The World Is A Bit Sweet

Chapter 2 : With tide there won’t be no stains [有汰渍没污渍]

Chapter 2 : With tide there won’t be no stains [有汰渍没污渍]

In fact, in Mo Ka heart  there are also normal emotions. To feel sorry, to feel sad, to feel happy, to be moving but he is unwilling to show these emotions to  outsiders. What can they do if they see? He doesn’t want others to like him but he also doesn’t want others to hate him. He always does things at a slow pace. (always a beat behind.) He doesn’t like to follow others. It’s  just the same as the year when people stole food. People around went crazy, they didn’t eat meals just so that they can have the time to steal food. At that time Hao Shuai exaggerated and got each buddy’s cooking times and used a book to record them. He then used a phone to set an alarm. Regardless of the time and location, as long as the alarm rang you will see Hao Shuai sparkle. His eyes shift from somewhere to in front of  the computer. Someday Mo Ka saw another friend always sitting in front of the computer staring. He initially thought he was watching movies, but did not hear the sound. He walked over to find that he was staring at someone else’s vegetable garden. Mo Ka asked: “What are you  doing?” The friend obviously answered : “Waiting for others to cook dishes.” Mo Ka looked closer, above it shows that this dish still has 7  hours and 40 minutes to cook. (T_T)

The Mo Ka then did not understand why this game would be so crazy. (bruh me neither so  confusing. f.u.c.ked me brain up translating it!). After a year, two years later, people gradually did not play this game, before Mo Ka decided to  try. Like the popular microblogging Weibo, Mo Ka sort of did not want to play. He didn’t understand why others will have so many feelings and things to share with others. He doesn’t have any so he doesn’t play. Maybe one day when the whole world stops playing Weibo, Mo Ka will play.  (We know that’s never going to happen. Bless your soul, so cute.)

Lifting dumbbells, Hao Shuai is absent minded.

Mo Ka asked: “What’s wrong?”

Hao Shuai put down the dumbbell: “Recently Shan Shan doesn’t love to respond to me even a little. What do you think happened?”

Mo Ka took one look at at Hao Shuai and said: “Is it decreased stamina.”

“Don’t make jokes, I suspect she likes another man, I did say beautiful women aren’t too reliable.”

“Unreliable yet you still find (women who are unreliable).”

“I thought Shan Shan wouldn’t be the same.”

“She is quite different.  I say girls like Gao Shan Shan is not worth it. You serve like a  mistress of the house serves him, [1] still have a man’s dignity.”

[1]你像伺候祖奶奶一样伺候他  奶奶 is used to address your grandmother because it means  grandmother.  In this case it means b.r.e.a.s.t.s/(respectful) mistress of  the house/b.o.o.bies.

“What do you know, a person like me can find a beautiful girlfriend, am I easy, have face when bring to meet the brothers.”

“Looks are not the most important. For the other half, I pay greater attention to inner/spiritual beauty.”

“Yo (oh!), sentiment is  n.o.ble.” Hao Shuai originally wanted to seek comfort from Mo Ka, but  instead it was a blow to himself. He had finished dressing and was  prepared to go find Gao Shan Shan. Maybe because her aunt came so it  cause her to be unhappy these days. Mo Ka also followed Hao Shuai  downstairs, to go to the snack street to buy deep fried fragrant dried  tofu to eat.

Inside the elevator Hao Shuai and Mo Ka have a unimportant conversation: “Remember the last time I told you about that man?”


“The one who just started university.”

“Oh, what about it?”

“He seems to live in  this building, called Chen Ge. me off!” Hao Shuai’s tone suddenly  raised, and he heavily hammered the elevator wall. He is always this crazy  young blood.

“What’s wrong with you now.”

“More handsomer than me, also richer than me, isn’t that annoying.”

“If this is your standard (for getting) angry, then there are too many people that can p.i.s.s you off.” (Oooo burned)

Hao Shuai gave Mo Ka an ruthless stare. Once the elevator opened, he quickly disappeared. Mo Ka smoothly brought his deep fried fragrant dried tofu. He specifically asked the master to put more pepper on. When the oil from the dried tofu dripped, he refused to take up the image of walking and eating at the same time. He did not care about his image. Mo Ka is a yokel [2] and the city has a lot of fine people to compare with, it would be a bit incompatible. The moment the elevator doors was about to shut, a hand blocked the middle of elevator doors. Slender and  pretty fingers. Mo Ka could not help but bow his head and compare his  hands.

[2] Yokel 粗人a uneducated and unsophisticated person

The  elevator door inducted and reopened. Mo Ka looked up, the elevator  stopped. Time stopped. The world stopped, only left with his heartbeat rattling in his body. If the prince really can come out of a fairytale,  then this person definitely came to the wrong world. He could not find any words to describe the man present. Anyways he is good looking. Especially good looking.
That second Mo Ka found that what he just said to Hao Shuai about looks not  being important is full of s.h.i.t. Looks are indeed very important. Even  the Lao Chen fragrant dried tofu that Mo Ka really likes to eat also  drop down from number one ranking. (>.<>

Mo  Ka recognised the man at first glance. The man from the 18th floor. He  always wears a light colour shirt and dark jeans, low-key and stylish. His is face so good looking it makes people cannot help but look again. Mo Ka has never seen a man so perfect. It doesn’t matter anywhere on his body, a little more and a little less would seem more than enough. Turns out this world really has a legendary handsome bro (man), clean and pure.

The  man came in, he stood next to Mo Ka’s side. Mo Ka saw the man press the  18th floor. Although his face is expressionless, he guessed the heart is naive jumping for joy. The elevator slowly moved up. Mo Ka used his peripheral vision to compare himself to the tall man. His clothes are always so fair and clear, unrealistically fair and clean. The elevator almost reached the 18th floor. The door opened after it dinged, eyes looking at the man about to go out. Mo Ka like he’s affected by magic blurted out one weeks worth of words: “Hey, what brand do you use to  wash clothes?”

This is Mo Ka’s first words to Chen Ge, because he really wanted to wash his clothes that clean.

Chen Ge did not turn his head. He only glanced at Mo Ka. His handsome face hanging a  faint smile. This smile is too light but the mouth upturned a little. It completely subvert Mo Ka’s smile with this approachable view. There is  simply a feeling of rejection coming from a thousand miles away.

“Tide.” [汰渍]

Chen  Ge’s voice sounds better than what Mo Ka has imagined, magnetic and  clear. Reminds people of a unlimited reverie, and when the elevator  doors shut. Mo Ka was shocked because of his own discourtesy. He never  took the initiative to talk to strangers. The feeling of  distress/embarra.s.sment did not occur. Mo Ka thought: “Maybe I wanted  clean clothes too, or maybe Lao Chen Hong’s fragrant dried tofu gave him  courage. What a refreshing effect.
That  evening, Mo Ka threw away all the washing powder. He went downstairs to  the supermarket to buy a big basket of Tide washing powder. the new  upgrade of Tide washing powder, Tide washing liquid, Tide decontamination soap. Mo Ka does not know, if Chen Ge actually used it  to wash his clothes. Mo Ka also doesn’t know, if Chen Ge only heard old  broadcast ad casually say “with Tide there won’t be stains.” So everyday  he stood on the balcony, using Tide to rub the clothes hard over and  over again. I do not like Chen Ge.