
Chapter 35


(_With simulated reluctance._) Last night--I saw--I was in Knox"s rooms--


(_Interrupting._) One moment; please. Let him speak, but first send Connie away.



No one shall leave this room till the doc.u.ments are produced.

Margaret, give me the letters, and Connie can leave quietly, and even will Hubbard"s lips remain sealed. They will never breathe a word of whatever shameful thing his eyes saw. This I promise you.

(_A pause, wherein he waits vainly for Margaret to make a decision._) Go on, Hubbard.


(_Who is terror-stricken, and has been wavering._) No! Don"t! I"ll tell. I"ll give you back the doc.u.ments.

(_All are expectant She wavers again, and steels herself to resolution._) No; I haven"t them. Say all you have to say.


You see. She has them. She said she would give them back.

(_To Hubbard._) Go on.


Last night--


(_Springing up._) I won"t stay!

(_She rushes to left rear and finds door locked._) Let me out! Let me out!

{Mrs. Starkweather}

(_Moaning and lying back in chair, legs stretched out and giving preliminary twitches and jerks of hysteria._) I shall die! I shall die! I know I shall die!


(_Sternly, to Connie._) Go back to your mother.


(_Returning reluctantly to side of Mrs. Starkweather, sitting down beside her, and putting fingers in her own ears._) I won"t listen!

I won"t listen!


(_Sternly._) Take your fingers down.


Hang it all, Chalmers, I wish I were out of this. I don"t want to testify.


Take your fingers down.

(_Connie reluctantly removes her fingers._) Now, Hubbard.


I protest. I am being dragged into this.


You can"t help yourself now. You have cast black suspicions on my wife.


All right. She--Mrs. Chalmers visited Knox in his rooms last night.

{Mrs. Starkweather}

(_Bursting out._) Oh! Oh! My Madge! It is a lie! A lie! (_Kicks violently with her legs._) (_Connie soothes her._)


You"ve got to prove that, Hubbard. If you have made any mistake it will go hard with you.


(_Indicating Margaret._) Look at her. Ask her.

(_Chalmers looks at Margaret with growing suspicion._)


Linda was with me. And Tommy. I had to see Mr. Knox on a very important matter. I went there in the machine. I took Linda and Tommy right into Mr. Knox"s room.


(_Relieved._) Ah, that puts a different complexion on it.
