The Young Engineers in Nevada

Chapter 40

"Not a blessed thing," Ferrers replied regretfully. "I never took as much as a pinhead of medicine in my life."

"But Harry must have something," Tom insisted. "We can"t let him lie there and die."

It was one of those ready-made medicine chests that are sold to campers and others who must live at a considerable distance from medical aid. Finding a small book of instructions in the chest, Tom moved over under the strong light and settled himself to read thoughtfully.

Harry tossed restlessly, unmindful of what was going on around him. His heavy, rapid breathing filled the place. Once in a while he moaned slightly, every sound of this kind going through Tom like a knife.

A particularly deep moan caused Tom to shiver and close the book.

He went over and felt Harry"s hot, drier skin.

"Jim," he directed, "I"m sure that, somehow, we should force the perspiration through his dry, parched skin. Take some of the blankets out of my bunk and spread them over Harry."

"It"ll make his fever worse, won"t it?"

"I"m sure I don"t know," Tom admitted helplessly. "We"d better try it for a while, anyway."

Then Tom stood looking down at the flushed face of his chum, muttering below his breath:

"Harry, old fellow, I wish your mother were here. She"d know just what to do. And for your mother"s sake, as well as my own, I"ve just got to blunder into something that will cure you."

Heaving a sigh, Tom went back under the lamp to read with blurted eyes.

At last he struck a paragraph that he thought bore on the case in hand. He read eagerly, praying for light.

"I"ve got it, at last," he announced, moving over to the bunk, beside which Ferrers stood.

"Got what?" asked Jim.

"I believe I"m on the track of the right stuff to give poor old Harry."

"What"s the name of the stuff you"re going to give harry"

"There are three medicines mentioned here," replied Reade, holding up the book. "They"re all to be given."

"_Three_ medicines!" gasped Jim. "By the great Custer three are enough to kill a horse!"

"I"m going to try "em," sighed Tom stolidly. "The poor fellow will die if nothing is done for him."

"Wouldn"t it be better," suggested Ferrers, hopelessly, "to try one medicine on the lad and then wait ten minutes. Then, if that doesn"t work, try one of the others on him! If that doesn"t work then you know that the third kind of stuff is the right sort of bracer."

Despite his great anxiety, Reade could not suppress the smile that Jim"s advice brought out. It was plain that Ferrers, good fellow as he was, would be of no use on the medical end of the fight that must be waged.

Tom searched the chest and found the medicines. Then he looked up the doses and started to administer the remedies as directed.

Even over the steadily increasing gale the notes of the supper horn reached them faintly.

"It"s too tough weather to expect the cook to bring the stuff over here tonight," said Jim. "So, if you can spare me, I"ll go and eat with the boys. Then I"ll bring your chuck over to you."

Alf came out of his corner, pulling on the ragged overcoat that he had picked up in a trade with an undersized man down at the Bright Hope Mine.

Left alone, Tom drew a stool up beside the bunk, and sat studying his chum"s face.

Twenty minutes later Hazelton opened his eyes.

"You"re feeling better, now, aren"t you?" asked Tom hopefully.

"I---I guess so," Harry muttered faintly.

"Where does it hurt you most, chum?"

"In---in my chest."

"Right lung!"


"Is the pain severe, Harry?"

"It"s about all I can---can stand---old fellow."

"Poor chap. Don"t try to talk, now. We"re taking good care of you, and we"ll keep on the job day and night. You"ve had some medicine, though you didn"t know it. Now, try to sleep, if you can."

But Hazelton couldn"t sleep. He tossed restlessly, his face aflame with fever.

Jim Ferrers came back with the supper, but Reade could eat very little of it. Alf Drew did not return. He had made his peace with the workmen.

Through the night Harry grew steadily worse. When daylight came in, with the blizzard still raging, the young engineer was delirious.



The blizzard lasted for two days. Toward the end the temperature rose, with the result that three feet of loose snow lay on top of the harder packed snow underneath.

Harry Hazelton had pa.s.sed out of the delirium, but he was weak, and apparently sinking. He was conscious, though he spoke but little, nor did poor Tom seek to induce him to talk.

By this time Reade knew the little medicine book by heart. He also knew the label and dose of every drug in the case. But he had not been able to improve upon his first selection of treatment.

"Do you think he"s going to die, Jim?" Tom frequently asked.

"What"s the use of a strong young fellow like him dying?" demanded Ferrers.

"Then why doesn"t he get better?"

"I don"t know. But he"ll come around all right. Don"t worry about that. Strong men don"t go under from a cold in the head, or from a bit of wheeze in the lungs."