The Works of Christopher Marlowe

Chapter 87

[533] Float.

[534] Lat. _lympha_ is the same word as _Nympha_.

[535] Scene: the open country near Carthage.

[536] The reader will be reminded of Juliet"s Nurse.

[537] Wencher.

[538] Scene; a room in Dido"s palace.

[539] Plan.

[540] Old ed. "honeys spoyles."

[541] Old ed. "her." In the _Athenaeum_ for 10th May 1884, Dr. Karl Elze makes the plausible emendation, "And _scent_ our pleasant suburbs with _perfumes_."

[542] Rudder. Cf. 1 _Henry VI._ i. 1:--

"The king from Eltham I intend to send, And sit at chiefest _stern_ of public weal."

[543] At l. 50 the stage-direction was "Exit _Sergestus_ with Ascanius."

[544] Plan.

[545] Requite.

[546] A word which it is not easy to supply has been omitted. Dyce"s "farewell [none]" and Cunninghan"s "Let me go _is_ farewell" are equally unsatisfactory.

[547] Old ed. "chaunged."

[548] Old ed. "my"

[549] Cf. 1 _Tamburlaine_, v. 1. l. 21.

[550] Virgil, _aen._ iv. 317.

[551] Old ed. "ad haec."

[552] Virgil, _aen_. iv. 360.

[553] Cf. Virgil, _aen_. iv. 365-7:--

"Nec tibi diva parens, generis nec Darda.n.u.s auctor, Perfide; sed duris genuit te cautibus horrens Caucasus, Hycanaeque admorunt ubera tigres."

[554] Old ed. "abdurate."

[555] Old ed. "keend." If "kenned" is the right reading, we must suppose the meaning to be "too clearly perceived."

[556] I have repeated "Anna" for the sake of the metre. Cf. l. 241.

[557] Old ed. "Orions."

[558] Dyce"s correction ""em" seems unnecessary.

[559] Dearest. Cf. _2 Henry VI._ iii. 1:--

"And with your best endeavours have stirred up My _liefest_ liege to be mine enemy."

[560] Old ed. "thy."

[561] "Daughter" is nonsense. Should we read "Guardian to" (or "unto")?

Cf. Virg., _aen._ iv. 484:--

"Hesperidum templi _custos_."

[562] Here and in l. 298 Dyce needlessly reads "lies."

[563] Virg., _aen._ iv. 628.

[564] The best editions of Virgil read "_ipsique nepotesque_."

[565] Virg., _aen_. iv. 660.

[566] Preys.

[567] Avail.