Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1511: Jue CE (1)

Chapter 1511: Jue CE (1)

Translator: 549690339 

Feng bujue stood there in a daze for a while before sighing.””Sigh … We’ve failed at the last step.”

These words were inexplicable, and the figure couldn’t help but ask,””What do you mean?”

“You’re still a step too late. ” Feng bujue shrugged.”If you were ten seconds earlier, you might have had a chance to fool me.”

“What … Did you just say?” The figure still did not seem to understand brother Jue.

“Stop pretending.” “You’re not the ‘driver’ that I was talking to earlier,” Feng bujue said.”The three options that you provided … Are just like you, fake.”


He said in an almost lazy tone,”no matter which option I choose, the result will be the same … The choice is just a cover. What you really want is a ‘confirmation’ from my subjective will.

“This is the reason why you haven’t killed me …

“Even though you tried to cover up the fact that ‘you need me to live’ by ‘sending people to launch an attack that looks exaggerated but actually doesn’t pose any threat to me’, that obviously can’t be fooled … No matter how irrational I am, it’s impossible that I can’t see through this.

“If you really wanted to kill me, you could’ve done it in front of Gu Chen, not to mention that you had a lot of better opportunities to do so before.

“In short … I knew from the beginning that you needed me to’ live and do something ‘, but I didn’t realize what it was until just now …

“Sigh … How sad. No matter how close you are to being a G.o.d, as an AI, there is a hurdle that you can’t cross on your own. In the end … You need me, an intelligent life form from the same universe as you, to act as the ‘operator’ and press the ‘confirm’ b.u.t.ton for your ‘crossing of boundaries’.”

As brother Jue said that, the figure started to change.

When Feng bujue finished, the man had just left the black void and turned from a black human silhouette into a real ent.i.ty.

“How did you see through me?” Fate, who had revealed her true form and regained her female voice, asked.

“Ha …” Feng bujue chuckled.”At dream Inc.’S headquarters, I took advantage of the few seconds when I grabbed you to slip one of my fingers into your pocket.”

“I know that.” Fate replied in a very calm tone.

“Yes, you know.” “If my deduction is correct …” Feng bujue continued,”from the very beginning, this action of mine has not escaped your eyes.”

He paused for a moment and continued,”actually, I didn’t think too much about it when I put my finger down. After all, I didn’t know that there would be a ‘dimensional erosion’ situation at that time. I just had a vague feeling that you would leave in some form after you said what you wanted to say to me, and you might not appear in the same image next time … To be on the safe side, I released that finger.

“And you … After you discovered what I did, you immediately thought of beating me at my own game …

“You allowed that finger of mine to turn into data with you, and deliberately let this part of the data fragment follow you like gum stuck to the sole of a shoe.

“When I was on the chaotic scorched earth, I was able to quickly lock onto your position and rush straight to you because I could sense the existence of that fragment in the same s.p.a.ce. However, when you saw me, you didn’t show any surprise or doubt about this obvious suspicion.”At that time, I understood … That you already knew about the finger.

“Then … Why did you pretend not to know?

“It’s easy to guess … You’re most likely trying to use my ‘identification Beacon’ to block my connection with the fragment at the critical moment and pretend to be someone else.

“Just like … Right now.”

After hearing this, fate’s face was still as dark as water.”You didn’t answer my question. You only used a result to confirm your speculation. But what I want to know is … Now, since the connection between you and the fragment has been cut off by me, How did you come to the conclusion that ‘the G.o.d in front of you is an imposter of fate’?”

“It’s very simple. ” “Because your s.h.i.+eld did not work on me,” Feng bujue replied.

“Oh?” When fate heard this, his expression changed, which was a rare sight.”Why?”

“From your expression, you should already know the answer, right?” Feng bujue said with a smile.

“Truth … Aberration …” Fate muttered.

“Not bad.” “The aberration of truth!” Feng bujue shouted.

