The Young Step-Mother

Chapter 35

"Too certain. She will not leave her mother."

"Is that all?"

"Of course it is. He told me the whole affair, and certainly Mr. Meadows was greatly to blame. He let Maria give this man every encouragement, believing his property larger, and his expectations more secure than was the case; and when the proposal was made, having discovered his mistake, he sent a peremptory refusal, giving him reason to suppose her a party to the rejection. Captain Pringle sailed in anger; but it appears that his return has revived his former feelings, and that he has found out that poor Maria was a greater sufferer than himself."

"Why does he come to you?"

"To consult me. He wishes me to persuade poor old Mrs. Meadows to go out to the Mauritius, which is clearly impossible, but Maria must not be sacrificed again. Would the Drurys make her comfortable? Or could she not live alone with her maid?"

"She might live here."

"Albinia! Think a little."

"I can think of nothing else. Let her have the morning room, and Sophy"s little room, and Lucy and I would do our best for her."

"No, that is out of the question. I would not impose such charge upon you on any consideration!"

Albinia"s face became humble and remorseful. "Yes," she said, "perhaps I am too impatient and flighty."

"That was not what I meant," he said; "but I do not think it right that a person with no claims of relationship should be made a burthen on you."

"No claims, Edmund," said she, softly. "In whose place have you put me?"

He was silent: then said, "No, it must not be, my kind Albinia. She is a very good old lady, but Sophy and she would clash, and I cannot expose the child to such a trial."

"I dare say you are right," pensively said Albinia, perceiving that her plan had been inconsiderate, and that it would require the wisdom, tact, and gentleness of a model woman to deal with such discordant elements.

"What are you going to do?" as he took up his hat. "Are you going to see Maria? May I come with you?"

"If you please; but do not mention this notion. There is no necessity for such a tax on you; and such arrangement should never be rashly made."

He asked whether Miss Meadows could see him, and awaited her alone in the dining-room, somewhat to the surprise of his wife; but either he felt that there was a long arrear of kindness owing, or feared to trust Albinia"s impulsive generosity.

Meantime Albinia found the poor old lady in much uneasiness and distress. Her daughter fancied it right to keep her in ignorance of the crisis; but Maria was not the woman to conceal her feelings, and her nervous misery had revealed all that she most wished to hide. Too timid to take her confidence by storm, her mother had only exchanged surmises and observations with Betty, and was in a troubled condition of affectionate curiosity and anxiety. Albinia was a welcome visitor since it was a great relief to hear what had really taken place and to know that Mr. Kendal was with Maria.

"Ah! that is kind," she said; "but he must tell her not to think of me.

I am an old woman, good for nothing but to be put out of the way, and she has gone through quite enough! You will not let her give it up! Tell her I have not many more years to live, and anything is good enough for me."

"That would hardly comfort her," said Albinia, affectionately; "but indeed, dear grandmamma, I hope we shall convince her that we can do something to supply her place."

"Ah! my dear, you are very kind, but n.o.body can be like a daughter! But don"t tell Maria so--poor dear love--she may never have another chance.

Such a beautiful place out there, and Mr. Pringle"s property must come to him at last! Bless me, what will Sarah Drury say? And such a good attentive man--besides, she never would hear of any one else--her poor papa never knew--Oh! she must have him! it is all nonsense to think of me! I only wish I was dead out of the way!"

There was a strong mixture of unselfish love, and fear of solitude; of the triumph of marrying a daughter, and dread of separation; of affection, and of implanted worldliness; touching Albinia at one moment, and paining her at another; but she soothed and caressed the old lady, and was a willing listener to what was meant for a history of the former transaction; but as it started from old Mr. Pringle"s grandfather, it had only proceeded as far as the wedding of the Captain"s father and mother, when it was broken off by Mr. Kendal"s entrance.

"Oh! my dear Mr. Kendal, and what does poor Maria say? It is so kind in you. I hope you have taken her in hand, and told her it is quite another thing now, and her poor dear papa would think so. She must not let this opportunity pa.s.s, for she may never have another. Did you tell her so?"

"I told her that, under the circ.u.mstances, she has no alternative but to accept Captain Pringle."

"Oh! thank you. And does she?"

"She has given me leave to send him to her."

"I am so much obliged. I knew that n.o.body but you could settle it for her, poor dear girl; she is so young and inexperienced, and one is so much at a loss without a gentleman. But this is very kind; I did not expect it in you, Mr. Kendal. And will you see Mr. Pettilove, and do all that is proper about settlements, as her poor dear papa would have done.

