
Chapter 24

I shall. I"ll ask father about it.


(_Significantly._) You attend to that, Linda. n.o.body must know--this.

(_Linda nods._)

(_Linda and Tommy make exit to right._)

(_Margaret, seated, slips back her cloak, revealing herself in evening gown, and looks at Knox sumptuously, lovingly, and willingly._)


(_Inflamed by the sight of her._) Don"t! Don"t! I can"t stand it.

Such sight of you fills me with madness.

(_Margaret laughs low and triumphantly._) I don"t want to think of you as a woman. I must not. Allow me.

(_He rises and attempts to draw cloak about her shoulders, but she resists him. Yet does he succeed in partly cloaking her._)


I want you to see me as a woman. I want you to think of me as a woman. I want you mad for me.

(_She holds out her arms, the cloak slipping from them._)

I want--don"t you see what I want?----

(_Knox sinks back in chair, attempting to shield his eyes with his hand._)

(_Slipping cloak fully back from her again._)

Look at me.


(_Looking, coming to his feet, and approaching her, with extended arms, murmuring softly._) Margaret. Margaret.

(_Margaret rises to meet him, and they are clasped in each other"s arms._)

(_Hubbard, peering forth through door, looks at them with an expression of cynical amus.e.m.e.nt. His gaze wan-ders, and he sees the doc.u.ments, within arm"s reach, on top of bookcase. He picks up doc.u.ments, holds them to the light of stage to glance at them, and, with triumphant expression on face, disappears and closes door._)


(_Holding Margaret from him and looking at her._) I love you. I do love you. But I had resolved never to speak it, never to let you know.


Silly man. I have known long that you loved me. You have told me so often and in so many ways. You could not look at me without telling me.


You saw?


How could I help seeing? I was a woman. Only, with your voice you never spoke a word. Sit down, there, where I may look at you, and let me tell you. I shall do the speaking now.

(_She urges him back into the desk-chair, and reseats herself._) (_She makes as if to pull the cloak around "her._) Shall I?


(_Vehemently._) No, no! As you are. Let me feast my eyes upon you who are mine. I must be dreaming.


(_With a low, satisfied laugh of triumph._) Oh, you men! As of old, and as forever, you must be wooed through your senses. Did I display the wisdom of an Hypatia, the science of a Madam Curie, yet would you keep your iron control, throttling the voice of your heart with silence. But let me for a moment be Lilith, for a moment lay aside this garment constructed for the purpose of keeping out the chill of night, and on the instant you are fire and aflame, all voluble with love"s desire.


(_Protestingly._) Margaret! It is not fair!


I love you--and--you?


(_Fervently and reverently._) I love you.


Then listen. I have told you of my girlhood and my dreams. I wanted to do what you are so n.o.bly doing. And I did nothing. I could do nothing. I was not permitted. Always was I compelled to hold myself in check. It was to do what you are doing, that I married. And that, too, failed me. My husband became a henchman of the Interests, my own father"s tool for the perpetuation of the evils against which I desired to fight.

(_She pauses._) It has been a long fight, and I have been very tired, for always did I confront failure. My husband--I did not love him. I never loved him. I sold myself for the Cause, and the cause profited nothing. (_Pause._) Often, I have lost faith--faith in everything, in G.o.d and man, in the hope of any righteousness ever prevailing. But again and again, by what you are doing, have you awakened me. I came to-night with no thought of self. I came to warn you, to help the good work on. I remained--thank G.o.d!--I remained to love you--and to be loved by you. I suddenly found myself, looking at you, very weary. I wanted you--you, more than anything in the world.

(_She holds out her arms._) Come to me. I want you--now.

(_Knox, in an ecstacy, comes to her. He seats himself on the broad arm of the chair and is drawn into her arms._)


But I have been tired at times. I was very tired to-night--and you came. And now I am glad, only glad.


I have been wanton to-night. I confess it. I am proud of it.

But it was not--professional. It was the first time in my life.