The Young Step-Mother

Chapter 19

Recovery, however, filled her with such an ecstasy of animal spirits that her time seemed to be entirely pa.s.sed in happiness or in sleep, and cares appeared to have lost all power. It was so sudden a change that Winifred was startled, though it was a very pleasant one, and she did not reflect that this was as far from the calm, self-restrained, meditative tranquillity enjoined by Maurice, as had been the previous restless, querulous state. Both were body more than mind, but Mrs.

Ferrars was much more ready to be merry with Albinia than to moralize about her. And it was droll that the penny club was one of the first stages in her revival.

"Oh, mamma," cried Lucy, flying in, "Mr. Dusautoy is at the door. There is such a to do. All the women have been getting gin with their penny club tickets, and Mrs. Brock has been stealing the money, and Mr.

Dusautoy wants to know if you paid up three-and-fourpence for the Hanc.o.c.k children."

Albinia instantly invited Mr. Dusautoy to explain in person, and he entered, hearty and pleasant as ever, but in great haste, for he had left his f.a.n.n.y keeping the peace between five angry women, while he came out to collect evidence.

The Bayford clothing-club payments were collected by Mrs. Brock, the s.e.xton"s wife, and distributed by tickets to be produced at the various shops in the town. Mrs. Brock had detected some women exchanging their tickets for gin, and the offending parties retaliated by accusing her of embezzling the subscriptions, both parties launching into the usual amount of personalities and exaggerations.

Albinia"s testimony cleared Mrs. Brock as to the three-and-fourpence, but she "snuffed the battle from afar," and rushed into a scheme of taking the clothing-club into her own hands, collecting the pence, having the goods from London, and selling them herself--she would propose it on the very first opportunity to the Dusautoys. Winifred asked if she had not a good deal on her hands already.

"My dear, I have the work in me of a young giant."

"And will Mr. Kendal like it?"

"He would never find it out unless I told him, and very possibly not then. Six months hence, perhaps, he may tell me he is glad that Lucy is inclined to useful pursuits, and that _is_ approval, Winifred, much more than if I went and worried him about every little petty woman"s matter."

"Every one to her taste," thought Winifred, who had begun to regard Mr.

and Mrs. Kendal in the same relation as the king and queen at chess.

The day before the christening, Mr. Ferrars brought back Gilbert and his own little Willie.

Through all the interchange of greetings, Gilbert would hardly let go Albinia"s hand, and the moment her attention was free, he earnestly whispered, "May I see my brother?"

She took him upstairs at once. "Let me look a little while," he said, hanging over the child with a sort of hungry fondness and curiosity. "My brother! my brother!" he repeated. "It has rung in my ears every morning that I can say my brother once more, till I have feared it was a dream."

It was the sympathy Albinia cared for, come back again! "I hope he will be a good brother to you," she said.

"He must be good! he can"t help it! He has you!" said Gilbert. "See, he is opening his eyes--oh! how blue! May I touch him?"

"To be sure you may. He is not sugar," said Albinia, laughing.

"There--make an arm; you may have him if you like. Your left arm, you awkward man. Yes, that is right. You will do quite as well as I, who never touched a baby till Willie was born. There, sir, how do you like your brother Gilbert?"

Gilbert held him reverently, and gave him back with a sigh when he seemed to have satiated his gaze and touch, and convinced himself that his new possession was substantial. "I say," he added wistfully, "did you think _that_ name would bring ill-luck?

She knew the name he meant, and answered, "No, but your father could not have borne it. Besides, Gibbie, we would not think him _instead_ of Edmund. No, he shall learn, to look up to his other brother as you do, and look to meeting and knowing him some day."

Gilbert shivered at this, and made no opposition to her carrying him downstairs to his uncle, and then Gilbert hurried off for the basket of snowdrops that he had gathered early, from a favourite spot at Fairmead.

That short absence seemed to have added double force to his affection; he could hardly bear to be away from her, and every moment when he could gain her ear, poured histories of the delights of Fairmead, where Mr.

Ferrars had devoted himself to his amus.e.m.e.nt, and had made him happier than perhaps he had ever been in his life--he had had a taste of shooting, of skating, of s...o...b..lling--he had been useful and important in the village feasts, had dined twice at Colonel Bury"s, and felt himself many degrees nearer manhood.

To hear of her old haunts and friends from such enthusiastic lips, delighted Albinia, and her felicity with her baby, with Mr. Kendal, with her brother and his little son, was one of the brightest things in all the world--the fresh young loving bloom of her matronhood was even sweeter and more beautiful than her girlish days.

Poor little frail, blighted Mrs. Dusautoy! Winifred could not help wondering if the contrast pained her, when in all the glory of her motherly thankfulness, Albinia carried her beautiful newly-christened Maurice Ferrars Kendal to the vicarage to show him off, lying so open-chested and dignified, in Genevieve"s pretty work, with a sort of manly serenity already dawning on his baby brow.

Winifred need not have pitied the little lady. She would not have changed with Mrs. Kendal--no, not for that perfect health, usefulness, value--nor even for such a baby as that. No, indeed! She loved--she rejoiced in all her friend"s sweet and precious gifts--but Mrs. Dusautoy had one gift that she prized above all.

