The Young Engineers on the Gulf

Chapter 33

"Then I"m to be a prisoner?"

"That"s for the policeman here to say."

"You"re a prisoner, my man," nodded the policeman. "Now, sail your boat into the landing over yonder."

"Some one else will sail it," retorted the skipper, angrily, as he abandoned his tiller.

"I"ll take the tiller," Harry suggested, and did so. He hauled in the sheet, brought the boat around and headed for the landing with the skill of an old sailor.

"My man, since you don"t want to sail the boat you"ll have to go as a real prisoner," announced the policeman. He produced a pair of handcuffs, snapping them over the man"s wrists.

In a short time Harry brought the sailboat up to the landing. The motor boat had followed, but did not come all the way in. After the sail had been lowered and made snug the party took up its way, on foot, to the nearby town of Blixton.

Justice Sampson was found, and consented to open court immediately.

Officer Carnes brought his prisoners forward, stating the charge. The young engineers and the army officer gave their testimony.

"The prisoners are held for trial, and bail fixed at five thousand dollars in each case," decided the court.

The torpedo had been left on the sloop, in charge of a foreman. The justice now ordered two officers to go back and bring over the torpedo, which was to be held until a chemist could examine and take samples of whatever explosive might be found inside.

As d.i.c.k was a United States Army officer, under orders to proceed to his post within the next few days, the court reduced his testimony to writing, and permitted Prescott to sign this under oath.

It had been a busy forenoon. Now it was time for luncheon, and the three chums returned to the house to eat. In the afternoon they visited the wall, remaining there until four o"clock. On their return to the house Tom and Harry were greeted by Mr. Prenter, who had been waiting for them.

"I heard the news of last night"s doings, and to-day"s, and came right down," explained the treasurer of the Melliston Company. "Reade, I"m glad to be able to say that you appear to have brought us to the end of the explosion troubles."

"Or else we"re just starting with that trouble," Reade smiled wistfully.

"Mr. Prenter, I must say that there appears to be no end to the surprises with which our enemies are capable of supplying us."

Tom then nodded to d.i.c.k to come forward and presented him to the treasurer.

"An army officer?" asked Mr. Prenter eagerly. "Then I"m doubly glad to meet you, Mr. Prescott. You"ve seen the breakwater work? As an army officer and an engineer what do you think of it?"

"It"s great!" said d.i.c.k, though he added laughingly: "Reade and Hazelton are such dear old friends of mine that any testimony in their favor is likely to be charged to friendship."

"I"ll believe what an army officer says, even in praise of his best friends," smiled Mr. Prenter.

Foreman Johnson, who had been over in town, now came along. He halted some distance away, beckoning to Reade.

"Mr. Reade," murmured the foreman, in an undertone, "over in Blixton I just heard some news that I thought would interest you. Evarts is out on bail."

"He furnished a five thousand surety?" queried Tom.

"Yes, sir, and who do you suppose went on his bond?"

"I can"t imagine who the idiot is."

"The man who signed Evarts"s bond," continued Foreman Johnson solemnly, "was Mr. Bas...o...b.. president of this company!"

"Whew!" muttered Tom aghast. "And that"s all I"ve got to say on this subject."

"I thought you"d like to know the news," remarked Johnson, "and so I came to tell you."

"Please accept my thanks," Tom answered. Then, as the foreman pa.s.sed along, Reade went back to his friends.

"You seem staggered about something," remarked Mr. Prenter, eyeing him keenly.

"Possibly I am," admitted Tom. "Evarts is out on bail."

"Now, what fool or rogue could have signed that fellow"s bail bond?"

demanded Mr. Prenter in exasperation.

"Careful, sir!" warned Tom smilingly. "I"ve just been informed that the bail bond was signed by Mr. Bas...o...b.. president of the Melliston Company."

"Well, of all the crazy notions!" gasped Mr. Prenter. "But there! I won"t say more. a queer fellow in some things, but he"s a good fellow in lots of things, and a square, honest man in all things. If he signed Evarts"s bond, there was a reason, and not a dishonest one."

"But Evarts won"t behave," predicted Harry dismally. "After all our trouble we shall still have to remain on guard night and day."

"It"ll be an airship next," laughed d.i.c.k Prescott.

"Unless Sambo Ebony comes forward once more, and finds out how to lay wires by a new submarine route," retorted Tom Reade.

All the present company felt unaccountably gloomy just at this moment.

There could be no guessing what would occur next to hamper or destroy the fruits of their hard labor.



"Mr. Prenter," asked Tom suddenly, "is there anything about which you wish to see me just now?"

"Not particularly," replied the treasurer. "Only, in view of late developments I"m going to remain about for the next few days, unless you order me out of the house. I want to be close to the trouble."

"Then, if I"m not needed," gaped Reade, "I"m going to turn in and steal a little sleep. I need rest."

"As I"m going to stay up to-night, Tom, and keep you company through the dark hours, I"m for the bale of lint, too," announced Lieutenant Prescott.

"At what hour shall I call you?" asked Harry.

"At eight o"clock to-night," answered Tom.

Refreshed by a few hours" sleep Tom and d.i.c.k were called, to find their supper ready. Nicolas stood behind their chairs, attentive to their needs.

Mr. Prenter remained out on the porch, but Harry sat at table with his friends.