The World Is A Bit Sweet

Chapter 5: Two metres distance

The world is a bit Sweet Chapter 5: Two metres distance

Mo Ka appears especially small sat on the wooden chair in front of the huge school building. At the moment, he is trying to get the convoluted squeezed in to his head. After many fruitless attempts, he gave up and put the book on the top of his head. Really annoying. At that time just for his mothers words, entering law after graduation is more promising. In fact, Mo Ka doesn’t want to take the literacy route. He wants to open a bakery, everyday keep a branded variety of bakeries (cakes, biscuits, bread etc.)

At this moment, bit far away, a scene that caught Mo Ka’s attention, its Chen Ge with two other girls. This man, how is he always surrounded by various types of women. Chen Ge’s face still has that kind of light smile, gentle and steady. Mo Ka tilted his head, book from his head dropped to the ground. Puzzled. Why can Chen Ge be like that with other people, but then so unreasonable to him. Mo Ka feels that most people ignore him, will not be to the to extent of hate. Mo Ka’s heart feels a bit lost thinking of this.

“I’m sorry, cla.s.smate, I would like to ask how to get to B4 teaching/school building?” A voice pulled Mo Ka back from his thoughts. He looked up and saw a strange face. His whole body tensed up. Felt especially uncomfortable: “Well, that, that one.” Seeing this strange face fixed on him, Mo Ka kind of wanted to run.

“Cla.s.smate, what’s wrong? Are you uncomfortable?” The stranger’s face came closer. When other people come near, Mo Ka will habitually retreat. Mo Ka’s mission was to shake his head, reaching his hand out to refer to the direction of B4, but the stranger still can’t understand. As far as concerned, Mo Ka had strangely felt a bit baffled.

“You go forward to more than 200 metres, take a left turn and you will see a alternate black and red building [1], that is B4.”

[1] 一座黑红相间 the bold characters mean alternate, but I didn’t get how to phrase the sentence in English so if you know please tell me.

This sound resolution was very high. Even though his eyes were closed, Moka knew who it was. Mo Ka looked up. Chen Ge didn’t have the two beauties by his side anymore. The stranger very grateful, directed a smile at Chen Ge: “Thank you.”

“Your welcome.”

After the stranger left, there was only two people left. Chen Ge and Mo Ka. Mo Ka obviously saw very clearly. Chen Ge’s mouth was just t.i.tled. Now it turned in to a straight line. Arrogantly looked down at the book (near/) on Mo Ka’s feet: “You’re like this[2], and youstill want to be a lawyer?”

[2] referring to his inability to talk to strangers because of his introverted personality.

Suddenly Chen Ge’s words is the key to hit Mo Ka. Indeed, he does becomes incoherent when facing the crowd and strangers. But his mocking tone, is simply infuriating.

“You are only a freshman, brat. Why are you here to teach me. Did you know that according to seniority, you have to respectfully call me senior.” Mo Ka spoke smoothly again.

“You have a intermittence speech and language disorder?”

“You have a disorder. Its just that I’m not used to talking with unfamiliar people.”

“I’m familiar with you?”

Mo Ka blushed. He has no way to answer, even he himself still hasn’t figured out this problem. Hao Shuai is a childhood friend. Can openly speak to him. But the Chen Ge in front of his eyes obviously knew. Unless he’s simply isn’t not used to having contact with strangers. He’s only not used to strangers with ordinary people contact. If it’s Chen Ge, someone with this type of high quality looks might? [3] What is this shameful logic.

[3] 如果是辰格这种优质长相的就可以 sorry I cannot get the most accurate translation of this from my brain. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

“Who’s familiar with you. You only look like one of my dead friends. Perhaps I’m seeing an object that makes one miss the owner. [4] Anyways, wasn’t you just with two girls. Why are you here?” Mo Ka digressed.

[4] 睹物思人- an idiom which means seeing an object that makes one miss its owner.

Chen Ge’s face still hasn’t got a trace of expression. Making Mo Ka very uncomfortable. Especially uncomfortable. I [5] look ugly. So annoying.

[5] 老子 father or I

“None of your business.”

“Obviously it was you who spoke to me first, are you kidding me. Can (you) have some (of the) most basic courtesies.”

“When talking to you I need to be polite?” Chen Ge left when he finished talking. Mo Ka angrily grind his teeth. Despise people. Despise people too much. He stood up and dashed towards Chen Ge who did not go far and said: “Even if you hate me, can you not be so obvious about it? I also have self esteem.” This is sort of a question.

