The World Is A Bit Sweet

Chapter 7: 1 metre distance

Chapter 7: 1 metre distance

He looked around. The ice pack on his forehead fell down. He touched his forehead again. His fever has gone. Mo Ka used his hands to support his body to sit up. He saw Chen Ge leaning against the bedroom door.

Mo Ka hurriedly looked down on his body. He was relieved to find that he was wearing his clothes.

“No need to make unnecessary actions, I am not yet at the extent of beggars can’t be choosers.” [1] Chen Ge’s first response to Mo Ka is very displeased. This guy doesn’t know grat.i.tude.

“This is your home?”

“Can you not ask nonsense. I’m too lazy to answer.”

Regarding Chen Ge’s bad att.i.tude, Mo Ka has more or less somewhat adapted to it, even though his heart is unwilling still it is unavoidable. His eyes glimpsed at the book he borrowed on the table. Mo Ka’s memories slowly pieced together. That huge shame, making him want to go and fall straight downstairs once the main problem is solved, all troubles are solved[2]. But at the moment, Chen Ge made him view him in a new light [3] as if becoming a sparkling saint. He hastily stood up from the bed. Bare foot stepping on the floor, expressing his most sincere feelings: ” Thank you for today. But, you can actually hold me through half the school. Your physical strength is really good.” Especially unable to grab the main point and deviated again. [4]

[1] 饥不择食 an idiom which means that Beggars can’t be choosers literally saying that when hungry, you can’t pick what you eat. When matters are urgent, don’t spend time choosing alternatives.

[2] 一了百了means once the main problem is solved, all troubles are solved. It can also mean death ends all ones troubles. All is finished.

[3] 另眼相看 means to view in a new light or to treat somebody favourably. To view someone different to how you veiwed them before. Example you didn’t like someone before but something they did has changes your mind about them and now you like them.

[4]跑偏 means deviation. Deviated means depart from established course. 跑 means run. 偏 means lie.

Chen Ge did not care. He also more or less has adapted Mo Ka’s manner of speaking: “Put on your shoes.”

Mo Ka pretty obedient, very quickly bent down to put his shoes on making a nice knot. Then looked down on the bed he slept disorderly on, feeling very sorry: “Sorry, I will immediately help you fold it.” After speaking, he earnestly began to make the bed, because the bed is too big, he had to run on both sides.

“I say, you obviously had a fever, why still help others move tables. Are you stupid or for the purpose of pleasing girls that you want to die[5], Senior?” Chen Ge lasts two words senior, ironically taste especially strong.

[5] 不要命了 you want to die/you don’t want to live. It’s kind of saying are you stupid.

“I wasn’t trying to please anyone, this is being helpful.”

“I’ve never heard of this idiom since graduating primary school/elementary.” [6]

[6] it translates to elementary school but I live in the UK so its primary school. So at the ages of 4/5-10/11

“Anyways, regardless if the reality is bad, I have to try to be a good person.” Mo Ka strived to make this big bed, whilst chatting with Chen Ge.


“Because.” Mo Ka patted the spread bed. Exhaling. Then looked up at Chen Ge: “Because, I have to fight for a place in heaven, only then I can see my father.”

Chen Ge somewhat froze, Mo Ka had no sorrow when saying these words. Instead, he was smiling very happily, like the moment when the sunlight covers the entire room. Chen Ge temporarily didn’t know how to face this face, fling his head[7], pouted his lips[8]: “Your really big headed.” [9]

[7] 撇过头 skimming his head. Skim means to move quickly.

[8]努努嘴 pout ones lips as a signal. Making a signal with the lips.

[9] 大头症 directly translates to bigheadedness. Separately it means 大头big head 症 disease (osteofibrosis)

“Why are you scolding me. Your weird[10]. Is there anyone living in this room. How can it be so clean?” Mo Ka did not exaggerate at all. Everything in the room is placed in perfect order. This made Mo Ka think of a movie he once watched, the leading man has some kind of OCD. Mo Ka can’t remember the specific name. Anyways, it’s something to do with controlling within. [11] Nothing can be messy, otherwise will feel irritated.

[10]你才怪呢 means your the weird one.

[11]控制范围内 within the control. I’m not too sure on this sentence. Please feel free to correct me.

Mo Ka looked Chen Ge up and down, felt somewhat pitiable. Such a good person, how has he got this disease.[12]

[12] OCD is not a disease it’s anxiety disorder it is definitely not a disease. However, because the original text says disease, I have translated it to disease. So please do not complain. I know that it’s not a disease because I do psychology and as I have said, it’s an anxiety disorder. Just to clarify in case someone gets offended.

“You’ve woken up, why are you still hanging here.”

This person still talks roughly.[13] Mo Ka rolled his eyes: “Ok ok, I know you hate me. I will immediately leave, ok.”

[13] 情面 means feelings. 不讲情面 is tough talk which basically means not talking in consideration of the other person. This implies that he’s not taking in consideration of Mo Ka’s feelings and just being blunt/get straight to the point.

He went to the door. Mo Ka like thought of anything[14], turned: “Can you tell me, what have you done to your room and your clothes?”

[14] this sentence doesn’t make sense in Chinese for me either. 像想


“How does it give off a sweet taste, like candy. I can’t tell what candy it is.”

“Which type?”

“Which type is it. Last time when you lent me your coat, it also had it.” Mo Ka quickly explained.

Without warning Chen Ge suddenly pressed close to Mo Ka. Gently muttered in Mo Ka’s ear: “Do I also have it now? Mo Ka.”

Chen Ge’s light smell is very clear. Mo Ka some what dazzled. This is the first time Chen Ge has called his name. He knew his name all along. But why is such an ordinary name, the name that has followed Mo Ka for 20 years, but when it come out from Chen Ge’s mouth, it has become magic.

“Yes. Yes.”[15] Magic made Mo Ka stammer. His face flushing red. He pushed Chen Ge aside: “Also. Also, no need be so close.”

[15] 有 means have but can also mean yes.

Chen Ge some what displeased. Frowning.

“Maybe on the day when I’m in a good mood, I will tell you.” Chen Ge’s arrogant look returned again.

“Perhaps,[16] what day is that day?” Mo Ka didn’t give up.

[16] 说不定 can mean maybe. It can also mean that a person is uncertain.

“Anyways, not today.” Chen Ge unceremoniously [17] closed the door. This type of rude att.i.tude, made angry Mo Ka ruthlessly kick Chen Ge’s door, then returned to his own floor. Once he arrived to his room, Mo Ka saw Chen Ge’s coat hung up, especially conspicuous. He stood there staring for a long time. Just now his feverish mind was full of Chen Ge’s looks. Uninvited. Lingering. He’s actually somewhat reluctant to return the coat to Chen Ge. Reluctant then don’t return. Anyways, he doesn’t lack clothes. Besides, this coat is like this[18]. Anyways, also can’t wear it. He didn’t mention it today, maybe he forgot about it.

[17] 毫不客气 unceremoniously means no trace of politeness has been shown or unrestrained etc

[18] in case your like what the h.e.l.l is going on. The coat is ripped so what he means by like this is that it’s all sewed up since it ripped,

Just like this, Mo Ka found countless excuses to connive himself of his wrongdoing and for privately occupying others property .

Thought after this incident, both sides would have some basic understanding of each other[19] , their relationship would be better. But it seems that only Mo Ka is holding this idea. Chen Ge seems to completely overlook or is just so cold. Mo Ka curled his lips straight in the elevator[20]. Fortunately today, he deliberately narrowed the distance between the two people.

[19] 在双方彼此都有一定了解的基础上

[20]upside down smile or unhappy face.