
Chapter 5

(_Clearing his throat in advertis.e.m.e.nt of his presence._) A-hem.

(_Margaret and Connie turn around abruptly and discover him._)


And Connie Father!

(_Both come forward to greet him, Margaret leading._)


(_Antic.i.p.ating, showing the deliberate method of the busy man saving time by eliminating the superfluous._) Fine, thank you.

Quite well in every particular. This Ali Baba? Who is Ali Baba?

(_Margaret looks amused reproach at Connie._)


Mr. Howard Knox.


And why is he called Ali Baba?


That is my nickname for him. In the den of thieves, you know. You remember your Arabian Nights.


(_Severely._) I have been wanting to speak to you for some time, Margaret, about that man. You know that I have never interfered with your way of life since your marriage, nor with your and Tom"s housekeeping arrangements. But this man Knox. I understand that you have even had him here in your house--


(_Interrupting._) He is very liable to be here this afternoon, any time, now.

(_Connie displays irritation at Margaret._)


(_Continuing imperturbably._) _Your_ house--_you_, my daughter, and the wife of Senator Chalmers. As I said, I have not interfered with you since your marriage. But this Knox affair transcends household arrangements. It is of political importance. The man is an enemy to our cla.s.s, a firebrand. Why do you have him here?


Because I like him. Because he is a man I am proud to call "friend." Because I wish there were more men like him, many more men like him, in the world. Because I have ever seen in him nothing but the best and highest. And, besides, it"s such good fun to see how one virtuous man can so disconcert you captains of industry and arbiters of destiny. Confess that you are very much disconcerted, father, right now. He will be here in a few minutes, and you will be more disconcerted. Why? Because it is an affair that transcends family arrangements. And it is your affair, not mine.


This man Knox is a dangerous character--one that I am not pleased to see any of my family take up with. He is not a gentleman.


He is a self-made man, if that is what you mean, and he certainly hasn"t any money.


(_Interrupting._) He says that money is theft--at least when it is in the hands of a wealthy person.


He is uncouth--ignorant.


I happen to know that he is a graduate of the University of Oregon.


(_Sneeringly._) A cow college. But that is not what I mean. He is a demagogue, stirring up the wild-beast pa.s.sions of the people.


Surely you would not call his advocacy of that child labor bill and of the conservation of the forest and coal lands stirring up the wild-beast pa.s.sions of the people?


(_Wearily._) You don"t understand. When I say he is dangerous it is because he threatens all the stabilities, because he threatens us who have made this country and upon whom this country and its prosperity rest.

(_Connie, scenting trouble, walks across stage away from them._)


The captains of industry--the banking magnates and the mergers?


Call it so. Call it what you will. Without us the country falls into the hands of scoundrels like that man Knox and smashes to ruin.


(_Reprovingly._) Not a scoundrel, father.


He is a sentimental dreamer, a hair-brained enthusiast. It is the foolish utterances of men like him that place the bomb and the knife in the hand of the
