The Works of Christopher Marlowe

Chapter 15

_F. Barn._ Thou hast committed----

_Bar._ Fornication--but that Was in another country: and besides, The wench is dead.

_F. Barn._ I, but, Barabas, Remember Mathias and Don Lodowick.

_Bar._ Why, what of them?

_F. Barn._ I will not say that by a forged challenge they met.

_Bar._ She has confest, and we are both undone, 50 My bosom inmate![107] but I must dissemble.-- [_Aside._ O holy friars, the burthen of my sins Lie heavy on my soul; then pray you tell me.

Is"t not too late now to turn Christian?

I have been zealous in the Jewish faith, Hard-hearted to the poor, a covetous wretch, That would for lucre"s sake have sold my soul.

A hundred for a hundred I have ta"en; And now for store of wealth may I compare With all the Jews in Malta; but what is wealth? 60 I am a Jew, and therefore am I lost.

Would penance serve for this my sin, I could afford to whip myself to death--

_Itha._ And so could I; but penance will not serve.

_Bar._ To fast, to pray, and wear a shirt of hair, And on my knees creep to Jerusalem.

Cellars of wine, and sollers[108] full of wheat, Warehouses stuft with spices and with drugs, Whole chests of gold, in bullion, and in coin, Besides I know not how much weight in pearl, 70 Orient and round, have I within my house; At Alexandria, merchandise unsold:[109]

But yesterday two ships went from this town, Their voyage will be worth ten thousand crowns.

In Florence, Venice, Antwerp, London, Seville, Frankfort, Lubeck, Moscow, and where not, Have I debts owing; and in most of these, Great sums of money lying in the banco; All this I"ll give to some religious house So I may be baptized, and live therein. 80

_F. Jac._ O good Barabas, come to our house.

_F. Barn._ O no, good Barabas, come to our house; And, Barabas, you know----

_Bar._ I know that I have highly sinned.

You shall convert me, you shall have all my wealth.

_F. Jac._ O Barabas, their laws are strict.

_Bar._ I know they are, and I will be with you.

[_To_ F. JAC.

_F. Barn._ They wear no shirts, and they go barefoot too.

_Bar._ Then "tis not for me; and I am resolved [_To_ F. BARN.

You shall confess me, and have all my goods. 90

_F. Jac._ Good Barabas, come to me.

_Bar._ You see I answer him, and yet he stays; [_To_ F. BARN.

Rid him away, and go you home with me.

_F. Jac._ I"ll be with you to-night.

_Bar._ Come to my house at one o"clock this night.

[_To_ F. JAC.

_F. Jac._ You hear your answer, and you may be gone.

_F. Barn._ Why, go get you away.

_F. Jac._ I will not go for thee.

_F. Barn._ Not! then I"ll make thee go.

_F. Jac._ How, dost call me rogue? [_They fight._ 100

_Itha._ Part "em, master, part "em.

_Bar._ This is mere frailty, brethren, be content.

Friar Barnardine, go you with Ithamore: You[110] know my mind, let me alone with him.

[_Aside to_ F. BARN.

_F. Jac._ Why does he go to thy house; let him begone.

_Bar._ I"ll give him something and so stop his mouth.

[_Exit_ ITHAMORE with F. BARN.

I never heard of any man but he Maligned the order of the Jacobins: But do you think that I believe his words?

Why, brother, you converted Abigail; 110 And I am bound in charity to requite it, And so I will. O Jacomo, fail not, but come.

_F. Jac._ But, Barabas, who shall be your G.o.dfathers, For presently you shall be shrived.

_Bar._ Marry, the Turk[111] shall be one of my G.o.dfathers, But not a word to any of your covent.[112]

_F. Jac._ I warrant thee, Barabas. [_Exit._

_Bar._ So, now the fear is past, and I am safe: For he that shrived her is within my house, What if I murdered him ere Jacomo comes? 120 Now I have such a plot for both their lives As never Jew nor Christian knew the like; One turned my daughter, therefore he shall die; The other knows enough to have my life, Therefore "tis not requisite he should live.

But are not both these wise men to suppose That I will leave my house, my goods, and all To fast and be well whipt? I"ll none of that.

Now Friar Barnardine I come to you, I"ll feast you, lodge you, give you fair words, 130 And after that, I and my trusty Turk-- No more but so: it must and shall be done. [_Exit._


_Enter_[113] BARABAS _and_ ITHAMORE.

_Bar._ Ithamore, tell me, is the friar asleep?

_Itha._ Yes; and I know not what the reason is, Do what I can he will not strip himself, Nor go to bed, but sleeps in his own clothes; I fear me he mistrusts what we intend.

_Bar._ No, "tis an order which the friars use: Yet, if he knew our meanings, could he "scape?

_Itha._ No, none can hear him, cry he ne"er so loud.

_Bar._ Why true, therefore did I place him there: The other chambers open towards the street. 10

_Itha._ You loiter, master, wherefore stay we thus?

O how I long to see him shake his heels.

_Bar._ Come on, sirrah.