
Chapter 37


I know everything--and without evidence, if you please. I am a woman. It is your atmosphere. Faugh! You have exhaled it for years. I doubt not that proofs, as you would call them, could have been easily obtained. But I was not interested. I had my boy. When he came, I gave you up, Tom. You did not seem to need me any more.


And so, in retaliation, you took up with this fellow Knox.



No, no. It is not true, Tom. I tell you it is not true.


You were there, last night, in his rooms, alone--how long we shall soon find out--

(_Knock is heard at left rear. Dobleman proceeds to unlock door._) And now you have stolen your father"s private papers for your lover.


He is not my lover.


But you have acknowledged that you have the papers. For whom, save Knox, could you have stolen them?

(_Linda enters. She is white and strained, and looks at Margaret for some cue as to what she is to do._)


That is the woman.

(_To Linda._) Come here.

(_Linda advances reluctantly._) Where were you last night? You know what I mean.

(_She does not speak._) Answer me.


I don"t know what you mean, sir--unless--


Yes, that"s it. Go on.


But I don"t think you have any right to ask me such questions.

What if I--if I did go out with my young man--


(_To Margaret._) A very faithful young woman you"ve got.

(_Briskly, to the others._) There"s nothing to be got out of her.

Send for Tommy. Dobleman, ring the bell.

(_Dobleman starts to obey._)


(_Stopping Dobleman._) No, no; not Tommy. Tell them, Linda.

(_Linda looks appealingly at her._)

(_Kindly._) Don"t mind me. Tell them the truth.


(_Breaking in._) The whole truth.


Yes, Linda, the whole truth.

(_Linda, looking very woeful, nerves herself for the ordeal._)


Never mind, Dobleman.

(_To Linda._) Very well. You were at Mr. Knox"s rooms last night, with your mistress and Tommy.


Yes, sir.


Your mistress sent you and Tommy out of the room.


Yes, sir.


You waited in the machine.