The Works of Christopher Marlowe

Chapter 20

_Bar._ He knows it already. [_Aside._

_Itha._ "Tis a strange thing of that Jew, he lives upon pickled gra.s.shoppers and sauced mushrooms.

_Bar._ What a slave"s this? the Governor feeds not as I do. [_Aside._

_Itha._ He never put on clean shirt since he was circ.u.mcised.

_Bar._ O rascal! I change myself twice a day. [_Aside._ 70

_Itha._ The hat he wears, Judas left under the elder[137]

when he hanged himself.

_Bar._ "Twas sent me for a present from the great Cham. [_Aside._

_Pilia._ A musty[138] slave he is; whither now, fiddler?

_Bar._ _Pardonnez moi, monsieur_, me[139] be no well. [_Exit._

_Pilia._ Farewell, fiddler: one letter more to the Jew.

_Bell._ Prythee, sweet love, one more, and write it sharp.

_Itha._ No, I"ll send by word of mouth now; bid him deliver thee a thousand crowns, by the same token, that the nuns loved rice,--that Friar Barnardine slept in his own clothes; any of "em will do it. 81

_Pilia._ Let me alone to urge it, now I know the meaning.

_Itha._ The meaning has a meaning; come let"s in: To undo a Jew is charity, and not sin.




_Enter_[140] Governor, Knights, _and_ MARTIN DEL BOSCO.

_Gov._ Now, gentlemen, betake you to your arms, And see that Malta be well fortified; And it behoves you to be resolute; For Calymath, having hovered here so long, Will win the town or die before the walls.

_Knights._ And die he shall, for we will never yield.


_Bell._ O, bring us to the Governor.

_Gov._ Away with her; she is a courtesan.

_Bell._ Whate"er I am, yet, Governor, hear me speak; I bring thee news by whom thy son was slain: 10 Mathias did it not; it was the Jew.

_Pilia._ Who, besides the slaughter of these gentlemen, Poisoned his own daughter and the nuns, Strangled a friar, and I know not what Mischief besides.

_Gov._ Had we but proof of this----

_Bell._ Strong proof, my lord; his man"s now at my lodging, That was his agent; he"ll confess it all.

_Gov._ Go fetch him straight [_Exeunt_ Officers]; I always feared that Jew. 20

_Enter_ Officers _with_ BARABAS _and_ ITHAMORE.

_Bar._ I"ll go alone; dogs, do not hale me thus.

_Itha._ Nor me neither, I cannot outrun you, constable: O my belly!

_Bar._ One dram of powder more had made all sure; What a d.a.m.ned slave was I! [_Aside._

_Gov._ Make fires, heat irons, let the rack be fetched.

_Knights._ Nay, stay, my lord, "t may be he will confess?

_Bar._ Confess! what mean you, lords, who should confess?

_Gov._ Thou and thy Turk; "twas you that slew my son.

_Itha._ Guilty, my lord, I confess: your son and Mathias were both contracted unto Abigail; [he] forged a counterfeit challenge. 31

_Bar._ Who carried that challenge?

_Itha._ I carried it, I confess; but who writ it? Marry, even he that strangled Barnardine, poisoned the nuns, and his own daughter.

_Gov._ Away with him, his sight is death to me.

_Bar._ For what, you men of Malta? hear me speak: She is a courtesan, and he a thief, And he my bondman. Let me have law, For none of this can prejudice my life. 40

_Gov._ Once more, away with him; you shall have law.

_Bar._ Devils, do your worst, I live in spite of you. [_Aside._ As these have spoke, so be it to their souls!-- I hope the poisoned flowers will work anon. [_Aside._ [_Exeunt._

_Enter the_ Mother _of_ MATHIAS.

_Mother._ Was my Mathias murdered by the Jew?

Ferneze, "twas thy son that murdered him.

_Gov._ Be patient, gentle madam, it was he.

He forged the daring challenge made them fight.

_Mother._ Where is the Jew? where is that murderer?