Poor Pettilove, he was once very much in love with Maria!"

In this mood of triumph and felicity, the old lady was left to herself and her daughter. Albinia, on the way home, begged to hear how Mr.

Kendal had managed Maria; and found that he had simply told her, in an authoritative tone, that after all that had pa.s.sed, she had no choice but to accept Captain Pringle, and that he had added a promise, equally vague and rea.s.suring, of being a son to Mrs. Meadows. Such injunctions from such a quarter had infused new life into Maria; and in the course of the afternoon, Albinia met the Captain with the mother and daughter, one on each arm, Maria in recovered bloom and brilliancy, and Mrs.

Meadows"s rheumatism forgotten in the glory of exhibiting her daughter engaged.

For form"s sake, secrecy had been mentioned; but the world of Bayford had known of the engagement a fortnight before took place. Sophy had been questioned upon it by Mary Wolfe two hours ere she was officially informed, and was sore with the recollection of her own ungracious professions of ignorance.

"So it is true," she said. "I don"t mind, since Arthur is not a girl."

Mr. Kendal laughed so heartily, that Sophy looked to Albinia for explanation; but even on the repet.i.tion of her words, she failed to perceive anything ridiculous in them.

"Why, mamma," she said, impressively, "if you had been like Aunt Maria, I should--" she paused and panted for sufficient strength of phrase--"I should have run away and begged! Papa laughs, but I am sure he remembers when grandmamma and Aunt Maria wanted to come and live here!"

He looked as if he remembered it only too well.

"Well, papa," pursued Sophy, "we heard the maids saying that they knew it would not do, for all Mr. Kendal was so still and steady, for Miss Meadows would worret the life out of a lead pincushion."

"Hem!" said Mr. Kendal. "Albinia, do you think after all we are doing Captain Pringle any kindness?"

"He is the best judge."

"Nay, he may think himself bound in honour and compa.s.sion--he may be returning to an old ideal."

"People like Captain Pringle are not apt to have ideals," said Albinia; "nor do I think Maria will be so trying. Do you remember that creeper of Lucy"s, all tendrils and catching leaves, which used to lie sprawling about, entangling everything till she gave it a prop, when it instantly found its proper development, and offered no further molestation?"

All was not, however, smooth water as yet. The Captain invaded Mr.

Kendal the next morning in despair at Maria having recurred to the impossibility of leaving her mother, and wanting him to wait till he could reside in England. This could not be till his son was grown up, and ten years were a serious delay. Mr. Kendal suspected her of a latent hope that the Captain would end by remaining at home; but he was a man sense and determination, who would have thought it unjustifiable weakness to sacrifice his son"s interests and his own usefulness. He would promise, that if all were alive and well, he would bring Maria back in ten or twelve years" time; but he would not sooner relinquish his duties, and he was very reluctant to become engaged on such terms.

"No one less silly than poor Maria would have thought of such a proposal," was Mr. Kendal"s comment afterwards to his wife. "Twelve years! No one would be able to live with her by that time!"

"I cannot help respecting the unselfishness," said Albinia.

"One sided unselfishness," quoth Mr. Kendal. "I am sick of the whole business, I wish I had never interfered. I cannot get an hour to myself."

He might be excused for the complaint on that day of negotiations and counter-negotiations, which gave no one any rest, especially after Mrs. Drury arrived with all the rights of a relation, set on making it evident, that whoever was to be charged with Mrs. Meadows, it was not herself; and enforcing that nothing could be more comfortable than that Lucy Kendal should set up housekeeping with her dear grandmamma. Every one gave advice, and n.o.body took it; Mrs. Meadows cried, Maria grew hysterical, the Captain took up his hat and walked out of the house; and Albinia thought it would be very good in him ever to venture into it again.

The next morning Mr. Kendal ordered his horse early, and hastened his breakfast; told Albinia not to wait dinner for him, and rode off by one gate, without looking behind him, as the other opened to admit Captain Pringle. She marvelled whither he had fled, and thought herself fortunate in having only two fruitless discussions in his absence. Not till eight o"clock did he make his appearance, and then it was in an unhearing, unseeing mood, so that nothing could be extracted, except that he did not want any dinner; and it was not till late in the evening that he abruptly announced, "Lucy is coming home on Wednesday. Colonel Bury will bring her to Woodside."

What? have you heard from Maurice?"

"No; I have been at Fairmead."

You! To-day! How was Winifred?"