The Young Step-Mother

Chapter 58

Sophy was glad of the presence of a third person to obviate the perils of her evenings with grandmamma, and she beheld the trio set off to their dinner-party, without the usual dread of being betrayed into wrangling. Mr. O"More devoted himself to the old lady"s entertainment, he amused her with droll stories, and played backgammon with her. Then she composed herself to her knitting, and desired them not to mind her, she liked to hear young people talk cheerfully; whereupon Sophy, by way of light and cheerful conversation, renewed the battle of consistency with a whole broadside of heavy metal.

When the diners-out came home, they found the war raging as hotly as ever; a great many historical facts and wise sayings having been fired off on both sides, and neither having found out that each meant the same thing.

However, the hours had gone imperceptibly past them, which could not be said for the others. The half-yearly dinners at Mr. Drury"s were Albinia"s dread nearly as much as Mr. Kendal"s aversion. He was certain, whatever he might intend, to fall into a fit of absence, and she was almost equally sure to hear something unpleasant, and to regret her own reply. On the whole, however, Mr. Kendal came away on this evening the least dissatisfied, for Mr. Goldsmith had asked him with some solicitude, whether he thought "that lad, young More," positively unwell; and had gone the length of expressing that he seemed to be fairly sharp, and stuck to his work. Mr. Kendal seized the moment for telling his opinion, of Ulick, and though Mr. Goldsmith coughed and looked dry and almost contemptuous, he was perceptibly gratified, and replied with a maxim evidently intended both as an excuse for himself and as a warning to the Kendals, that young men were always spoilt by being made too much of--in his younger days--&c.

Lucy, meantime, was undergoing the broad banter of her unrefined cousins on the subject of the Irish clerk. A very little grace in the perpetration would have made it grateful to her vanity, but this was far too broad raillery, and made her hold up her head with protestations of her perfect indifference, to which her cousins manifested incredulity, visiting on her with some petty spite their small jealousies of her higher pretensions, and of the attention which had been paid to her by Mr. Cavendish Dusautoy.

"Not that he will ever look at you again, Lucy, you need not flatter yourself," said the amiable Sarah Anne. "Harry Wolfe writes that he was flirting with a beautiful young lady who came to see Oxford, and that he is spending quant.i.ties of money."

"It is nothing to me, I am sure," retorted Lucy. "Besides, Gilbert says no such thing."

"Gilbert! oh, no!" exclaimed Miss Drury; "why, he is just as bad himself. Papa said, from what Mrs. Wolfe told him, he would not take 500 pounds to pay Mr. Gilbert"s bills."

Albinia had been hearing much the same story from Mrs. Drury, though not so much exaggerated, and administered with more condolence. She did not absolutely believe, and yet she could not utterly disbelieve, so the result was a letter to Gilbert, with an anxious exhortation to be careful, and not to be deluded into foolish expenditure in imitation of the Polysyllable; and as no special answer was returned, she dismissed the whole from her mind as a Drury allegation.

The horse chanced to be lame, so that Gilbert could not be met at Hadminster on his return from Oxford, but much earlier than the omnibus usually lumbered into Bayford, he astonished Sophy, who was lying on the sofa in the morning-room, by marching in with a free and easy step, and a loose coat of the most novel device.

"No one else at home?" he asked.

"Only grandmamma. We did not think the omnibus would come in so soon, but I suppose you took a fly, as there were three of you."

"As if we were going to stand six miles of bus with the Wolfe cub!

No, Dusautoy brought his horse down with him, and I took a fly!" said Gilbert. "Well, and what"s the matter with Captain; has the Irishman been riding him?"

Sophy bit her lip to prevent an angry answer, and was glad that Maurice rushed in, fall of uproarious joy. "Hollo! boy, how you grow! What have you got there?"

"It"s my new pop-gun, that Ulick made me, I"ll shoot you," cried Maurice, retiring to a suitable distance.

"I declare the child has caught the brogue! Is the fellow here still?"

"What fellow?" coldly asked Sophy.

"Why, this pet of my father"s."

"Bang!" cried Maurice, and a pellet pa.s.sed perilously close to Gilbert"s eyes.

