
Chapter 19

His nibs is d.a.m.ned exclusive, ain"t he?

{First Man}

I"ve never got a direct instruction from him, and I"ve worked for him longer than you.

{Second Man}

Yes, and you worked for him for over two years before you knew who was hiring you.



(_To First Man._) You"d better go out in the hall and keep a watch for Knox. He may come in any time.

(_First Man produces skeleton keys and goes to door at right. The first key opens it. Leaving door slightly ajar, he makes exit._)

(_Desk telephone rings and startles Hubbard._)

{Second Man}

(_Grinning at Hubbard"s alarm._)

It"s only the phone.


(_Proceeding with search._) I suppose you"ve done lots of work for Stark--

{Second Man}

(_Mimicking him._) Sh-h. Don"t breathe his name.

(_Telephone rings again and again, insistently, urgently._)


(_Disguising his voice._) h.e.l.lo--Yes.

(_Shows surprise, seems to recognize the voice, and smiles knowingly._)

No, this is not Knox. Some mistake. Wrong number--

(_Hanging up receiver and speaking to Second Man in natural voice._) She did hang up quick.

{Second Man}

You seemed to recognize her.


No, I only thought I did.

(_A pause, while they search._)

{Second Man}

I"ve never spoken a word to his nibs in my life. And I"ve drawn his pay for years too.


What of it?

{Second Man}

(_Complainingly._) He don"t know I exist.


(_Pulling open a desk drawer and examining contents._)

The pay"s all right, isn"t it?

{Second Man}

It sure is, but I guess I earn every cent of it. (_First Man enters through door at right He moves hurriedly but cautiously.

Shuts door behind him, but neglects to re-lock it._)

{First Man}

Somebody just left the elevator and is coming down the hall.

(_Hubbard, First Man, and Second Man, all start for door at right rear._)

(_First Man pauses and looks around to see if room is in order.

Sees desk-drawer which Hubbard has neglected to close, goes back and closes it._)

(_Hubbard and Second Man make exit._)

(_First Man turns lights low and makes exit._)

(_Sound of locking door is heard._)

(_A pause._)

(_A knocking at door to right. A pause. Then door opens and Gilford enters. He turns up lights, strolls about room, looks at watch, and sits down in chair near right of fireplace._) (_Sound of key in lock of door to right._) (_Door opens, and Knox enters, key in hand. Sees Gifford._)


(_Advancing to meet him at fireplace and shaking hands._) How did you get in?