The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 96

Time: 3 Weeks after the Kidnapping of the Marshall

Location: Command Centre

POV: Multiple

""We are Gathered here today to discuss the issue of the forced resettlement of the Swiss people on unfinished underground cities."" Rudolf started the debate, the room was silent, people were looking at the empty seat in the middle and each other, see if there is any movement, the Organisation has officially been reduced to a Stagnating mess.

"Time to fix this mess." Zero thought to Himself, Zero slammed the doors open, ""ALL SECTOR HEADS ARE NOW UNDER ARREST!""

silence permeated in the air as those words were shouted, the people in the CC were baffled, Rudolf looked at the men sharply,

""Who are you to decide who to arrest, I am the 2nd highest ranking person after the Marshall. I hope you "reconsider" what you are doing right here."" Rudolf said coldly,

""I am part of the Intelligence Branch, our team is codenamed 666, Head of Intelligence should know about this branch, we are one of the three who only answer to the Marshall and no one else. Our existence is to lock down the Organisation in the Death or absence of the Marshall. Defending current a.s.sets and keeping current projects going have the most importance. Any other orders and missions shall be cancelled, as of now. We go into Total Isolation!"" I shouted, in the disguise of a Black hand.

All people in the room were of course sceptic on this development, The head of Finance stood up angrily, ""WHO KNOWS YOU ARE TELLING THE TRUTH! MAYBE YOU ARE STARTING A REBELLION!""

I just looked at them calmly, ""This is your choice, you can try to stop me and if the Marshall returns hearing this you can expect punishment. Or you can accept the current situation and be put back into power when he returns and even impressed by your loyalty.""

My pistol was aimed at them but was lowered waiting for their response, the faces were bleak, a major dilemma was in front of them deciding their fate in the Organisation.

Mackensen"s shoulders dropped down showing that he accepted the arrangement, little did Mackensen know that this little act will change the entire faction system in the future.

Rudolf, on the other hand, having tasted a bit of the power gained was more reluctant to let go, only after 10 minutes of contemplating did he also allow Zero to continue. After seeing that the two largest factions have submitted to Zero caused the other smaller factions to also allow their fate to be in his hands.

""You shall all be escorted to your living quarters until the situation has stabilised we cannot allow any interference, I am sorry for the inconvenience,"" I said sincerely.

The people were all escorted out of the CC by the agents, Zero walked respectively towards the chair in the middle, ""Well done Zero, it seems the people haven"t gone crazy."" A voice said coming from the chair. Immediately Kyle became visible.

""I was only doing as requested? Also Sir, when are you planning to announce your arrival back to the base?"" I asked while standing behind me, "This is a true G.o.d!" I exclaimed seeing this unknown power. I have no qualms dying right here and right now seeing the Marshall like this!

""Zero! stay focused, we might have won the battle of Geneva, but this is just a minor tactical battle, the Strategic battle is yet to even start! I want you to a.s.semble all Country leaders of the Council of Nations to meet at the Headquarters. Until the meeting spread rumours that I have been kidnapped."" The Marshall asked me.

I replied happily to the order, ""Yes Marshall! Your order shall be carried out with care.""

Kyle was deep in thought looking into the emptiness in front of him, ""Zero. Before you go, I want to issue Mission Number 187. Go get it from the files, I want you to do it ALONE, no one is to know, not even the other agents from the secret police.""

I saluted and silently left the area, ordering no one to enter the CC before quickly heading off to the Intelligence District. The Sector heads being escorted out of the CC created an uproar by the Silver Skulls dedicated to protecting them, ""SILENCE!"" Mackensen bellowed to the men, the Silver Skulls immediately quitted shouting.

"I must first head to the Secret Police HQ to get people to speed up the 1st Meeting of the Council of Nations, we must make everyone ready for war!" I thought with a slight smirk on my face.


Time: 1 Second after the Death of the Silhouette

Location: Unknown

POV: Unknown

""RUN!"" People screamed as they ran away, many tears in the fabric of s.p.a.ce and time were torn,

""IMPOSSIBLE!"" A man shouted before flying upwards to use a sort of energy to stop the tears from increasing in size, ""HAS SHE FAILED?!?""The man screamed in anguish.

The Planet was ma.s.sive, many times bigger than earth, the world was swept by a beam of light again, one happened 6 months ago. The 1st beam changed this world of flames and death back into a green and prospering world, but now again it has turned into a world of ruin, and a bigger ruin than before,

""FIRE!"" weird human-shaped metal creatures stood still watching a fire appear before them, the same fire of a Hydrogen bomb. ""NO!"" I shouted, tears falling down my face as I saw this army, an army of death.

""MOVE OUT!"" A human shouted and immediately metal boxes started to advance firing upon a floating fortress when suddenly large amounts of propaganda is being emitted from some other metal boxes;


It was a war on a ma.s.sive scale, something I could no longer stop with my own power...