The World's Desire

Chapter 7

""By the dreadful Name I summon thee.

""I summon thee from the threshold of the Double Hall.

""I summon thee from the Gates of Judgment.

""I summon thee from the door of Doom.

""By the link of life and death that is between thee and me, I bid thee come from where thou art and make answer to that which I shall ask of thee."

"She ceased, but no answer came. Still the cold Osiris smiled, and still the body on his knee sat with open eyes gazing into nothingness.

""Not thus easily," I whispered, "may this dreadful thing be done. Thou art instructed in the Word of Fear. If thou darest, let it pa.s.s thy lips, or let us be gone."

""Nay, it shall be spoken," she said--and thus she wrought. Pa.s.sing to the statue she hid her head within her cloak and with both hands grasped the feet of the slain Hataska.

"Seeing this I also crouched upon the floor and hid my face, for it is death to hear that Word with an uncovered face.

"Then in so soft a whisper that scarce had its breath stirred a feather on her lips, Meriamun spoke the Word of Fear which may not be written, whose sound has power to pa.s.s all s.p.a.ce and open the ears of the dead who dwell in Amenti. Softly she said it, for in a shout of thunder it was caught up and echoed from her lips, and down the eternal halls it seemed to rush on the feet of storm and the wings of wind, so that the roof rocked and the deep foundations of the Temple quivered like a wind-stirred tree.

""Unveil, ye mortals!" cried a dreadful voice, "and look upon the sight of fear that ye have dared to summon."

"And I rose and cast my cloak from about my face and gazed, then sank down in terror. For round about the circle that I had drawn pressed all the mult.i.tude of the dead; countless as the desert sands they pressed, gazing with awful eyes upon us twain. And the fire that was on the altar died away, but yet was there light, for it shone from those dead eyes, and in the eyes of lost Hataska there was light.

"And ever the faces changed, never for one beat of time did they cease to change. For as we gazed upon a face it would melt, even to the eyes, and round these same eyes again would gather but no more the same. And like the sloping sides of pyramids were the faces set about us from the ground to the Temple roof--and on us were fixed their glowing eyes.

"And I, Rei, being instructed, knew that to suffer myself to be overcome with terror was death, as it was death to pa.s.s without the circle. So in my heart I called upon Osiris, Lord of the Dead, to protect us, and even as I named the ineffable name, lo! all the thousand thousand faces bent themselves in adoration and then, turning, looked each upon the other even as though each spake to each, and changed, and swiftly changed.

""Meriamun," I said, gathering up my strength, "fear not, but beware!"

""Nay, wherefore should I fear," she answered, "because the veil of sense is torn, and for an hour we see those who are ever about our path and whose eyes watch our most secret thought continually? I fear not."

And she stepped boldly, even to the edge of the circle, and cried:

""All hail, ye Sahus, spirits of the awful dead, among whom I also shall be numbered."

"And as she came the changing faces shrunk away, leaving a s.p.a.ce before her. And in the s.p.a.ce there grew two arms, mighty and black, that stretched themselves towards her, until there was not the length of three grains of wheat betwixt the clutching fingers and her breast.

"But Meriamun only laughed and drew back a s.p.a.ce.

""Not so, thou Enemy," she said, "this circle thou may"st not break; it is too strong for thee. But to the work. Hataska, once again by the link of life and death I summon thee--and this time thou must come, thou who wast a wanton and now art "greater than the Queen.""

"And as she spoke, from the dead form of the woman on Osiris" knee there issued forth another form and stood before us, as a snake issues from its slough. And as was the dead Hataska so was this form, feature for feature, look for look, and limb for limb. But still the corpse rested upon Osiris" knee, for this was but the _Ka_ that stood before us.

"And thus spoke the voice of Hataska in the lips of the Ka:

""What wouldest thou with me who am no more of thy company, O thou by whose hand my body did perish? Why troublest thou me?"

"And Meriamun made answer: "I would this of thee, that thou shouldest declare unto me the future, even in the presence of this great company.

Speak, I command thee."

"And the Ka said: "Nay, Meriamun, that I cannot do, for I am but the Ka--the Dweller in the Tomb, the guardian of what was Hataska whom thou didst slay, whom I must watch through all the days of death till resurrection is. Of the future I know naught; seek thou that which knows."

""Stand thou on one side," quoth the Queen, and the Dweller in the Tomb obeyed.

"Then once more she called upon Hataska and there came a sound of rushing wings. And behold, on the head of the statue of Osiris sat a great bird, feathered as it were with gold. But the bird had the head of a woman, and the face was fashioned as the face of Hataska. And thus it spoke, that was the _Bai_:

""What wouldest thou with me, Meriamun, who am no more of thy company?

Why dost thou draw me from the Under World, thou by whose hand my body did perish?"

