The Works of Christopher Marlowe

Chapter 44

Hear me, immortal Jove, and grant it too!

_Berk._ Your grace must hence with me to Berkeley straight.

_Edw._ Whither you will, all places are alike, And every earth is fit for burial.

_Leices._ Favour him, my lord, as much as lieth in you.

_Berk._ Even so betide my soul as I use him.

_Edw._ Mine enemy hath pitied my estate, And that"s the cause that I am now removed. 150

_Berk._ And thinks your grace that Berkeley will be cruel?

_Edw._ I know not; but of this am I a.s.sured, That death ends all, and I can die but once.

Leicester, farewell!

_Leices._ Not yet, my lord; I"ll bear you on your way.

[_Exeunt omnes._


_Enter_[311] MORTIMER _and_ QUEEN ISABEL.

_Y. Mor._ Fair Isabel, now have we our desire, The proud corrupters of the light-brained king Have done their homage to the lofty gallows, And he himself lies in captivity.

Be ruled by me, and we will rule the realm.

In any case take heed of childish fear, For now we hold an old wolf[312] by the ears, That, if he slip, will seize upon us both, And gripe the sorer, being grip"d himself.

Think therefore, madam, that [it] imports us[313] much 10 To erect your son with all the speed we may, And that I be protector over him; For our behoof, "twill[314] bear the greater sway Whenas a king"s name shall be under writ.

_Queen._ Sweet Mortimer, the life of Isabel, Be thou persuaded that I love thee well, And therefore, so the prince my son be safe, Whom I esteem as dear as these mine eyes, Conclude against his father what thou wilt, And I myself will willingly subscribe. 20

_Y. Mor._ First would I hear news he were deposed, And then let me alone to handle him.

_Enter_ Messenger.

Letters! from whence?

_Mess._ From Killingworth, my lord.

_Queen._ How fares my lord the king?

_Mess._ In health, madam, but full of pensiveness.

_Queen._ Alas, poor soul, would I could ease his grief!

_Enter_ WINCHESTER[315] _with the Crown._

Thanks, gentle Winchester. [_To the Messenger._] Sirrah, be gone.

[_Exit Messenger._ _Winch._ The king hath willingly resigned his crown.

_Queen._ O happy news! send for the prince, my son.

_Winch._ Further, or this letter[316] was sealed, Lord Berkeley came, 30 So that he now is gone from Killingworth; And we have heard that Edmund laid a plot To set his brother free; no more but so.

The Lord of Berkeley is so [as?] pitiful As Leicester that had charge of him before.

_Queen._ Then let some other be his guardian.

_Y. Mor._ Let me alone, here is the privy seal.


Who"s there?--call hither Gurney and Matrevis.

To dash the heavy-headed Edmund"s drift, Berkeley shall be discharged, the king removed, 40 And none but we shall know where he lieth.[317]

_Queen._ But, Mortimer, as long as he survives, What safety rests for us, or for my son?

_Y. Mor._ Speak, shall he presently be despatched and die?

_Queen._ I would he were, so "twere not by my means.

_Enter_ MATREVIS _and_ GURNEY.

_Y. Mor._ Enough.-- Matrevis, write a letter presently Unto the Lord of Berkeley from ourself That he resign the king to thee and Gurney; And when "tis done, we will subscribe our name. 50

_Mat._ It shall be done, my lord.

_Y. Mor._ Gurney.

_Gur._ My lord.

_Y. Mor._ As thou intend"st to rise by Mortimer, Who now makes Fortune"s wheel turn as he please, Seek all the means thou canst to make him droop, And neither give him kind word nor good look.

_Gur._ I warrant you, my lord.

_Y. Mor._ And this above the rest: because we hear That Edmund casts to work his liberty, Remove him still from place to place by night, Till at the last he come to Killingworth, 60 And then from thence to Berkeley back again?

And by the way, to make him fret the more, Speak curstly to him; and in any case Let no man comfort him if he chance to weep, But amplify his grief with bitter words.

_Mat._ Fear not, my lord, we"ll do as you command.

_Y. Mor._ So now away; post thitherwards amain.

_Queen._ Whither goes this letter? to my lord the king?

Commend me humbly to his majesty, And tell him that I labour all in vain 70 To ease his grief, and work his liberty; And bear him this as witness of my love. [_Gives a ring._

_Mat._ I will, madam.

[_Exeunt_ MATREVIS _and_ GURNEY; _manent_ ISABEL _and_ MORTIMER.

_Enter the_ Young Prince, _and the_ EARL OF KENT _talking with him_.

_Y. Mor._ Finely dissembled? Do so still, sweet queen.

Here comes the young prince with the Earl of Kent.