The World Is A Bit Sweet

Chapter 20

Author: Angelina

Translator: Jlei2000

All has been disturbed

Mo Ka"s mood is perturbed [1], he tried to remember if his house had anything that should not be seen by people but maybe there are too many things that should not be seen by people making Mo Ka very much regret agreeing to Chen Ge"s request.

[1] disturbed, confused

Mo Ka"s Mother Gong Rong rented a small facade of a shop doing hot pot business downstairs of where they lived, maintaining healthiness and cleanliness, these advantages are already almost extinct, the business is considered ok. This society is maybe developing too fast therewith sweeteners and waste oil, these names that have never been heard of in the past has become life"s necessity, whoever does not use is not a happening person. [2] After seeing the store business gradually go onto the right track, Gong Rong couldn"t care less, handing it over to others to care and occasionally going to inspect. Then when it was cold winter holiday, [3] Mo Ka this cheap workforce came in handy, tiredly working hard desperately, in two months gave 500 yuan wage.

[2] 潮人 chao ren literally translates to happening person meaning that the person follows what"s currently happening but apparently it can mean influx/hipster/trendsetter.

[3] 暑假 summer vacation or holiday (since they"re celebrating New Years it should be winter vacation not summer but it directly translates to that, so I used winter holiday instead.

Gong Rong"s life is very disciplined, wake up in the morning at 12 o"clock, go outside to casually eat a little, in the afternoon she goes to play a game of mah-jong. If her luck at gambling [4] is good, play again at midnight. If her luck at gambling isn"t good, at midnight she will nest at home playing QQ landlords, she applied for countless QQ numbers, this joy bean totally lost [5], that QQ continued again.

[4] 手气 luck at gambling/luck against her

[5] 这个欢乐豆 le dou...... [T/N I have no idea how to translate this into English] this joy bean.

Although Mo Ka also criticised Gong Rong"s degraded life many times.

Gong Rong herself was also rational: she has now placed her son"s hope out, she cannot benefit good fortune. This made Mo Ka speechless. [6]

[6] an idiom; to have nothing to say

Mo Ka opened the door letting Chen Ge into the house, he originally wanted to say that this house is small so don"t mind these polite words [7] but after thinking about it, he thought it was too hypocritical and so did not say it.

[7] he"s saying that he doesn"t need to bother being polite since there"s not a lot of people.

Chen Ge looked around the whole house, it"s very simple and does not have a lot of decoration. The furniture is all white and grey, even the floor is partially white, plenty of light is also good.

Seeing Chen Ge staring at his own picture the whole time, Mo Ka was rather embarra.s.sed walked over, stood next to Chen Ge: "Nothing good to see, it"s all from the past, it"s been a long time did not shoot (take new pictures), I forbid you from laughing at my past"s ugliness."

"Why not shoot now." [CG is asking MK why he doesn"t take photos anymore.]

"Grow old don"t want to do things that have no significance." Mo Ka paused after speaking then pointed a middle-aged man in a photo: "This is my father, I think I"ve told you before, he"s already in heaven." Mo Ka said with no trace of emotion.

"You rarely talk about him."

"What"s good to say, he won"t come back (even if I) talk more (about him). Furthermore, I"m already fine now, why mention this sad thing."

"You"re afraid to face it ba."

Poked by one sentence, Mo Ka was rather angry: "I am not, I"m good now. Stop pretending to really understand me."

"Your character [8] now is also because of you dad ba."

[8] Chen Ge is trying to say that he acts the way he is now because of his dad.

"It"s not."

"Really stubborn and reluctant to admit defeat, if you don"t learn to let go, this character in the future will suffer in society."

"Stop educating me, I know what I want?"

[T/N of course you do Mo Ka of course to do.]

"What do you want?" Chen Ge very directly asked. Mo Ka stared at Chen Ge with a hesitant appearance. At last he hurriedly turned around: "I"ll help brew you some tea."

Chen Ge placed his finger on that photo of Mo Ka in his teens: "Mo Ka, there are words that need to come out and then others will understand."

"I"ve said, I"m really satisfied with how I am."

"But I"m not satisfied."

Not daring to face things that have pa.s.sed away, will be heart sick someday.

At this time, Gong Rong came back. Opening the door, she saw two pairs of shoes at the entrance and was somewhat surprised thinking Hao Shuai came. Until she looked up, she was even more surprised. It has already been many years since he brought a new face home and this new face really makes people"s heart move with the reason of opposites attract. Gong Rong"s smile bloomed on her face: "There"s a guest here ah, you"re Mo Ka"s friend ba. This dead [9] child did not tell me, I should go buy some things."

[9] the word used here is 死 which means dead. In this sense it is used by Gong Rong to scold Mo Ka. I"m sure there"s another way to translate it but I"ll just leave it at that.

"Auntie, don"t be polite, it was me who has disturbed you guys. I"m called Chen Ge, I go to the same school as Mo Ka, because I temporarily can"t return home, I"ll have to trouble you for the night." Chen Ge put on his usual appearance, perhaps, communicating with others seems to be his strength.

Mo Ka looked at Chen Ge thinking of Wu Qu Yang"s words feeling that he himself seems to be just the opposite of Chen Ge. He is unable to communicate with strangers but has chosen to be so at ease in front of him. In the past, he never thought through this problem, probably like this thing that causes trouble and said when he has figured it out, he will tell him first. He doesn"t even have the courage to open his mouth and Chen Ge seems to be so tender towards others but had to be so fierce towards him. Maybe.... how could it be? really can daydream.