Even grandmamma and Aunt Maria did justice to Master Maurice"s attractions, at least in public, though it came round that Miss Meadows did not admire fat children, and when he had once been seen in Lucy"s arms, an alarm arose that Mrs. Kendal would allow the girls to carry him about, till his weight made them crooked, but Albinia was too joyous to take their displeasure to heart, and it only served her for something to laugh at.

They had a very happy christening party, chiefly juvenile, in honour of little Willie and of Francis and Emily Nugent. Albinia was so radiantly lively and good-natured, and her a.s.sistants, Winifred, Maurice, and Mr.

Dusautoy, so kind, so droll, so inventive, that even Aunt Maria forgot herself in enjoyment and novelty, and was like a different person. Mr.

Kendal looked at her with a pleased sad wonder, and told his wife it reminded him of what she had been when she was nearly the prettiest girl at Bayford. Gilbert devoted himself as usual to making Genevieve feel welcome; and she had likewise Willie Ferrars and Francis Nugent at her feet. Neither urchin would sit two inches away from her all the evening, and in all games she was obliged to obviate jealousies by being partner to both at once. Where there was no one to oppress her, she came out with all her natural grace and vivacity, and people of a larger growth than her little admirers were charmed with her.

Lucy was obliging, ready, and useful, and looked very pretty, the only blot was the heavy dulness of poor Sophy, who seemed resolved to take pleasure in nothing. Winifred varied in opinion whether her moodiness arose from ill-health, or from jealousy of her little brother. This latter Albinia would not believe, especially as she saw that little Maurice"s blue eyes were magnets that held the silent Sophy fast, but surly denials silenced her interrogations as to illness, and made her content to acquiesce in Lucy"s explanation that Sophy was only cross because the Osborns and Drurys were not asked.

Albinia did her duty handsomely by the two families a day or two after, for whatever reports might come round, they were always ready to receive her advances, and she only took notice of what she saw, instead of what she heard. Her brother helped Mr. Kendal through the party, and Winifred made a discovery that excited her more than Albinia thought warranted by any fact relating to the horde of Irish cousins.

"Only think, Albinia, I have found out that poor Ellen O"More is Mr.

Goldsmith"s sister!"

"Indeed! But I am afraid I don"t remember which Ellen O"More is. You know I never undertake to recollect any but your real cousins out of the thirty-six."

"For shame, Albinia, I have so often told you about Ellen. I"m sure you can"t forget. Her husband is my sister"s brother-in-law"s cousin."

"Oh, Winifred, Winifred!"

"But I tell you, her husband is the third son of old Mr. O"More of Ballymakilty, and was in the army."

"Oh! the half-pay officer with the twelve children in the cottage on the estate."

"There now, I did think you would care when I told you of a soldier, a Waterloo man too, and you only call him a half-pay officer!"

"I do remember," said Albinia, taking a little pity, "that you used to be sorry for his good little English wife."

"Of course. I knew she had married him very imprudently, but she has struggled gallantly with ill-health, and poverty, and Irish recklessness. I quite venerate her, and it seems these Goldsmiths had so far cast her off that they had no notion of the extent of her troubles."

"Just like them," said Albinia. "Is that the reason you wish me to make the most of the connexion? Let me see, my sister-in-law"s sister"s wife--no, husband"s brother"s uncle, eh?"

"I don"t want you to do anything," said Winifred, a little hurt, "only if you had seen Ellen"s patient face you would be interested in her."

"Well, I am interested, you know I am, Winifred. I hope you interested our respected banker, which would be more to the purpose."

"I think I did," said Winifred; "at least he said "poor Ellen" once or twice. I don"t want him to do anything for the captain, you might give him a thousand pounds and he would never be the better for it: but that fourth, boy, Ulick, is without exception the nicest fellow I ever saw in my life--so devoted to his mother, so much more considerate and self-denying than any of the others, and very clever. Maurice examined him and was quite astonished. We did get him sent to St. Columba for the present, but whether they will keep him there no one can guess, and it is the greatest pity he should run to waste. I told Mr. Goldsmith all this, and I really think he seemed to attend. I wonder if it will work."

Albinia was by this time anxious that it should take effect, and they agreed that an old bachelor banker and his sister, both past sixty, were the very people to adopt a promising nephew.

What had become of the mult.i.tude of things which Albinia had to discuss with her brother? The floodtide of bliss had floated her over all the stumbling-blocks and shoals that the ebb had disclosed, and she had absolutely forgotten all the perplexities that had seemed so trying.

Even when she sought a private interview to talk to him about Gilbert, it was in full security of hearing the praises of her darling.

"A nice boy, a very nice boy," returned Maurice; "most amiable and intelligent, and particularly engaging, from his feeling being so much on the surface."

"Nothing can be more sincere and genuine," she cried, as if this fell a little flat.

"Certainly not, at the time."

"Always!" exclaimed Albinia. "You must not distrust him because he is not like you or Fred, and has never been hardened and taught reserve by rude boys. Nothing was ever more real than his affection, poor dear boy," and the tears thrilled to her eyes.

"No, and it is much to his credit. His love and grat.i.tude to you are quite touching, poor fellow; but the worst of it is that I am afraid he is very timid, both physically and morally."