The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 87


Time: 10 Minutes after the Evacuation order

Location: HMS Dreadnought

POV: Kyle"s

""Sir?"" ""Sir?"" ""Sir!"" ""SIR!"" Rudolf was awakening me of my stupor as I just stared into s.p.a.ce. Less than a Minute upon arriving in the CC I get to hear we are at war with the Union. ""How did Mackensen Handle the situation?"" I asked Rudolf.

""He has handled it to what I call okay. He has avoided calling anyone but Austria into the War, although the other Nations are wanting to contribute to our cause. Even Stalin send a note stating that if need be they will join the war effort. Besides that Mackensen is currently evacuating all citizens on the French-Swiss border to the Current underground cities available, but they are currently plagued by Material and good shortages as the Underground project is not capable of sustaining such a large group right now. Currently, Mackensen is personally going to take over the Battlefield at Geneva which is at a stalemate. I suggest we head back as soon as possible to support our troops on the frontline, Kyle."" Rudolf said earnestly, yes Mackensen has his own set of ideals as well, which caused him to start putting people in the unfinished cities, it also caused him to luckily not call in other countries for support. "Ah, that is why." I chuckled while thinking, Rudolf looked confused at me. ""Rudolf, Rudolf, Rudolf. The enemy was so sure of the destruction of the HMS Dreadnought, that they have declared war without confirmation. I cannot say they were wrong, the normal person would be unable to find out that he got betrayed until the Obj.289"s sh.e.l.l hit the ship. Sadly their plans got ruined, and our Zepplin is still operational."" I carefully explained to Rudolf who finally got it. ""Sir How are we going to deal with this? We are not ready for a prolonged war, nor have the capabilities to easily and swiftly take out the Union!"" Rudolf said a bit anxiously. ""Tsk, relax Rudolf, what is it the enemy doesn"t know?"" I ask him, Rudolf looked confused before it dawned upon him, ""They think we are dead!"" Rudolf exclaimed. I just rolled my eyes as he said that, ""Make sure everyone is out of the compound before we start the gas release and demolition of the Compound."" I ordered Rudolf who nodded. "I shall teach the Union that attacking me unprepared comes at great expense." I thought to myself as I walked towards the Eye of the HMS Dreadnought, which is a gla.s.s sphere which can be extended downwards to give a good view of the ground, it is specifically made to overview a battlefield to give quick orders.

""Admiral... Fire!"", I ordered him. After I got the all-clear that everyone from the Organisation has evacuated did I order the attack on the Compound, The vice-captains blood boiled as he took command over the HMS Dreadnought. Everyone"s hairs stood straight as the captain shouted the order to fire.

The Ma.s.sive barrels of the HMS Dreadnought aim towards their Targets, it almost looked like a black hole which was embedded into the steel. The Large Calibre were primed and ready, the Gunners were aiming at strategic targets and densely packed locations to maximize their damage...

A ma.s.sive booming sound came forth through the skies as black smoke covered the ship, the were released. In less than 5 seconds did the make contact with their targets, causing widespread destruction, fires and death. One pair of cannons shot the Sarin gas through the base, making sure no enemy survived. This was nothing but utter annihilation, reaching the levels of the firebombings in j.a.pan, and the strategic bombings by the RAF.

I just watched the fires silently. This is nothing but to be expected, as this is nothing cruel. Crueller things are yet to come. "The ships should be on their way towards Denmark, they are German Merchant vessels. It should not be a problem." I a.n.a.lysed my situation. ""Captain!"" I shouted before continuing, ""Set course for Manchester"s Central Business District!"" I ordered.


Time: 5 am in the morning, the 1st of March.

Location: Motherbase CC

POV: Mackensen"s

The people watched nervously at Mackensen who was completely silent. Sweat beads drop from General"s heads as they anxiously wait for Mackensen"s reply. Oberst"s walk back slowly as the pressure Mackensen was exerting was ever increasing. ""WHICH MENTALLY ILL PERSON ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN!"" I looked at the men gathered in front of me. I was angry. Very angry to be exact. In an unauthorized mission, more than 100 Red skulls died! Not only did they die, they died meaningless and in less than 1 hour. I starred at the people again after my outburst, ""I will personally take command over the Geneva battlefront, prepare the 1st Army!"" I ordered my men. "The battle which will decide if we are on the offensive or defensive will be decided by this." I thought silently.