The World Is A Bit Sweet

Chapter 19 or Volume 2 : Spring"s haunted house

Author: Angelina

Translator: jlei2000

以朋友的身份喜欢你 Like you as a friend

"September, October, November, December, January." Mo Ka muttered counting the days, unconsciously already known Chen Ge for 151 days, although everyday he warned himself that he cannot fall for Chen Ge this man: comrade Mo Ka, hold on. Persist in victory, in victory there is wife and children, rush ahead. But the enemy"s fire is quite powerful, colliding into Mo Ka"s heart scurrying it around. Thinking about that day when he waiting for his nosebleed to stop to find an excuse to slip, was really disgraceful.

The phone"s vibration sound cut short Mo Ka"s thoughts, it"s a phone call from Miao Yin Nan. Yin Nan is Mo Ka"s only female friend from the few friends he has, she dropped out of school before graduating Senior high school, said that she was going to work hard on turning over her own career. But going out for not yet two months, a Chief labour contractor took a fancy to her. The Chief labour contractor liked to contract with engineering projects, then he also wanted to contract with Yin Nan. At first Yin Nan didn"t agree, her heart was still reluctant to part with her ex boyfriend. Her ex boyfriend is a person who likes to sit on boats, the highest recorded simultaneously was stepping on 9 boats. Women ah, always never learn, obviously been hurt very deeply, obviously vowed to never think about that man again, but her heart knew, that it"s just bravery and nothing more.

The Chief labour contractor used money and determination, ultimately a year later he still moved Yin Nan. She was too lazy to work, she stayed at home day by day being supported by someone. Mo Ka did not exaggerate one bit. In the past Yin Nan was a beauty with a good body shape but ever since living this lazy life, Mo Ka personally witnessed her start from a XS number become a XXL number.

Yin Nan never mentioned that Chief labour contractor"s appearance, every time it is just lightly skipped, he can also be called Old bachelor Chen[1]. This one time Mo ka thought that the Chief labour contractor is certainly a 30 year old bald man, so Yin Nan is embarra.s.sed to say too much until there was a time he saw the Chief labour contractor"s appearance. Mo Ka felt himself be deceived. That Chief contractor is obviously only 20 year old, he is a handsome man and has a name that is pleasant to hear, he is called Chen Siyu.

[1]老五 Lao Wu means old bachelor

"Yin Nan ah, how did you think to call me today."

"What"s with your dispirited voice, how unhappy are you to receive my call. Come out to eat food."

"Where are you?"

Mo Ka slowly went downstairs to the place Yin Nan said. Yin Nan didn"t wait for Mo Ka she already started to eat.

"Didn"t you say you need to lose weight sometime ago?"

Yin Nan shrugged: "What can I do, everytime I want to lose weight, when hungry again feel why should I treat myself unfairly. People"s trip/journey into the world is not easy[2] having eaten one"s fill die with no regrets. But when finished eating, I feel, people"s trip in the world is not easy, die not being able to wear beautiful clothes comfortably, really is regretful."

[2]人来一趟世界不容易 can also translate to lifes not easy

Mo Ka ordered a cup of tea: "You"re just confused right, I do not mean to blame you, although fat is still very good looking, still restrain a bit. If some day Old bachelor Chen doesn"t want you. You"ll really be left with nothing. You also do not think of how many years of desocialisation you had." Basically have not come in contact with the outside world for seven years, this is an amazing number.

"Stop scolding me, you"re not so great yourself."

"Overall better than you a little bit."

Yin Nan looked at Mo Ka"s ugly looks: "I think maybe, you have something you are not telling me."

Mo Ka looked down at the gla.s.s of light green tea, reflecting his looks: "Na, Yin Nan, say what will happen if I liked a man?"

"This, fate will be miserable. You will be given the cold shoulder by people around, you will be most likely cast away from society. You will make your mother cry. You will bear pressure from all over. You will not be able to get people"s understanding, you could also feel very lonely." Mo Ka was spoke of terribly by Yin Nan.

Mo Ka pinched his hands, Yin Nan reached out patting on Mo Ka"s hands: "But, you will also be happy."

"The cost of that happiness is too big ba."

"Originally this isn"t a wrong thing, just vilified by some people, so those people even if they like the same s.e.x they do not dare to show it to constrain depression. Only a few people can really walk down this road, most of them go halfway and can not stand giving up countercurrent"s resistance. So I say Mo Ka, liking a man really needs courage, and after liking a man how to choose is this road"s most difficult thing."

