The World Is A Bit Sweet

Chapter 21

Author: Angelina

Translator: Jlei2000

肉色 Flesh colour

The next day, early in the morning Mo Ka"s screams were about to overturn the whole house and because Gong Rong"s life law [1] has been interrupted she came out wearing a thick jacket like pyjamas with dishevelled hair and a dirty face to blame Mo Ka: "What are you fussing for, you"ll wake up Chen Ge."

[1] regular pattern

Mo Ka stood on the balcony, holding the clothing he helped Chen Ge wash yesterday pointing at Gong Rong furiously like a lion"s head in heat but unable to mate: "Look at what you did to Chen Ge"s clothes."

Gong Rong bewildered: "What did I do?"

"You still have the nerve to ask, mum I already cannot find a word to describe you. You, You, you." Mo Ka"s voice shook, confusing Gong Rong.

Gong Rong carefully looked at the clothing, the front of the clothing had a neither too big nor too little trace of a lump of flesh colour: "Who did that?"

"Do you know Chen Ge loves being clean, look what you"ve done. Why did you dry the underwear so close!!"

Have to talk about this thing starting from yesterday, Mo Ka finished putting his things and his mood away, he carefully dried the clothes from the washing machine on the balcony then went to bed. Gong Rong happens to be a night owl, in the middle of the night she remembered that her underpants were not washed. This underwear was bought for 10 kuai qian for three a few days ago, middle-aged women"s loyal loved flesh colour. After putting it into the washing machine, Gong Rong did not care so much, dried it near that shirt. That huge flesh coloured underpants, very selflessly shared a bit of flesh colour onto Chen Ge"s shirt.

Facing Mo Ka"s criticism, Gong Rong was calm and composed [2]: "I was wondering what it was, getting all stirred up." Gong Rong finished speaking and propped a glance at Chen Ge"s room. After determining that Chen Ge didn"t come out said: "Do not tell him, he can"t tell."

[2]an idiom

"He"s not blind, how can he not tell. I have never seen Chen Ge wear a stained clothing, what is he going to think of me now?" Mo Ka boiled like the water in the pot, he thought rather discouraged his own love is ruined in the end by a pair of flesh coloured underwear. Chen Ge will for sure be especially angry he won"t acknowledge him again, from now on break of all relations with him.

"Anyways, you cannot tell him it was me otherwise there will be no living expenses next month." It seems Gong Rong also doesn"t want to one face in front of a handsome guy.[3] She quickly recovered the chief culprit into her room hiding it well, this time dead men tell no tales.[4]

[3] 帅哥 Shuai Ge - handsome man/guy

[4] 死无对证 si wu dui zheng the dead cannot testify (an idiom)

Mo Ka glanced at the clothes neckline brand aware that going to buy another is not too realistic, he does not have that much money. Thinking for a long time, suddenly a light bulb flashed in his head to imitate Gong Rong"s immature way of doing things, he stuffed the shirt that was still moist into the bottom. Then as if nothing had happened sat on the sofa to watch the news, Mo Ka does not know what he should watch on TV nowadays. Palace time-travel genre, Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law genres, [5] war genres are simply fighting little j.a.panese devils. [6] A version shot hundreds of times, in the end what meaning does it have, Mo Ka understands the reason to never forget national humiliation [7] but why always repeat the past again and again. Need Mo Ka to say might as well spend some energy to pay attention to now, it can be considered a great achievement when animation supposedly exceeds j.a.pan.

[5] 婆媳 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

[6] 小日本 from the urban dictionary: a form on insult against j.a.panese people mostly due to the various atrocities committed in WWII. (Something to do with their average height during WWII.) The phrase used here is 小日本鬼子 which translates to j.a.panese devils/ghosts - common term of abuse in wartime China and in subsequent writing. It is an ethnic slur. If you want to find out more you can also research it yourselves, quite interesting.

[7] 勿忘国耻 never forget national humiliation refers to Mukden railway incident of 18th September 1931 and subsequent j.a.panese annexation of Manchuria. Again, if you"re interested research it yourselves

There are already less and less TV shows to attract Mo Ka.

