The Young Engineers on the Gulf

Chapter 40

After they had left the beach well behind, the chums strolled in under the trees of a rather spa.r.s.e grove.

Well in toward the center of the grove stood one tree larger than the rest.

From behind this Sambo Ebony swiftly appeared, just at the right instant for surprise. In each hand the negro held a huge automatic revolver.

"Gemmen," chuckled the negro coolly, "Ah jess be nacherally obliged to yo"

both if yo"ll stick yo" hands ez high up in de air ez yo" can h"ist "em.

It am a long worm dat nebber turns, an" Ah"se done reckon dat Ah"se de tu"ning worm to-night! Thumbs up, gemmen!"

Despite Sambo"s bantering tone there could be no doubt that to fail to obey him would be to invite a swift fusillade.

Reluctantly Tom Reade thrust his hands up skyward. Nor did d.i.c.k Prescott hesitate to follow so prompt an example.



"Now Ah reckon Ah"se done got yo"," laughed the big negro, insolently. "It am a question ob w"ich one Ah wantah pick off fust!"

In his wicked joy over having both the young engineer and the army officer wholly at his mercy Sambo, his mouth open and his ma.s.sive teeth showing white in his grin, advanced nearer.

Yet he did not fail to keep each of his enemies covered. He was watching most alertly for any sign of rebellion on the part of his victims.

Nor was there any doubt in the mind of either young man that the black, after playing with them, meant to dispose of them as his possession of pistols indicated.

He would torment them first, then ruthlessly "shoot them up."

"How long are we to keep our hands up?" asked Tom banteringly.

It would be foolish to say that Reade was not afraid, but he was determined to keep Ebony from discovering the fact.

"Yo"s to keep yo" hands up longer dan yo" can keep yo" moufs shut!" scowled the black man, his ugly streak showing once more.

"It makes me think of the way we used to play football," laughed Reade, though there was not much mirth in his chuckle.

"Shut yo" mouf, or Ah done gib yo" plenty to think erbout!" ordered Sambo angrily.

That word "football" set d.i.c.k Prescott to tingling. He knew there was some hidden meaning in what Tom had said.

"Are you trying to signal us, Sambo?" queried the army officer.

That word "signal" was intended only for Tom"s ear, for Lieutenant Prescott was beginning to guess at the truth.

"On the gridiron, on the gridiron!" hummed Tom, audibly, as he tried clumsily to fit the words to the refrain of a popular song.

d.i.c.k Prescott was "getting warm" on the scent of the hidden meaning.

"Shut yo" mouf!" gruffly commanded the lack. "Ah doan" wantah tell yo" dat again, neider."

"Right foot---high foot!" chanted Tom.

Mentally d.i.c.k Prescott jumped as though he had been shot. "Right foot---high foot" had been one of their old kicking signals on the Gridley High School eleven!

Lieutenant d.i.c.k Prescott fairly throbbed as he now understood the covered signal.

"Now!" left Reade"s lips with explosive energy, though the word was low-spoken.

At "right foot---high foot" and "now" each youth suddenly shot his right foot up into the air.

Tom"s landed against Sambo"s right wrist, kicking the automatic revolver completely out of the negro"s hands.

d.i.c.k"s kick landed against the black man"s left wrist. The pistol held in Sambo"s left hand was discharged, though the muzzle had been driven up at such an angle that the bullet pa.s.sed harmlessly over Prescott"s head.

In a twinkling Ebony had been disarmed.

Darting low, Tom grappled with the negro"s legs. Then Reade rose swiftly, toppling Sambo over backward.

d.i.c.k Prescott bounded upon the prostrate foe, beating him with both fists.

Tom also threw himself into the melee.

While the black might have thrashed either youth alone he was not equal to handling both at the same time.

"I"ve got him, now, and he"ll behave, I guess," panted Tom Reade, at last.

"Slip off, d.i.c.k, and gather in the pistols."

As Prescott did so Sambo made the last few efforts of which he was capable.

He had been hammered so hard, however, that Tom did not have extreme difficulty in holding him down.

"Now, lie still and take orders," warned d.i.c.k, pressing one of the pistols against the black man"s temple, "or I"ll get excited and send you out of this world for keeps!"

Sambo Ebony thereupon dropped into sullen muttering, but did not offer to resist. Prescott, as a soldier, had a businesslike way of handling weapons that cowed the black man.

Tom got up leisurely from the prostrate foe.

"Now, you can stand a little farther off, d.i.c.k," he suggested, "and then the fellow won"t get a chance to tip you over with any trick. If he tries to get up before he"s told you can easily bring him to earth again, for you"ve been taught the exact use of firearms."

"Good idea," nodded Lieutenant Prescott, backing away a few feet. "Are you going to run for a.s.sistance now, Tom?"

"No," retorted Reade. "You"re going to shoot for it."


"Fire a shot into the air from each revolver. That, with the accidental discharge of a moment go, will show any listener that there"s trouble going on over here. I miss my guess if the shots don"t bring help very shortly."