"And Meriamun said: "This I would of thee, that thou shouldest declare unto me the future. Speak, I command thee."

"And the Bai said: "Nay, Meriamun, that I cannot do. I am but the Bai of her who was Hataska, and I fly from Death to Life and Life to Death, till the hour of awakening is. Of the future I know naught; seek thou that which knows."

""Rest thou where thou art," quoth the Queen, and there it rested, awful to see.

"Then once more Meriamun called upon Hataska, bidding her hear the summons where she was.

"And behold the eyes of the Dead One that was upon the knee of Osiris glowed, and glowed the eyes of the Dweller in the Tomb, and of the winged Messenger who sat above. And then there was a sound as the sound of wind, and from above, cleaving the darkness, descended a Tongue of Flame and rested on the brow of the dead Hataska. And the eyes of all the thousand thousand spirits turned and gazed upon the Tongue of Flame.

And then dead Hataska spoke--though her lips moved not, yet she spoke.

And this she said:

""What wouldest thou with me, Meriamun, who am no more of thy company?

Why dost thou dare to trouble me, thou by whose hand my body did perish, drawing me from the threshold of the Double Hall of Truth, back to the Over World?"

"And Meriamun the Queen said, "Oh, thou _Khou_, for this purpose have I called thee. I am aweary of my days and I fain would learn the future.

The future fain would I learn, but the forked tongue of That which sleeps tells me no word, and the lips of That which is a-cold are dumb!

Tell me, then, thou, I charge thee by the word that has power to open the lips of the dead, thou who in all things art instructed, what shall be the burden of my days?"

"And the dread Khou made answer: "Love shall be the burden of thy days, and Death shall be the burden of thy love. Behold one draws near from out the North whom thou hast loved, whom thou shalt love from life to life, till all things are accomplished. Bethink thee of a dream that thou dreamedst as thou didst lie on Pharaoh"s bed, and read its riddle.

Meriamun, thou art great and thy name is known upon the earth, and in Amenti is thy name known. High is thy fate, and through blood and sorrow shalt thou find it. I have spoken, let me hence."

""It is well," the Queen made answer: "But not yet mayest thou go hence.

First I command thee, by the word of dread and by the link of life and death, declare unto me if here upon the earth and in this life I shall possess him whom I shall love?"

""In sin and craft and sorrow, Meriamun, thou shalt possess him; in shame and jealous agony he shall be taken from thee by one who is stronger than thou, though thou art strong; by one more beautiful than thou, though thou art beautiful; and ruin thou shalt give him for his guerdon, and ruin of the heart shalt thou harvest for thy portion. But for this time she shall escape thee, whose footsteps march with thine, and with his who shall be thine and hers. Nevertheless, in a day to come thou shalt pay her back measure for measure, and evil for evil. I have spoken. Let me hence."

""Not yet, O Khou--not yet. I have still to learn. Show me the face of her who is mine enemy, and the face of him who is my love."

""Thrice mayest thou speak to me, O thou greatly daring," answered the dread Khou, "and thrice I may make reply, and then farewell till I meet thee on the threshold of the hall whence thou hast drawn me. Look now on the face of that Hataska whom thou slewest."

"And we looked, and behold the face of dead Hataska changed, and changed the face of the Double, the _Ka_ that stood on one side, and the face of the great bird, the _Bai_, that spread his wings about the head of Osiris. And they grew beautiful, yes, most exceeding beautiful so that it cannot be told, and the beauty was that of a woman asleep. Then lo, there hung above Hataska, as it were, the shadow of one who was watching her sleeping. And his face we saw not, O thou Wanderer, it was hidden by the visor of a golden two-horned helm, and in that helm stood fast _the bronze point of a broken spear_! But he was clad in the armour of the people of the Northern Sea, the Aquaiusha, and his hair fell dark about his shoulders like the petals of the hyacinth flower.

""Behold thine enemy and behold thy love! Farewell," said the dread Khou, speaking through dead Hataska"s lips, and as the words died the beauty faded and the Tongue of Flame shot upwards and was lost, and once more the eyes of the thousand thousand dead turned and looked upon each other, even as though their lips whispered each to each.

"But for a while Meriamun stood silent, as one amazed. Then, awaking, she waved her hand and cried, "Begone, thou _Bai_! Begone, thou _Ka_!"

"And the great bird whereof the face was as the face of Hataska spread his golden wings and pa.s.sed away to his own place, and the Ka that was in the semblance of Hataska drew near to the dead one"s knees, and pa.s.sed back into her from whom she came. And all the thousand thousand faces melted though the fiery eyes still gazed upon us.

"Then Meriamun covered her head and once more spoke the awful Word, and I also covered up my head. But, as must be done, this second time she called the Word aloud, and yet though she called it loud, it came but as a tiny whisper from her lips. Nevertheless, at the sound of it, once more was the Temple shaken as by a storm.