The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 98

Time: Meeting at the Matterhorn

Location: Matterhorn, Council of Nations HQ

POV: Kyle"s

Soldiers came running into the Meeting room in two rows through the door, in the Middle walked a man with a mask covering half his face,

""Good day Gentlemen, sorry for the wait..."" I entered the room with big strides, my hands behind my back and my footsteps sounding through the large room.

""President Kyle!"" The people in the room stood up but quickly sat down due to the pressure I exerted on them.

Sweat started to drip from their heads, the only exception being Stalin. After I sat down a horde of Journalists and people from the press came rushing into the room. The other Delegations were baffled by the development,

""Silence!"" The 20 soldiers that entered the room together with me shouted in unison.

I stood at my place as head of the Council of Nations my face full of confidence my posture showing that I will not back down, ""Gentleman! The British people have gone too far!"" I said to the press while throwing a stack of doc.u.ments and pictures at their feet,

The people quickly opened they doc.u.ments and looked at the pictures, but some people with weak stomachs couldn"t handle what was shown, making them run out of the room looking for a bathroom,

""10 Million people! 10 Million people the British have killed under their colonial rule!"" My voice echoed through the room as I made the statement,

""I wish to have been able to give justice with words but... You can"t shake hands with a clenched fist! The British are an utter DISGRACE to our humanity!"" I bellowed angrily,

I walked around the table towards the press, ""If there must be war let it be in my day, so that my child may have peace!"" I shouted with determination,

""I have nothing to say, nothing to offer, but sweat, blood and tears for my people, for peace! Because, True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice, so long as the British bring upon injustice THERE SHALL BE NO PEACE!"" I shouted this statement throughout the room, a statement that shall spread far and wide,

I stood still, looking through the window overseeing the Alps, my back turned towards the Delegations. I took a deep breath before turning around ""My country! My people! We shall fight for this injustice, we shall make the British pay for every life they took! Heed my words, we shall battle them to the end! Who is with me!""

Immediately afterwards 2 ma.s.sive Zeppelins appeared in front of the Council of Nation"s HQ, jet aeroplanes flew in arrow formations past the large window of the meeting room, Red Skulls paradrop from the Zeppelins securing the compound. ""BEHOLD, THE HMS EUROPA!"" I shouted immediately the 2 ships fired a salute for the Marshall displaying their ma.s.sive battle capabilities.

The equipment and power shown just now were to impress everyone to know they were ready.

Stalin stood up from his chair and spoke with a very thick accent, ""We stand with our comrades, we are all part of the Council of Nations, The Russian people will protect their brethren! LET US FIGHT!""

The other Delegations also quickly stood up and pledged their allegiance, declarations of war were immediately drafted by the countries, a new quote was immediately written upon every country"s military pledge: "United we stand, divided we fall."

After all formalities and all the drafting did I finally relax, this entire presentation took a heavy toll upon me mentally, dishes and drinks were quickly pushed into the room with carts and placed in front of each Delegation.


Time: 1 Hour after the Declaration"s of War

Location: All over the world

POV: Multiple

""ЗАРЯД!(CHARGE!)"" A Russian commander issued his commands to his army, ordering them to move towards the battlefront.

Tanks, Trucks, Planes, Men and Boys! All moved towards the Fronts, A united high command in the Swiss Motherbase was quickly established. Armies united on their way to the Western Front, Russian Planes started their bombing runs on the Russio-j.a.panese Border, Tanks advanced over the plains of Manchuria, all soldiers had solemn looks on their faces even though their Moral was at an all-time high! The war has officially started,

As a News Station in America broadcasted; ""As of Today, 17:00 GMT time the President of Switzerland has declared this war the Second world war! Nations all over the world mobilize their armies as the first skirmishes to take place on the western front. Will America Join? Pick a side? Tomorrow Congress will debate this topic. G.o.d Bless Us All!"" The Reported finished his speech.

""FIRE!"" The Royal British Navy fired upon the German-Russian combined fleet as they engage in the Baltic sea, navy battles were unfolding everywhere as the countries were technically already at war. The world unfolds more and more in a state of total chaos, this month that will be known in the future as b.l.o.o.d.y March, where each day almost 10,000 men lose their lives.

Airforces were mobilized and moved towards forwarding operating airbases, intelligence was quickly shared, Diplomats and emba.s.sies were all prepared and started to persuade other countries to join their war effort.

In 3 days time, all Country leaders and their respective Generals will meet at the High Command in Switzerland, with an unexpected twist...

World map and their respective Alliances:

War Map:

hope people are enjoying my book so far, war has escalated and will quickly engulf the entire globe in a total war! The war will be broken up into Months, the war has started in March 1938, each Month will have a minimum of one important event, such events can range from:

-Major Land Battle, Air Battle or Sea Battle

-It can have infiltration battles, missions carried out by the secret police and Black hands.

-Beach landings and Paradropping.

-Resistance battles, sabotage, Convoy raids,, etc

-Rebellions and back-stabbing

-And many more

Of course, many more can take place in one month. Some battles will have an indirect or direct impact on a future battlefield, such that my readers can start connecting certain dots together. Intricate battles such as the destruction of Obj. 289 (Operation Dust Angel) will not be that many, once or twice per year period. I have not decided, currently, there are already 4 planned.

Lastly, the Alliance map and Battle maps will be updated every 6 Months or if a very important event happened.

I hope my readers can give me feedback on the Battlemaps and if you find them detailed enough and of my readers like the idea of witnessing the many types of battles and how it progresses