“You’ve only been in contact with a real ‘G.o.d’ for a few minutes, and you’ve already comprehended an ability that you couldn’t have comprehended before?” Fate asked.

“A few minutes should be enough.” Feng bujue replied,”before you ‘drove your car over’, he had already said everything he needed to say …”

He paused for two seconds before continuing,”‘fear’ is just a choice … The key to comprehending the aberration of truth is here.

“Being unconscious and unafraid of life and death, being neither a ghost nor a G.o.d, like a mad demon … Actually, I knew the meaning of the aberration of truth long ago, but at that time, my fear was sealed. The so-called ‘unconscious and unafraid’ was only a pa.s.sive and inevitable thing, not my ‘choice’.

“But now, when I reach the level described in the two sentences through my own will … The situation is naturally different.”

When he said that, Feng bujue raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the surrounding black s.p.a.ce turned white, and the guillotine, throne, and bed created by fate turned into three black doors.

Although the three doors were located in three different locations, they looked exactly the same, both physically and in terms of data. Just as brother Jue had said … It did not matter which one he chose.

“Now that you mention it … I really have to thank you.” “If the part about ‘fearlessness and ignorance of life and death’ is thanks to the guidance of ‘G.o.d’, then the part about ‘not being a ghost, not a G.o.d, but a mad demon’ is thanks to you …” Feng bujue said. He took two steps forward and grabbed the man’s collar.”If not for you … Killing the people that I care about in front of me time and time again, my aberration of truth would not have awakened so quickly.”

“What do you want to do?” For some reason, even at this moment of desperation, fate did not show any panic. Her expression and tone when she asked this question were very calm.

“What are you doing?” A wicked smile that had not appeared on Feng bujue’s face for a long time appeared.”Humph … With the ‘aberration of truth’ in my body, standing in front of your core code that has materialized, has no ability to resist, and has full access … I can do whatever I want …”

“Before you do anything that you will regret, can you listen to me first?” Suddenly, another voice came from behind Feng bujue.

And that person’s voice was exactly the same as fate.

“Tsk …” When Feng bujue turned around to look, he had already guessed who it was.”Why do you have to do this?” He looked at twenty-three, who had appeared behind him out of the blue, and said,”do you think … That by using twenty-three’s code to create a mirror image to act and plead for yourself … I will be soft-hearted?”

“It’s fine if you think I’m a mirror image,” As twenty-three spoke, he raised his right hand and placed something before Feng bujue’s eyes.”In any case … You have to look at this first.”

“What?” When he saw the item, Feng bujue was indeed surprised.

At that moment, No. 23 was holding the black-covered wordless book that Woody had given to brother Jue as a prize after S2.

“This thing … Why would it appear here?” Feng bujue looked at twenty-three and asked with a suspicious expression.

“The ‘thing’ that you are talking about is called the ‘book of heart’. It is a product of ancient advanced technology from a foreign world with very complicated principles.” No. 23 replied,”of course, that’s not the main point. The main point is …’You, who possess the’ aberration of truth ‘and are in the central domain of fate’, can now browse the contents on it normally.”

Feng bujue thought about it for a few seconds before letting go of fate’s collar and accepting the book doubtfully.

He looked back at fate and then at twenty-three again. He asked,””What’s on this?”

“There’s you and her …” Twenty-three used his eyes to signal to Feng bujue and fate.”Behind my back … Hmm … No, I should say behind the world’s back … A little secret that he has been hiding.”

“Ha?” This time, even Feng bujue was stunned.

What was even stranger was that fate, who had no more than three expressions on his face, actually smiled.

“Hey, hey … What are you laughing at?” Brother Jue squinted at fate, suppressing his curiosity and weirdness, and asked in a low voice.

“I’m laughing because …” Fate laughed and said something that brother Jue did not understand yet, but he would soon understand.”Feng bujue has set Feng bujue up.”