Chen Ge stopped. Looked to one side. Mo Ka thought Chen Ge will have some guilt.

“I see you still think of self righteous things.” Chen Ge left after leaving these words. Mo Ka angrily hopped. Made a bald patch on the surrounding the lawn. The student union sawmand gave a direct fine of fifty as a warning.

It has been more than a month since school started. Although they live in the same building, Mo Ka tried to avoid Chen Ge. Now that he knows Chen Ge doesn’t like him, he did not want to ask for contempt. Since last week, after the this Law teacher transferred course, each Friday morning they always more or less meet in the elevator.

How big the elevator is, is how far Mo Ka stands.

One stands on the far left, one stands on the far right.

Mo Ka always felt that this period of time pa.s.sed very slowly. He leaned on the cold elevator wall and he almost bit his lower lip green. Looking at the number above the elevator door slowly changing from 18 to 1. He played with his fingers, feet restlessly exchange. In the quiet elevator, the sound of Mo Ka’s breathing and heart beat was clearly heard. Sometimes, he could not help but look at Chen Ge.

There is a 2 meter distance between them.

The elevator doors opened. It’s only noon outside and the sky is dusky, the overbearing dark clouds covered the whole sky. Mo Ka had a bad feeling. Really, he just went out and the fierce wind blew on his face. Mo Ka seized his ruffled hair. He looked up at the sky, heavy rain squeezed out of the clouds falling on to Mo Ka’s face. One drop, two drops. Mo Ka tightened his eyebrows and returned to the hall. Sometimes regretted originally not listening to Hao Shuai’s words about buying an umbrella. Mo Ka always felt that some insignificant things dragged on. Wait until it was too late. He really regrets it. But when the next time comes, he still does not learn.

It was too late, Mo Ka bit his teeth and rushed in to the pouring rain. He hid under the umbrella of food stalls. On both sides of the deserted streets, Mo Ka was conspicuous. [6] Rain drenched the whole world, including Mo Ka. He is shivering with cold from the wind. Don’t know what’s wrong with this year, it’s obviously only October weather. But it so cold.

[6] Conspicuous means clearly visible. Attracting attention.

When Mo Ka ran to the school gate, his hair was already dripping. He stood in front of the school guards room deciding to avoid the rain first. He waited for the rain to become smaller and then he’ll get on to the next round of sprinting. Not far away, he saw Chen Ge with another girl holding two umbrellas walking side to side. It was only until they approached that Mo Ka could clearly see that it was another man under the umbrella. The reason he was wrong was because that man’s hair was up to his waist and his face looked exactly like a woman’s. White skin, bringing a woman’s feminine and man’s fort.i.tude together and what is he chatting about next to Chen Ge.

When Chen Ge pa.s.sed Mo Ka, he glanced at Mo Ka holding his arm. His lips lilac white, [7] also shivering and trembling. Chen Ge stopped, put away the umbrella and stood under another boys umbrella. Threw the umbrella in his hands in front of Mo Ka. Mo Ka returned a surprised face. Then this astonishment became sincerely moving. Mo Ka is a forgetful person as long as someone is a little nice to him, he will completely forget about their bad past.

[7] 嘴唇紫白

Chen Ge took off his coat: “Don’t use that idiotic expression to look at me.” After talking, he also threw his jacket over, hanging it on to Mo Ka’s head. Ready to leave, Mo Ka hurriedly grabbed the coat down from his head: “Then what about you?” Took of the coat to give to himself, Then Chen Ge will be cold too?

“I am a man.” Chen Ge left without looking back.

Once Chen Ge said this, Mo Ka’s face blackened. This son of a b.i.t.c.h, what does he mean. I’m not a woman! One minute he’s with beautiful women, the next he’s with a man who looks like a woman. Simply invincible to metamorphosis. If I wear this type of person’s clothes, I’m afraid I will get some disease where I’m unpresentable. I would like to think so. Mo Ka still tightly pinched on to Chen Ge’s coat.

Man with long hair could not help but look back at Mo Ka several times.

Mo Ka wore Chen Ge’s jacket, opened Chen Ge’s umbrella (and) ran towards the direction of the school that is filled with knowledge. [8] The warmth of Chen Ge still remained lightly on the jacket. He raised the sleeve and sniffed, so this is the smell of that guy. It’s sweet like candy.

[8] 奔向充满知识得学堂