"Don"t, child. Pray is this banker"s clerk one of our fixtures, Sophy?"

"I don"t know why you despise him, unless it is because it is what you ought to be yourself," Sophy was provoked into retorting.

"Apparently my father has a monomania for the article." Gilbert intended to speak with provoking coolness; but another fraternal pellet hit him fall in the nose, and the accompanying shout of glee was too much for an already irritated temper. With pa.s.sion most unusual in him, he caught hold of the child, and exclaiming, "You little imp, what do you mean by it?" he wrenched the weapon out of his hand, and dashed it into the fire, in the midst of an energetic "For shame!" from his sister.

Maurice, with a furious "Naughty Gilbert," struck at him with both his little fists clenched, and then precipitated himself over the fender to s.n.a.t.c.h his treasure from the grate, but was instantly captured and pulled back, struggling, kicking, and fighting with all his might, till, to the equal relief of both brothers, Sophy held up the pop-gun in the tongs, one end still tinged with a red glow, smoky, blackened, and perfumed. Maurice made one bound, she lowered it into his grasp as the last red spark died out, and he clasped it as Siegfried did the magic sword!

"There, Maurice, I didn"t mean it," said Gilbert, heartily ashamed and sorry; "kiss and make it up, and then put on your hat, and we"ll come up to old Smith"s and get such a jolly one!"

The forgiving child had already given the kiss, glad to atone for his aggressions, but then was absorbed in rubbing the charred wood, amazed that while so much black came off on his fingers, the effect on the weapon was not proportionate, and then tried another shot in a safer direction. "Come," said Gilbert, "put that black affair into the fire, and come along."

"No!" said Maurice; "it is my dear gun that Ulick made me, and it shan"t be burnt."

"What, not if I give you a famous one--like a real one, with a stock and barrel?" said Gilbert, anxious to be freed from the tokens of his ebullition.

"No! no!" still stoutly said the constant Maurice. "I don"t want new guns; I"ve got my dear old one, and I"ll keep him to the end of his days and mine!" and he crossed his arms over it.

"That"s right, Maurice," said Sophy; "stick to old friends that have borne wounds in your service!"

"Well, it"s his concern if he likes such a trumpery old thing," said Gilbert. "Come here, boy; you don"t bear malice! Come and have a ride on my back."

The practical lesson, "don"t shoot at your brother"s nose," would never have been impressed, had not mamma, on coming in, found Maurice and his pop-gun nearly equally black, and by gradual unfolding of cause and effect, learnt his forgotten offence. She reminded him of ancient promises never to aim at human creatures, a.s.sured him that Gilbert was very kind not to have burnt it outright; and to the great displeasure, and temporary relief of all the family, sequestrated the weapon for the rest of the evening.

Sophy told her in confidence that Gilbert had been the most to blame, which she took as merely an instance of Sophy"s blindness to Maurice"s errors; for the explosion had so completely worked off the Oxford dash, that he was perfectly meek and amiable. Considering the antecedents, such a contrast to himself as young O"More could hardly fail to be an eyesore, walking tame about the home, and specially recommended to his friendship; but so good-natured was he, and so attractive was the Irishman, that it took much influence from Algernon Dusautoy to keep up a thriving aversion. Albinia marvelled at the power exercised over Gilbert by one whose intellect and pretensions he openly contemned, but perceived that obstinacy and undoubting self-satisfaction overmastered his superior intelligence and principle, and that while perceiving all the follies of the Polysyllable, Gilbert had a strange propensity for his company, and therein always resumed the fast man, disdainful of the clerk. He did not like Ulick better for being the immediate cause of the removal of the last traces of the Belmarche family from their old abode, which had been renovated by pretty shamrock chintz furniture, the pride of the two Irish hearts. Indeed it was to be feared that Bridget would a.s.sist in the perpetuation of those rolling R"s which caused Mr.

Goldsmith"s brow to contract whenever his nephew careered along upon one.

His departure from Willow Lawn was to take place at Christmas. The Ferrars party were coming to keep the two consecutive birthdays of Sophy and Maurice at Bayford, would take him back for Christmas-day to Fairmead, and on his return he would take possession of his new rooms.