After Chen Ge got up, Mo Ka"s hand gripped the remote-control board rather weakly. Gong Rong is turning a hula hoop actually like nothing had happened and is still smiling: "You"re up la, then I"ll go buy you some breakfast. What do you like to eat?"

"I can eat whatever."

Mo Ka pretended to seriously watch TV. After a while, Chen Ge seemed to not have mentioned his shirt, Mo Ka thought anyways (he must have) many winter clothes, wear one less is not a big deal. As long a he does not mention (I am) determined not to open this mouth.

"Where are my clothes?"

"Ah, what did you say?" Mo Ka felt himself hard of hearing

"Clothes." Looks like Chen Ge has already got little patience.

"Trousers? Trousers, aren"t you wearing them now?"

Chen Ge blocked Mo Ka"s sight (from) watching TV, he tilted his head: "Do you need me to check your eardrum?"

"You said clothes ah, I just heard, haha, really. Recently, ears suffered speed slowing down. This, it"s like this. You listen to me finish speaking calmly." Mo Ka pulled Chen Ge over then his hands pressed on his shoulder pressing him to sit on the sofa.

"First of all, I have to clarify that this has nothing to do with me." Just finish this sentence, Gong Rong pa.s.sed through the gla.s.s sliding doors in the kitchen and shot a cold look over: "Of course it has nothing to do with my mum too. This year the windy weather is especially big, I dried it for you on the balcony yesterday and the result is the wind blew it downstairs then surely don"t know which shameless person picked it up. You don"t know I completely searched the downstairs garbage early in the morning, it really angers me, people now do not have the return money found spirit.

Mo Ka did not even bat an eye finished speaking, seeing Chen Ge did not have the means to be angry continued to probe: "You won"t be made right?"

"Do you feel that I am a person who gets angry for a shirt?"

"Of course not, I really gauge the heart of a gentleman with one"s own mean measure [8] ah," Mo Ka"s lips said this, at heart he regrets it. If he knew earlier, he would tell the truth. Thinking about it now did he make a big fuss over a mini issue? [9] It seems it"s only a false alarm.

[8] 以小人之心度君子之腹 is an idiom gauge (guess) the heart of a gentleman with one"s own mean measure. Or measure the stature of great man by the yardstick of small man. Or He has no idea of what the princely man aspires. Or A knave thinks of others in terms of his own desires.

[9] 小题大做 an idiom which means fussy

"Sit on the table to eat noodles." Gong Rong stuck out her head from the kitchen.

Both paced to the table, Gong Rong carried two bowls of noodles.

"Thank you, Auntie."

"Don"t be so polite, eat slowly. I"m going to change first."

Mo Ka looked at his own bowl and looked a Chen Ge"s bowl, his(MK) is a basin, his is almost MT. Everest. Mo Ka put his chopsticks into Chen Ge"s bowl: "Mum, why does he have two eggs and has more dishes/veg compared to mine." Mo Ka wanted to clip an egg into his own bowl but was caught by Chen Ge"s chopstick: "Don"t use your chopsticks that have been covered in saliva to clip things from my bowl."

"What"s with my saliva, there"s a disinfectant effect. Quickly give me a poached egg otherwise I will be malnourished."

"You are already malnourished."

Chen Ge hit Mo Ka"s chopsticks away, clipped a egg into Mo Ka"s bowl.

"Why can your saliva covered chopsticks stir to mix up my bowl."

"This is your pleasure."

"You"re also narcissistic enough, just like whoever wants your saliva." Mo Ka said insincerely eating noodles taking advantage of Chen Ge not noticing. Suddenly approached Chen Ge"s bowl clipping a big chopstick full of noodles and opened his b.l.o.o.d.y mouth [10] biting the noodles in. The noodles were bit into pieces and fell into the bowl, Mo Ka stirred it a bit.

[T/N MK that is disgusting]

[10] 血盆大口 a large, fierce-looking mouth

"Let"s see how you eat now." Mo Ka"s mouth was full of noodles, whole face pout up and words were also ambiguous.

"How old are you? You get older and still preserve traces of childishness, [11] pretending to be non-mainstream, naive." Chen Ge"s voice cold and full of irony. Just a few words made Mo Ka have no face [be too ashamed] to go back home to see his elders. [12] he wanted to grab his hair and run against the wall.

