The Works of Christopher Marlowe

Chapter 59

_First Murd._ Let us alone; I warrant you.

_Cap._ Then, sirs, take your standings within this chamber; 10 For anon the Guise will come.

_All three Murderers._ You will give us our money?

_Cap._ I, I, fear not: stand close: so; be resolute.

[_Exeunt_ Murderers.

Now falls the star whose influence governs France, Whose light was deadly to the Protestants: Now must he fall, and perish in his height.


_Henry._ Now, captain of my guard, are these murderers ready?

_Cap._ They be, my good lord.

_Henry._ But are they resolute, and armed to kill, Hating the life and honour of the Guise? 20

_Cap._ I warrant ye, my lord. [_Exit._

_Henry._ Then come, proud Guise, and here disgorge thy breast, Surcharged with surfeit of ambitious thoughts; Breathe out that life wherein my death was hid, And end thy endless treasons with thy death. [_Knocking within._

_Guise_ [_within_]. _Hola, varlet, he!_--Epernoun, where is the king?

_Eper._ Mounted[419] his royal cabinet.

_Guise_ [_within_]. I prithee, tell him that the Guise is here.

_Eper._ An please your grace, the Duke of Guise doth crave Access unto your highness.

_Henry._ Let him come in.-- 30 Come, Guise, and see thy traitorous guile outreach"d, And perish in the pit thou mad"st for me.

_Enter_ GUISE.

_Guise._ Good morrow to your majesty.

_Henry._ Good morrow to my loving cousin of Guise: How fares it this morning with your excellence?

_Guise._ I heard your majesty was scarcely pleased, That in the court I bear so great a train.

_Henry._ They were to blame that said I was displeased; And you, good cousin, to imagine it.

"Twere hard with me, if I should doubt my kin, 40 Or be suspicious of my dearest friends, Cousin, a.s.sure you I am resolute, Whatsoever any whisper in mine ears, Not to suspect disloyalty in thee: And so, sweet coz, farewell. [_Exit with_ EPERNOUN.

_Guise._ So; Now sues the king for favour to the Guise, And all his minions stoop when I command: Why, this "tis to have an army in the field.

Now, by the holy sacrament, I swear, 50 As ancient Romans o"er their captive lords, So will I triumph o"er this wanton king; And he shall follow my proud chariot"s wheels.

Now do I but begin to look about, And all my former time was spent in vain.

Hold, sword, For in thee is the Duke of Guise"s hope.

_Re-enter_ Third Murderer.

Villain, why dost thou look so ghastly? speak.

_Third Murd._ O, pardon me, my Lord of Guise!

_Guise._ Pardon thee! why, what hast thou done? 60

_Third Murd._ O my lord, I am one of them that is set to murder you!

_Guise._ To murder me, villain!

_Third Murd._ I, my lord: the rest have ta"en their standings in the next room; therefore, good my lord, go not forth.

_Guise._ Yet Caesar shall go forth.

Let mean conceits and baser men fear death: Tut, they are peasants; I am Duke of Guise; And princes with their looks engender fear. 70

_First Murd._ [_within_] Stand close; he is coming; I know him by his voice.

_Guise._ As pale as ashes![420] nay, then, it is time To look about.

_Enter_ First _and_ Second Murderers.

_First and Sec. Murderers._ Down with him, down with him!

[_They stab_ GUISE.

_Guise._ O, I have my death"s wound! give me leave to speak.

_Sec. Murd._ Then pray to G.o.d, and ask forgiveness of the king.

_Guise._ Trouble me not; I ne"er offended him, Nor will I ask forgiveness of the king.

O, that I have not power to stay my life, Nor immortality to be revenged! 80 To die by peasants, what a grief is this!

Ah, Sixtus, be reveng"d upon the king!

Philip and Parma, I am slain for you!

Pope, excommunicate, Philip, depose The wicked branch of curs"d Valois his line!

_Vive la messe!_ perish Huguenots!

Thus Caesar did go forth, and thus he died. [_Dies._

_Enter the_ Captain of the Guard.

_Cap._ What, have you done?

Then stay a while, and I"ll go call the king.

But see, where he comes. 90

_Enter_ KING HENRY, EPERNOUN, _and_ Attendants.

My lord, see, where the Guise is slain.

_Henry._ Ah, this sweet sight is physic to my soul!

Go fetch his son for to behold his death.-- [_Exit an_ Attendant.

Surcharg"d with guilt of thousand ma.s.sacres, Monsieur of Lorraine, sink away to h.e.l.l!

And, in remembrance of those b.l.o.o.d.y broils, To which thou didst allure me, being alive, And here, in presence of you all, I swear, I ne"er was king of France until this hour.