The Works of Christopher Marlowe

Chapter 68

Thy son, thou know"st, with Dido now remains, 70 And feeds his eyes with favours of her court; She, likewise, in admiring spends her time, And cannot talk nor think of aught but him: Why should not they, then, join in marriage, And bring forth mighty kings to Carthage-town, Whom casualty of sea hath made such friends?

And, Venus, let there be a match confirm"d Betwixt these two, whose loves are so alike; And both our deities, conjoin"d in one, Shall chain felicity unto their throne. 80

_Ven._ Well could I like this reconcilement"s means; But much I fear my son will ne"er consent, Whose armed soul, already on the sea, Darts forth her light [un]to Lavinia"s sh.o.r.e.

_Juno._ Fair queen of love, I will divorce these doubts, And find my way to weary such fond thoughts.

This day they both a-hunting forth will ride Into the[502] woods adjoining to these walls; When, in the midst of all their gamesome sports, I"ll make the clouds dissolve their watery works, 90 And drench Silva.n.u.s" dwellings with their showers; Then in one cave the queen and he shall meet, And interchangeably discourse their thoughts, Whose short conclusion will seal up their hearts Unto the purpose which we now propound.

_Ven._ Sister, I see you savour of my wiles: Be it as you will have [it] for this once.

Meantime Ascanius shall be my charge; Whom I will bear to Ida in mine arms, And couch him in Adonis" purple down. 100 [_Exeunt._


_Enter_[503] DIDO, aeNEAS, ANNA, IARBAS, ACHATES, CUPID _as_ ASCANIUS, _and_ Followers.

_Dido._ aeneas, think not but I honour thee, That thus in person go with thee to hunt: My princely robes, thou see"st, are laid aside, Whose glittering pomp Diana"s shroud[504] supplies; All fellows now, disposed alike to sport; The woods are wide, and we have store of game.

Fair Trojan, hold my golden bow a while, Until I gird my quiver to my side.-- Lords, go before; we two must talk alone.

_Iar._ Ungentle, can she wrong Iarbas so? 10

I"ll die before a stranger have that grace.

"We two will talk alone"--what words be these! [_Aside._

_Dido._ What makes Iarbas here of all the rest?

We could have gone without your company.

_aen._ But love and duty led him on perhaps To press beyond acceptance to your sight.

_Iar._ Why! man of Troy, do I offend thine eyes?

Or art thou grieved thy betters press so nigh?

_Dido._ How now, Gaetulian! are you grown so brave, To challenge us with your comparisons? 20 Peasant, go seek companions like thyself, And meddle not with any that I love.-- aeneas, be not moved at what he says; For otherwhile he will be out of joint.

_Iar._ Women may wrong by privilege of love; But, should that man of men, Dido except, Have taunted me in these opprobrious terms, I would have either drunk his dying blood, Or else I would have given my life in gage. 29

_Dido._ Huntsmen, why pitch you not your toils apace, And rouse the light-foot deer from forth their lair?

_Anna._ Sister, see, see Ascanius in his pomp, Bearing his hunt-spear bravely in his hand!

_Dido._ Yea, little son, are you so forward now?

_Cup._ I, mother; I shall one day be a man, And better able unto other arms; Meantime these wanton weapons serve my war, Which I will break betwixt a lion"s jaws.

_Dido._ What? dar"st thou look a lion in the face?

_Cup._ I; and outface him too, do what he can. 40

_Anna._ How like his father speaketh he in all!

_aen._ And mought I live to see him sack rich Thebes, And load his spear with Grecian princes" heads, Then would I wish me with Anchises" tomb, And dead to honour that hath brought me up.

_Iar._ And might I live to see thee shipp"d away, And hoist aloft on Neptune"s hideous hills, Then would I wish me in fair Dido"s arms, And dead to scorn that hath pursu"d me so. [_Aside._

_aen._ Stout friend Achates, dost thou know this wood? 50

_Ach._ As I remember, here you shot the deer That saved your famish"d soldiers" lives from death, When first you set your foot upon the sh.o.r.e; And here we met fair Venus, virgin-like, Bearing her bow and quiver at her back.

_aen._ O, how these irksome labours now delight, And overjoy my thoughts with their escape!

Who would not undergo all kind of toil, To be well stor"d with such a winter"s tale?

_Dido._ aeneas, leave these dumps, and let"s away. 60 Some to the mountains, some unto the soil,[505]

You to the valleys,--thou unto the house.

[_Exeunt all except_ IARBAS.

_Iar._ I, this it is which wounds me to the death, To see a Phrygian, far-fet[506] o"er the sea, Preferr"d before a man of majesty.

O love! O hate! O cruel women"s hearts, That imitate the moon in every change, And, like the planets, ever love to range!

What shall I do, thus wronged with disdain?

Revenge me on aeneas or on her? 70 On her! fond man, that were to war "gainst heaven, And with one shaft provoke ten thousand darts.

This Trojan"s end will be thy envy"s aim, Whose blood will reconcile thee to content, And make love drunken with thy sweet desire.

But Dido, that now holdeth him so dear, Will die with very tidings of his death: But time will discontinue her content, And mould her mind unto new fancy"s shapes, O G.o.d of heaven, turn the hand of Fate 80 Unto that happy day of my delight!

And then--what then? Iarbas shall but love: So doth he now, though not with equal gain; That resteth in the rival of thy pain, Who ne"er will cease to soar till he be slain.



_The storm. Enter_ aeNEAS _and_ DIDO _in the cave, at several times_.

_Dido._ aeneas!

_aen._ Dido!

_Dido._ Tell me, dear love, how found you out this cave?

_aen._ By chance, sweet queen, as Mars and Venus met.

_Dido._ Why, that was in a net, where we are loose; And yet I am not free,--O, would I were!

_aen._ Why, what is it that Dido may desire And not obtain, be it in human power?

_Dido._ The thing that I will die before I ask, And yet desire to have before I die. 10

_aen_. It is not aught aeneas may achieve?

_Dido._ aeneas! no; although his eyes do pierce.

_aen._ What, hath Iarbas anger"d her in aught?

And will she be avenged on his life?