"You"ve said it so hideously, I don"t dare."

Yin Nan laughed: "Stupid you cannot take back love just because you want to take it back. Of course first of all explain, I absolutely have no opinion, but as far as possible find a one that is a little bit handsome."

"You stop mocking me, there is no sign of anything happening yet. Maybe in this life I won"t be able to wait for the day that he"ll like me."

"You"re too pessimistic."

"It"s the truth. The truth. Oh right, can you not come find me for no reason."

Yin Nan paused, put the last biscuit on the table into her mouth: "can Sis not come and find you for a meal ah."

"You can."

Quite a while later, Yin Nan said: "Today in the morning me and Old bachelor registered to get married."

Mo Ka was stunned, surprised looking at Yin Nan for half the day speechless, completely never thought Yin Nan would deliver her own life out this early: "Then should I pack some money for you."

"Otherwise why do you think I came to find you."

"Okay okay." Mo Ka from his pocket picked out a red note onto the table, Yin Nan without ceremony accepting without question.

"I say are you pregnant."

"Pregnant my a.s.s. Okay, I should return. Old bachelor is still waiting for me to eat."

"Okay, be careful."

Yin Nan reached out using strength to hug Mo Ka, then fiercely kissed his left cheek: "I already put my happiness infection to you, try harder."

"Old bachelor will kill me."

Yin Nan let go of Mo Ka to find a taxi, she directed a sweet smile at Mo Ka. After Mo Ka watched the car go far away he saw Chen Ge on the opposite road, he just indifferently swept a glance at Mo Ka before leaving.

Mo Ka stood at the crowd bustling with activity, the sunset mottled all. The sound around the hustle hustle was further and further. He thought of every word Yin Nan said. At last he gave up like a breath, forget it, go with the flow. Who is clear on the future, maybe someday this part of like will die out, maybe he will call him on the day he is getting married, then start a new life, maybe Chen Ge will also like him.


Mo Ka just wanted the last maybe.

Since now it"s like, to comply with his own wish, like you as a friend, prefer confession after being estranged, might as well quietly stay by your side, watch you like other people.

In Mo Ka"s heart that group of depressed knot is soothed, he patted his own face trotting towards the direction Chen Ge left to chase him. Chen Ge did not go far, Mo Ka went to Chen Ge"s left side in big steps: "Ok. I"m ready, tell me about your thing with Su Rui. I want to hear this time."

"But I don"t want to tell." Chen Ge"s mood is colder than usual.

"Your mood seems poor today, did you argue with Su Rui."

Mo Ka asking this question made Chen Ge"s face was even more colder:"Who was that woman?"

"That woman?" Mo Ka was some what puzzled, he quickly reacted that he could be talking about Yin Nan: "Are you talking about the one you just saw? She"s my friend."

"You play kissy-poo [3]with your friend on the street?" Chen Ge"s words barbed.

[3] kissing and necking - the only definition I found

"She got married today, she wanted to share her happiness."

"Indeed a morons friend is also a moron."

"Hey hey, you can just scold me, why scold my friend, don"t change the topic, why are you refusing to tell me about Su Rui"s thing."

"Me and Su Rui have nothing at all that I can tell you about."

"Then why are you with her."

"You ask too many questions."

"I just answered you, in exchange you have to answer me."

"She always tag along with me to let me into the student union."

"It"s that simple?"

"How complex do you want it."

Mo Ka was originally already prepared to accept Chen Ge and Su Rui being together, but the situation appeared to be such a change. It was rather unexpected, it seems Yin Nan really put some of her happy infection onto him. This is a delight. Mo Ka caught Chen Ge"s clothes: "How about a drink? I"m treating."

"Are you a drunkard?"

"You still have this expression when I"m treating you to drink. Chen Ge, you really are a bad person. Let"s go."

"Don"t drag."

"I"m going to drag."

Both of them walked side by side on the road and occasionally Mo Ka"s hand would into Chen Ge"s fingers because of the crowd. He tilted his head to secretly glance at Chen Ge, unparalleled relieve.

"September, October, November, December, January."

"What are you doing."

"I"m counting the days I have known you."

"Your bigheadedness is recurring again."

Mo Ka continued to count: "Feburary, March, April, May......" not finished counting and was interupted by Chen Ge "It"s not Feburary yet."

"I"m counting the days I will know you."


I really liked this chapter :)

End of volume 1

Chapter 19 or Volume 2 : Spring"s haunted house

Guess what happens mwahahahah lol