The Works of Christopher Marlowe

Chapter 10

_Math._ What greater gift can poor Mathias have?

Shall Lodowick rob me of so fair a love? 350 My life is not so dear as Abigail.

_Bar._ My heart misgives me, that, to cross your love, He"s with your mother, therefore after him.

_Math._ What, is he gone unto my mother?

_Bar._ Nay, if you will, stay till she comes herself.

_Math._ I cannot stay; for if my mother come, She"ll die with grief. [_Exit._

_Abig._ I cannot take my leave of him for tears: Father, why have you thus incensed them both?

_Bar._ What"s that to thee? 360

_Abig._ I"ll make "em friends again.

_Bar._ You"ll make "em friends!

Are there not Jews enough in Malta, But thou must doat upon a Christian?

_Abig._ I will have Don Mathias, he is my love.

_Bar._ Yes, you shall have him: go put her in.

_Itha._ I, I"ll put her in. [_Puts her in._

_Bar._ Now tell me, Ithamore, how lik"st thou this?

_Itha._ Faith, master, I think by this You purchase both their lives; is it not so? 370

_Bar._ True; and it shall be cunningly performed.

_Itha._ O master, that I might have a hand in this.

_Bar._ I, so thou shalt, "tis thou must do the deed: Take this, and bear it to Mathias straight, [_Gives a letter._ And tell him that it comes from Lodowick.

_Itha._ "Tis poisoned, is it not?

_Bar._ No, no, and yet it might be done that way: It is a challenge feigned from Lodowick.

_Itha._ Fear not; I will so set his heart afire, That he shall verily think it comes from him. 380

_Bar._ I cannot choose but like thy readiness: Yet be not rash, but do it cunningly.

_Itha._ As I behave myself in this, employ me here-after.

_Bar._ Away then. [_Exit._ So, now will I go in to Lodowick, And, like a cunning spirit, feign some lie, Till I have set "em both at enmity.




_Enter_[77] BELLAMIRA, _a courtesan._

_Bell._ Since this town was besieged, my gain grows cold: The time has been that, but for one bare night, A hundred ducats have been freely given: But now against my will I must be chaste; And yet I know my beauty doth not fail.

From Venice merchants, and from Padua Were wont to come rare-witted gentlemen, Scholars I mean, learned and liberal; And now, save Pilia-Borza, comes there none, And he is very seldom from my house; 10 And here he comes.


_Pilia._ Hold thee, wench, there"s something for thee to spend.

_Bell._ "Tis silver. I disdain it.

_Pilia._ I, but the Jew has gold, And I will have it, or it shall go hard.

_Court._ Tell me, how cam"st thou by this?

_Pilia._ "Faith, walking the back lanes, through the gardens, I chanced to cast mine eye up to the Jew"s counting-house, where I saw some bags of money, and in the night I clambered up with my hooks, and, as I was taking my choice, I heard a rumbling in the house; so I took only this, and run my way: but here"s the Jew"s man. 24

_Bell._ Hide the bag.


_Pilia._ Look not towards him, let"s away: zoon"s, what a looking thou keep"st; thou"lt betray "s anon.

[_Exeunt_ Courtesan _and_ PILIA-BORZA.

_Itha_. O the sweetest face that ever I beheld! I know she is a courtesan by her attire: now would I give a hundred of the Jew"s crowns that I had such a concubine.

Well, 31 I have delivered the challenge in such sort, As meet they will, and fighting die; brave sport.



_Enter_ MATHIAS.[78]

_Math._ This is the place, now Abigail shall see Whether Mathias holds her dear or no.

_Enter_ LODOWICK.[79]

What, dares the villain write in such base terms?

[_Reading a letter._

_Lod._ I did it; and revenge it if thou dar"st.

[_They fight._ _Enter_ BARABAS, _above._[80]