrived 2 Streets away from the Church. ""Those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds."" Leo said, ""Johnson, Rafael and Me will Flank from the 2 blocks west of them, you 20 hold them off together with the white Skulls. Céline and Gaia you two take up a sniper position in the Church Tower, don"t let anyone get near the Church, you got it?"" Leo Ordered the men.

With the Black Skulls in action there was no worry about the Citizen"s safety, but that doesn"t mean it is a victory, ""Sir, 200 Unionists are making their way to the Docks, (Montreux is a city located next to the Lake: Lac Leman) If we do not stop them they will be able to flank us from there."" An Obergefreiter reported. ""Send the 4th Reserve Brigade to the Docks and Burn it,"" I ordered decisively.


Time: 45 Minutes Into Phase Seven

Location: Tank Battlefield Outside of the Compound

POV: Gunther"s

""USE APCR!"" I shouted at the 5th Tank commander. A large booming sound sounded as the five E50s fire at the same time, But to no avail, the Ammo just couldn"t penetrate the very thick armour of the Enemy TDs, one E50 already got destroyed be a TD flanking us from the side wanting to destroy my tank and drove in front of my tank absorbing the enemy"s sh.e.l.l and thereby saving me. We were still busy thinking on how to destroy the TDs when suddenly they exploded into a ma.s.sive fireball one by one, The Crew were screaming In agony as they were burned alive. ""What!"" A commander shouted when we suddenly saw a silhouette flash between the Tanks, ""Gunther, I thought that you might need Help."" The man said while laughing, he was being held up by another man, ""Manfred!"" I shouted because that voice was all too well known, ""Yea yea, it is me, let me introduce you to Nr. 89, the Leader off Phase Three."" Manfred chuckled. ""How did you blow the TDs Up?"" I asked curiously, ""Easy, we used some good old fire and their own fuel tank."" Nr.89 answered, ""They would notice you wouldn"t they?!?"" I gasped, ""Yea, but not if you kill the 10 or so Infantrymen and just walk in their blind spots. The Commanders were too afraid of your machinegun fire that they kept their hatches closed, and avoiding their periscopes is easy."" Manfred said while laughing a bit, but his face scrunched up as the pain hit him. ""Get Him to the Truck and get some Medical help,"" I ordered some men. ""You are going to tell me how both of you f.u.c.kers ended up here."" I said while laughing, ""Yea Yea, another time."" Manfred replied. "I wonder how the Panzer IIIs are doing." The thought suddenly popped up in my head as I remembered.