The Young Firemen of Lakeville

Chapter 26

"This is one on us," remarked Cole, as he helped to drag the engine around. "I"d like to wallop Chester."

"So would I," declared Bert. "Mr. Muchmore will attend to him, though, I guess."

"Muchmore needs someone to attend to him, too," remarked Tom Donnell.

"He"s as cross as a couple of sour apple trees. I guess if the house had been on fire he"d have been only too glad to see us."

Still the boys did not so much mind their useless run, as they were so enthusiastic over their engine and the new department that it had not yet become an old story to them.

"We were in need of a little practice, anyhow," remarked Bert, as they backed the engine into the barn. The second apparatus had not responded, though the boys were in readiness to run it out in case a call came for them.

When he got back home that night Herbert was racking his brains over the mystery that seemed to surround the Stockton mansion. That there was something queer going on within its walls he was positive. What he had seen, Muchmore"s queer actions, his fear of something being discovered, and what Mort Decker had told him, convinced Bert that very unusual proceedings must be taking place in the silent house on the hill.

"Mr. Stockton ought to be informed," he said. "I wonder if I couldn"t send a letter to him? I"ve a good notion to make some inquiries at the post-office."

He did, the next day. As he entered the post-office he saw that Mr.

Daven was busy reading some postal cards.

"Ah, how d"ye do, Bert?" he greeted, for he had a kindly feeling for the lad, who, in a measure, was responsible for the awakening of the town. "How"s the fire business?"

"Pretty good. We had a run for nothing last night."

"I heard about that. Up to the Stockton mansion. Yes, I may have to take official action on it."

"How"s that?"

"Why, Mr. Muchmore was in here a while ago. He came to see me in my official capacity as justice of the peace, and not postmaster. He wanted a warrant for the arrest of Chester Randel, and I made out one.

The next thing is to arrest that good-for-nothing lad, but he"s like a flea, I never can catch him when I want him. I"ve got another warrant for him too."

"What"s that for?"

"Oh, he robbed Deacon Stanton"s apple orchard. Not that taking apples is such a crime, but the deacon insisted on a warrant, and I had to make one out."

"Are you going to arrest Chester?"

"If I can catch him, but I"m so busy with mail lately that I ain"t got much time to arrest anybody. "Pears everybody is sending out souvenir postals, with pictures of the new engines on "em, and it takes a lot of time to read and sort "em."

An enterprising stationer in town had ordered a supply of postals made, with pictures of the new fire apparatus, and he sold quite a number. Bert thought the postmaster"s talk gave him a good opening to ask certain questions.

"I wonder if Mr. Stockton knows about our new department?" he said.

"I"d like to send him one of those postals, though I don"t really know him very well. Still, I think he would be interested. Do you know his address?"

"No, Bert, I don"t."

"I heard he had gone to Europe."

"Maybe he has, but I can"t say."

"Do you get any letters for him?"

"Yes, quite a few."

"Then don"t you forward them?"

"No, for I don"t know where to send them. Besides, that nephew of his calls for the mail, and takes the letters addressed to Mr. Stockton, as well as his own. I don"t believe Mr. Stockton is in Europe."

"Then where is he?"

"That"s more than I know, Bert. It"s something I don"t have time to bother about, with the increase in the mail, and my eyesight getting poorer and poorer each day. I can"t read as many postals as I used to."

"Then if I wrote a letter to Mr. Stockton, you don"t think he"d get it?"

"I don"t know. I do know that Muchmore would get it first. Maybe he forwards his uncle"s mail."

"I don"t believe I"ll write any letter then," thought Bert. "I have nothing only suspicions, at best. I think something wrong is going on at that house, but I can"t prove it. I think Mr. Stockton ought to know about it, but I don"t see any way of informing him. I wish I could have a talk with Mort Decker. Maybe he has found out something."

Once he got thinking in this strain Bert found it hard to get his mind off the matter. As he had nothing in particular to do, he decided to take a stroll past the mysterious mansion. He knew of a road, through the woods, that would bring him to the rear of the house, without any one seeing him.

He started off, pa.s.sing through the back streets of the village, as he did not want to meet any of his chums just then. In a little while he was in the forest, and, proceeding along leisurely, so that if any persons did observe him they would not think he had any particular object, he reached the rear of the queer house. It seemed to be deserted. The shutters on the back were tightly closed, and there was no sign of life.

"A queer old place," mused the boy. "I wonder what--"

His musing was cut short by a sudden opening of the shutters on the topmost window. They were thrown violently back, as though whatever fastened them had been broken. At the same moment a hand was thrust out. It was a white hand, and it seemed to throw something from the window. Bert watched, and saw that the object was a bottle. The gla.s.s struck a stone and was broken. Then, from the bottle came a piece of white paper. The shutters were closed again. Wonderingly, Bert walked over and picked up the paper. On it was this mysterious message:

"help i am a priso"



Herbert stood gazing at the slip of paper in his hand. He did not know what to make of it. Then he looked up at the window whence it had been thrown. There was no sign of life there. Whoever had tossed out the mysterious message had disappeared again behind the dark shutters.

"Well, this gets me," murmured the boy. "I wonder what it means? Is it a joke; or something serious?"

Then another idea came to him.

"It"s written on a typewriter!" he exclaimed. "I wonder if it could have been done by Mort Decker? Perhaps he is in trouble there with Muchmore. Maybe the man has him locked up. Had I better tell the authorities?"

Then, as he looked at the message again, he had a different thought.

"No, Mort couldn"t have written it," he said to himself. "He knows how to work a typewriter, and he"d use capitals in the places where they belong. And, besides, this message isn"t finished. Whoever wrote it had to stop before he was through. I wonder what the rest of that word is. "Priso--" Maybe it"s meant for "poisoned" and it"s spelled wrong.

I wish--"

But the boy"s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a noise at a window over his head. Thinking the person who had thrown out the mysterious message was again about to open the shutters, Bert watched anxiously, but, instead, a window on the second floor opened and Mort Decker leaned out.

"h.e.l.lo!" began Bert.