"Where are you going crazy by yourself, you didn"t even open the TV, also didn"t pour water making the guest dry from standing there." Gong Rong cursed Mo Ka shaking her head. [10]

[10] 摇头晃脑

"Aren"t I getting ready and then you came back."

Gong Rong smiled pulling Chen Ge to sit on the sofa: "Ignore this child, his head is a bit slow. You are called Chen Ge right, your parents can really give birth ah [11], you should have a girlfriend ba, how old are you? Are you the only son?"

[11] he"s being complimented lol

"Mum, what are you doing, so annoying ah."

Mo Ka was even afraid that his mother"s machine gun like mouth would scare Chen Ge but Chen Ge"s appearance was still poised. Gong Rong was also aware that she had said too much: "Look at me, it"s not easy for Mo Ka to bring a friend home. Auntie is too excited, still haven"t ate right? I"ll go cook first, what do you want to eat?"

"Auntie, just cook whatever, don"t be too troubled."

"How can it be troublesome, in the past me and Mo Ka the two of us ate very lonely, three people eating also need to be a bit lively. In the future, you need to come play often." Looks like Gong Rong is indeed very excited.

"Then in the future when I come often to disturb you, don"t find me annoying."

"Where are these words coming from."

Mo Ka looked coldly out from the side-lines. Although he knew what Chen Ge said was small talk, the words "in the future come to bother often" still made Mo Ka restless, because of fear strong emotions [12] letting his imagination run wild. [13]

[12] 小鹿乱撞 can also mean to be nervous, to have b.u.t.terflies in his stomach

[13] 想入非非 Xiangrufeifei an idiom to allow one"s fancy to run wild or to have a maggot in one"s head. Another idiom; to indulge in fantasy - let one"s imagination run wild - [T/N the last one is more common]

Since in reality he cannot get (Chen Ge) then enjoy ravaging [14] in his imagination

[14] 蹂躏 means to trample on, to ravage, to make avoc of, crush under one"s feet, deflower etc.

Food on table, Gong Rong"s words were particularly many and unimportant chatting with Chen Ge. Chen Ge also answered fluently, Mo Ka bit his chopsticks at the side. Facts have proven once again even his mum"s charm is far greater than his own.

After eating Gong Rong did the washing, Chen Ge bathed, and Mo Ka was in the guest room patting the quilt over and over again and pulling until there were no traces of wrinkles. He took a look towards the bathroom door again to determine there was no one, put his nose onto the pillow smelling and smelling it again, afraid that there was a peculiar smell. Then placed a socket ah and those necessities on the left so that Chen Ge can get/take them smoothly.

After determining there were no mistakes, Mo Ka stretched his waist and went near the window. He opened the window and lay on (the window) watching the brightly lit outside. He has lived here for a long time and the appearance outside the window has always changed. It was really like that slogan, phone has become visual, books have become a collection, stockings have become winter wear. Just when Mo Ka sighed with the of feeling the time available, behind a wave of fragrance floated. Mo Ka knew it was Chen Ge without even turning around: "You smell good (even when you are) using my house"s body wash."

"What are you looking at?"

"Seeing how much the room can still be repaired." Mo Ka talked rubbish inviting, quite a while, Mo Ka recovered his sight: "Chen Ge, ask you a technical question, we are purely professionally communicating, absolutely nothing meaning against the law." Mo Ka seriously stated a lot.

"Can you not say too many surplus words."

"Wu Qu Yang said that he is gay, so, I was a bit curious. Will you have any feelings towards men?" Mo Ka thought he asked too guilty, so (guilty) as to not date to look at Chen Ge"s eyes.

"What do you want to do."

"I don"t want to do anything, I"m just asking, of course, I definitely have no feeling towards men. I don"t know if you saw the family downstairs who sells pork or not, I am going to marry their daughter in the future." Mo Ka"s left eyeball shook and his right swung, almost comparable to Sun Wu King le.[15]

[15] the monkey king sunwukong 孙悟空

Chen Ge suddenly took Mo Ka"s hand, warm and beautiful fingers wrapped Mo Ka"s: "Do you feel anything?"

Mo Ka lower lip almost bleed from being bit, he shook his head: "No feeling at all."

"Then why is your face red."

"I spit you a big lump of saliva, whose face is red. It"s because your hand is too hot, next time you bring them burn me, I won"t be polite." Mo Ka attempted to cover up, who knew speed is too fast, there really was a big lump of saliva flying out falling onto Chen Ge"s white shirt. Chen Ge glanced at it once: "Trouble you to note personal hygiene.

"I didn"t mean to, take it off I"ll help you wash it." Mo Ka tiptoed helping Chen Ge unb.u.t.ton his clothes, mood extremely complex. It took a long time to take off, hurriedly said good night and used force to close the door. Hands tightly tugging Chen Ge"s shirt, quite a while before recovering then out the clothing into the washing machine, started to take out his baggage.

Mo Ka opened his wardrobe, imitated Tv drama scene pulling flower petals, put a piece counting: "Like. Don"t like. Like. Don"t like. Like. Don"t like. Like, especially like. Especially like, like very much."

At last Mo Ka"s whole head fell into the wardrobe, legs that were left outside randomly kicked.

Blame Chen Ge, confuse my good life, let you stir. Mo Ka stirred the tidied clothes into a hideous mess. [16]

[16] 乱七八糟 an idiom meaning to be at sixes and sevens, everything in disorder and/or a hideous mess.



Next chapter: Flesh colour