Maurice"s fete was to serve as the occasion of paying off civilities to a miscellaneous young party; but as grandmamma"s feelings would have been hurt, had not Sophy"s been equally distinguished, it was arranged that Mrs. Nugent should then bring her eldest girl to meet the at an early tea.

Just as Albinia had descended to await her guests, Gilbert came down, and presently said, with would-be indifference, "Oh, by-the-by, Dusautoy said he would look in."

"The Polysyllable!" cried Albinia, thunderstruck; "what possessed you to ask him, when you knew I sacrificed Mr. Dusautoy rather than have him to spoil it all?"

"I didn"t ask him exactly," replied Gilbert; "it was old Bowles, who met us, and tried to nail us to eat our mutton with him, as he called it. I had my answer, and Dusautoy got off by saying he was engaged to us, and desired me to tell you he would make his excuses in person."

"He can make no excuse for downright falsehood."

"Hem!" quoth Gilbert. "You wouldn"t have him done into drinking old Bowles"s surgery champagne."

"One comfort is that he wont get any dinner," said Albinia, vindictively. "I hope he"ll be ravenously hungry."

"He may not come after all," said Gilbert; and Albinia, laying hold of that hope, had nearly forgotten the threatened disaster, as her party appeared by instalments, and Winifred owned to her that Sophy had grown better-looking than could have been expected. Her eyes had brightened, the cloudy brown of her cheeks was enlivened, she held herself better, and the less childish dress was much to her advantage. But above all, the moody look of suffering was gone, and her face had something of the grave sweetness and regular beauty of that of her father.

"Seventeen," said Mrs. Ferrars; "by the time she is seventy, she may be a remarkably handsome woman!"

The tea-drinking was in lively operation, when after a thundering knock, Mr. Cavendish Dusautoy was ushered in, with the air of a prince honouring the banquet of his va.s.sals, saying, "I told Kendal I should presume on your hospitality, I beg you will make no difference on my account."

Of which gracious permission Albinia was resolved to avail herself. She left all the insincerity to her husband, and would by no means allow grandmamma to abdicate the warm corner. She suspected that he wanted an introduction to Mrs. Nugent, and was resolved to defeat this object, unless he should condescend to make the request, so she was well satisfied to see him wedged in between papa and Sophy, while a prodigious quant.i.ty of Irish talk was going on between Mrs. Nugent and Mr. O"More, with contributions of satire from Mr. Ferrars which kept every one laughing except little Nora Nugent and Mary Ferrars, who were deep in the preliminaries of an eternal friendship, and held the ends of each other"s crackers like a pair of doves. Lucy, however, was ill at ease at the obscurity which shrouded the ill.u.s.trious guest, and in her anxiety, gave so little attention to her two neighbours, that Willie Ferrars, affronted at some neglect, exclaimed, "Why, Lucy, what makes you screw your eyes about so! you can"t attend to any one."

"It is because Polly Silly is there," shouted Master Maurice from his throne beside his mamma.

To the infinite relief of the half-choked Albinia, little Mary Ferrars, with whom her cousin had been carrying on a direful warfare all day, fitted on the cap, shook her head gravely at him, and after an appealing look of indignation, first at his mamma, then at her own, was overheard confiding to Nora Nugent that Maurice was a very naughty boy--she was sorry to say, a regular spoilt child.

"But how should you hinder Miss Kendal from attending?"

"I"ll tell you, darling. Poor Lucy! she is very fond of me, and I dare say she wanted me to sit next to her, but you know she will have me for three days, and I have you only this one evening. I"ll go and speak to her after tea, when we go into the drawing-room, and then she wont mind."

Lucy, after an agony of blushes, had somewhat recovered on finding that no one seemed to apply her brother"s speech, and when the benevolent Mary made her way to her, and thrust a hand into hers, only a feeble pressure replied to these romantic blandishments, so anxious was she to carry to Mrs. Kendal the information that Mr. Cavendish Dusautoy had been so obliging as to desire his servant to bring his guitar and key-bugle.

"We are much obliged," said Albinia, "but look at that face!" and she turned Lucy towards Willie"s open-mouthed, dismayed countenance. You must tell him the company are not sufficiently advanced in musical science."

"But mamma, it would gratify him!"