The Works of Christopher Marlowe

Chapter 53

_Guise._ Cousin, "tis he; I know him by his look: See where my soldier shot him through the arm; He miss"d him near, but we have struck him now.-- Ah, base Chatillon and degenerate, Chief Standard-bearer to the Lutherans, Thus, in despite of thy religion, The Duke of Guise stamps on thy lifeless bulk!

_Anj._ Away with him! cut off his head and hands, 40 And send them for a present to the Pope;[369]

And, when this just revenge is finished, Unto Mount Falcon[370] will we drag his corse;

And he, that living hated so the Cross, Shall, being dead, be hanged thereon in chains.

_Guise._ Anjou, Gonzago, Retes, if that you three Will be as resolute as I and Dumaine, There shall not a Huguenot breathe in France.

_Anj._ I swear by this cross, we"ll not be partial, But slay as many as we can come near. 50

_Guise._ Mountsorrell, go shoot the ordnance off, That they, which have already set the street, May know their watchword; then toll the bell, And so let"s forward to the ma.s.sacre.

_Mount._ I will, my lord. [_Exit._

_Guise._ And now, my lords, let"s closely to our business.

_Anj._ Anjou will follow thee.

_Dum._ And so will Dumaine.

[_The ordnance being shot off, the bell tolls_.

_Guise._ Come, then, let"s away.



_Enter_[371] GUISE _and the rest with their swords drawn, chasing the Protestants._

_Guise._ _Tuez, tuez, tuez!_ Let none escape! murder the Huguenots!

_Anj._ Kill them! kill them! [_Exeunt._

_Enter_ LOREINE _running_; GUISE _and the rest pursuing him._

_Guise._ Loreine, Loreine! follow Loreine!--Sirrah, Are you a preacher of these heresies?

_Lor._ I am a preacher of the word of G.o.d; And thou a traitor to thy soul and him.

_Guise._ "Dearly beloved brother,"--thus "tis written.

[_Stabs_ LOREINE, _who dies_.

_Anj._ Stay, my lord, let me begin the psalm.

_Guise._ Come, drag him away, and throw him in a ditch. 10 [_Exeunt with the body._


_Enter_[372] MOUNTSORRELL, _and knocks at_ SEROUNE"S _door._

_Seroune"s Wife_ [_within_]. Who is that which knocks there?

_Mount._ Mountsorrell, from the Duke of Guise.

_Seroune"s Wife_ [_within_]. Husband, come down; here"s one would speak with you From the Duke of Guise.

_Enter_ SEROUNE _from the house._

_Ser._ To speak with me, from such a man as he?

_Mount._ I, I, for this, Seroune; and thou shalt ha"t.

[_Showing his dagger._

_Ser._ O, let me pray, before I take my death!

_Mount._ Despatch, then, quickly.

_Ser._ O Christ, my Saviour!

_Mount._ Christ, villain!

Why, darest thou presume to call on Christ, 10 Without the intercession of some saint?

_Sanctus_[373] _Jacobus_, he"s[374] my saint; pray to him.

_Ser._ O let me pray unto my G.o.d!

_Mount._ Then take this with you.

[_Stabs_ SEROUNE, _who dies; and then exit._


_Enter_ RAMUS, _in his study._

_Ramus._ What fearful cries come from the river Seine,[375]

That fright poor Ramus sitting at his book!

I fear the Guisians have pa.s.s"d the bridge, And mean once more to menace me.

_Enter_ TALaeUS.

_Tal._ Fly, Ramus, fly, if thou wilt save thy life!

_Ramus._ Tell me, Talaeus, wherefore should I fly?

_Tal._ The Guisians are Hard at thy door, and mean to murder us: Hark, hark, they come! I"ll leap out at the window.

_Ramus_. Sweet Talaeus, stay. 10

_Enter_ GONZAGO _and_ RETES.