[11] 童心未泯 to retain a childish heart, keep traces of childishness or childlike innocence.

[12] 无颜见江东父老 have no face [be too ashamed] to go back home to see his elders.

This noodle was finished at 10 (after) being stirred up. Gong Rong called Mo Ka to wash the bowls then greeted Chen Ge saying something take care not satisfactory. [13] Today happened to be the store"s settlement day, left after a long-winded (conversation) a good while later.

[13] Gong Rong according to Mo Ka said "something" along the lines of 照顾不周 Zhao dai bu zhou which when searched comes up with 招待不周还望海涵 Zhao dai bu zhou hai w.a.n.g hai han which means "please forgive us if we have not looked after you well" and this should be the original phrase/the full sentence his mother should have said if he listened and didn"t "something" it. -if you don"t understand I"ll try and rephrase it to you. It makes more sense in Chinese.

Mo Ka picked up the two bowls to the kitchen: "If I guessed correctly, you probably will not have washed bowls."

Seeing that there was no response he knew for certain that he guessed it, a wave of

superior feeling that he has never felt before encroached Mo Ka"s brain: "LMAO, you can"t even wash bowls this little thing? Isn"t it just turn on the tap and rinse ma, then how do you wear clothes, how can you eat." The more Mo Ka spoke the more he was active/lively thoroughly looking down on Chen Ge once.

"You only know to eat, not know how to wash. Young fellow, your future is worrying."

"I know your washing bowls future is bright. What is your career path in the future? Go to Shanghai to wash bowls? Or go to Beijing to wash bowls."

Blocked back Mo Ka again, Mo Ka has always felt that his mouth was also considered harsh and Hao Shuai that trashy character is often said to be obedient. It seems the ancient proverb behind an able man there are always other able men [14] is not fabricated.

[15] 山外有山人外有人 an idiom; behind an able man there are always other able men which means there will always be someone better than you in terms of capability, power, knowledge etc.) which tells people to be modest and to keep learning and not (just) be proud. To be humble/modest/unpretentious.

When Chen Ge wanted to countermeasure Mo Ka he received a phone call. It seems because there is a snowstorm tomorrow his family moved his flight in advance, he leaves in the afternoon, he was just immersed in happy Mo Ka"s mood somewhat can"t change(back.)

"Hey I"m going."

Mo Ka washed his hands in the water then ran to the entrance: "I"ll send you down."

"No need."

Mo Ka hurriedly put on his coat: "I will send you, you still need to return back to the apartment to get your luggage. If you don"t hurry you won"t make it."

The air outside is thin, Mo Ka put his hands on his mouth breathing out to make himself a bit warmer. The sun hasn"t come for a while already, misty air easily influenced people"s mood. A short distance, both did not speak, Mo Ka walked whilst lowering his head to look at his own toe cap.

Reluctant is (something he) cannot speak out and there many things he cannot speak out.

There are a few pa.s.sers-by around, Chen Ge reached out to beckon a taxi. The taxi took a turn to stop in front of Chen Ge.

"If you have nothing to say I"m going."

"Wait, I have something to say."

Mo Ka took a deep breath grabbed Chen Ge"s collar dragging him down, looked up lightly biting Chen Ge"s lip, clumsy and gentle kiss made Chen Ge rather surprised. The softness in the depths of his heart was touched and immediately completely received. After a few seconds Mo Ka let go of the hand on Chen Ge"s collar, flushed face attempted to sober: "This is to salute in return to your good night kiss last time, I"m going."

If he could run home at this time in one breath, perhaps it would be perfect.

Had to be pulled back by Chen Ge grabbing his clothes.


Chen Ge took out money putting it into Mo Ka"s hands, Mo Ka"s eyes widened somewhat puzzled: "You really think highly of me. Is the value of my kiss this much money?" Mo Ka was rather immensely pleased with himself.

"Friend, don"t think too much."

"Then what is it for?"

"Give you to buy your mum colour-stay underwear." finished speaking, Chen Ge sat in the taxi going away


Merry Christmas!! Wishing you guys all the best

#my hiatus begins

Next Chapter; Missing you over and over again